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- *******************************************************
- * Wearnes Peripherals International (Pte) Limited *
- * Copyright (c) 1995 by WPI R&D - All Rights Reserved *
- *******************************************************
- Objective:
- *********
- This file provides last minute information on the product that are unable
- to make it to the printing of the manual. It also serves as a better
- understanding in the installation process of WPI multi-language support
- installation software. Please read this file thouroughly before installing
- the CD-ROM drive.
- Installation Process:
- ********************
- (1) Change the DOS prompt to that of the floppy drive.
- Example,
- A:[Enter] (or B:[Enter])
- (2) To begin installation, type INSTALL [Enter] at the DOS prompt.
- A screen will pop up.
- (3) To install using English language, simply press ENTER at YES
- option (YES option will be automatically highlighted by default).
- (4) To install using other languages (not Japanese), move the highlight
- to the appropriate language and press ENTER. The text will change
- to the selected language. Proceed to start the installation by
- pressing ENTER.
- (5) If Japanese DOS is installed, the startup screen will automatically
- be Japanese text. Proceed with the installation in Japanese by
- pressing ENTER (take note of the cursor's position). Japanese language
- is supported only if Japanese DOS is installed.
- (6) Follow the instructions on the screen till installation is completed.
- Additional Note For CDD-820 :
- *****************************
- CDD-820 supports DMA (Direct Memory Access). This feature enables
- the transfer of data between the CD-ROM drive and system memory without
- the intervention of the CPU. This eases the CPU to process other timing
- critical jobs like decoding of full-motion video and audio. However, the
- motherboard/BIOS must be able to support DMA transfer before CDD-820 can
- make use of it.
- To turn on the DMA transfer, edit CONFIG.SYS file as follow :
- The /PM option is used to enable PCI Bus Mastering for DMA transfer.
- (For Triton Chip-Sets only).
- Note that EMM386.EXE is neccessary for WCD.SYS to enable DMA transfer in DOS
- environment. This is because DMA requires a Virtual Memory Conversion
- to be performed by EMM386.EXE. This function is supported in Windows 3.x by
- default, hence EMM386.EXE is not neccessary for user who uses Windows only.
- For usage of multiple IDE CD-ROM device drivers under CONFIG.SYS,
- please take note of the following options:
- {for Primary Master detection only}
- {for Primary Slave detection only}
- {for Secondary Master detection only}
- {for Secondary Slave detection only}
- Default setting does not include /N option, which means the driver
- will detect all the Primary and Secondary IDE CD-ROM drives.
- The /N option can be used to specify any combination on the same line.
- e.g.
- {for Primary Slave and Secondary Master detection only}
- (Note : The /N option is only supported by WCD.SYS ver 2.31 and above.)