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- *****************************************************
- * ATAPI CD-ROM drive *
- *****************************************************
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// ///
- /// Manual for using installer (DOS, OS/2) ///
- /// ///
- /// Making date: 2/20/95 ///
- /// Modified date: 5/15/95 ///
- /// Modified date: 7/31/95 ///
- /// Written by : MKE(Panasonic) ///
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *******************************************************************************
- (A) PC-DOS and MS-DOS installtion Procedure
- (also supported for Windows 3.1)
- *******************************************************************************
- 1. Supportted CD-ROM drive:
- <ATAPI Interface CD-ROM>
- CR-572-B (double speed, tray loading type)
- CR-574-B (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- CR-581-x (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- 2. Installer file name:
- INSTALL.EXE (Version 1.01, common file for installation)
- INSTALL.DAT (installation's data file for ATAPI CD-ROM)
- 3. Discription for execution:
- Please type following from the DOS prompt:
- 'A:'[return] or 'B:'[return]
- 'INSTALL' [return]
- *******************************************************************************
- (B) OS/2 2.1, 2.11, and Warp 3.0 installtion Procedure
- *******************************************************************************
- 1. Supportted CD-ROM drive:
- <ATAPI Interface CD-ROM>
- CR-572-B (double speed, tray loading type)
- CR-574-B (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- CR-581-x (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- 2. Installer file name:
- INSTOS2.EXE (Version 2.01, common file for installation)
- INSTOS2.DAT (installation's data file for ATAPI CD-ROM)
- 3. Discription for execution:
- Please type following from the DOS prompt:
- 'A:'[return] or 'B:'[return]
- 'INSTOS2' [return]
- Trademarks and Copyrights:
- PC-DOS is a trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft corporation.
- OS/2 is a trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
- Windows 3.1 is a trademark of Microsoft corporation.
- Sound Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.
- ------------ cut here ------------ cut here ------------ cut here ------------
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// ///
- ///Device Driver supportted STATUS in CD-ROM drive///
- /// ///
- /// Making date: 3/ 3/95 ///
- /// Modified date: 5/16/95 ///
- /// Modified date: 7/31/95 ///
- /// Written by : MKE(Panasonic) ///
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- *******************************************************************************
- (C) PC-DOS and MS-DOS device driver support
- (also supported for Windows 3.1)
- *******************************************************************************
- 1. Supportted CD-ROM drive:
- <ATAPI Interface CD-ROM>
- CR-572-B (double speed, tray loading type)
- CR-574-B (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- CR-581-x (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- 2. Device Driver name:
- CR_ATAPI.SYS (Version 5.15ss) for DOS
- WDCTRL.386 (Version 1.10 ) for 32bitAccess=on in Windows3.1
- 3. Driver discription:
- [/D:xxxxxxx] ---> Device name option
- *[/P:nnn] ---> ATAPI base I/O Port Address(hex) option
- nnn==1F0, 170, 1E8 or 168
- Primary connection: nnn==1F0
- Secondary connection: nnn==170
- Tertiary connection: nnn==1E8(Sound Blaster IDE)
- Quaternary connection: nnn==168(Sound Blaster IDE)
- *[/I:xx] ---> Interrupt number option(IRQ=10,11,12,14,15)
- Primary connection: xx==14,10,11,12 or 15
- Secondary connection: xx==15,10,11,12 or 14
- Tertiary connection: xx==10,11,12,14 or 15
- Quaternary connection: xx==10,11,12,14 or 15
- *[/W:n] ---> Waiting value option
- When PC read data from CD-ROM drive, Driver insert waiting
- value into read cycle one by one.
- If you are using PC that are not supported IOCHRDY, please set
- this value(waiting value).
- n==0, 1, 2, ... 255
- (For example 106usec/1 wait in 486DX2 66MHz)
- *[/Q] ---> Non stop option
- Non stop(no message <A>bort, <R>etry) in initializing driver.
- *[/E] ---> Available error correction
- This option is available error correction for CD-G application.
- (Player for not including error correction)
- *[/B] ---> No reset to CD-ROM Drive at boot configration
- This option make invalid that Device Driver reset to CD-ROM
- drive at boot sequence(in CONFIG.SYS).
- * : You can omit this option.
- *******************************************************************************
- (D) OS/2 2.1, 2.11, and Warp 3.0 device driver support
- *******************************************************************************
- 1. Supportted CD-ROM drive:
- <ATAPI Interface CD-ROM>
- CR-572-B (double speed, tray loading type)
- CR-574-B (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- CR-581-x (quadruple speed, tray loading type)
- 2. Device Driver name:
- MKEATAPI.ADD (Version 1.12)
- 3. Driver discription:
- *[/V] ---> Verbose Mode option
- Displays controller status and drive type during OS/2
- initialization.
- *[/A:n] ---> Adapter Number option
- Adapter 0 has default parameters for the primary adapter.
- Adapter 1 has default parameters for the secondary adapter.
- *[/P:nnn] ---> ATAPI base I/O Port Address(hex) option
- This parameter overrides the default base I/O port address for
- the adapter indecated. The default I/O address for primary is
- (1F0) and for seconday is (170).
- If you will set this parameter, you should set /I: parameter.
- *[/I:xx] ---> Interrupt number option
- This parameter overrides the default IRQ Number for the adapter
- indecated.The default IRQ level for primary is (14) and for
- secondary is (15).If you will set this parameter, you should
- set /P: parameter.
- *[/NI] ---> No Interrupt Mode( Polling Mode ) option
- When you use IDE HDD and ATAPI CD-ROM drive at the same adapter
- (primary or secondary), the MKEATAPI.ADD driver is automatically
- used this mode.
- *[/IOR] ---> I/O Channel Ready Supported Mode option
- For the adapter with I/O channel ready, the MKEATAPI.ADD driver
- can designate the fastest read mode.
- * : You can omit this option.
- Samples:
- ; scan to primary and secondary adapter.
- ; scan to secondary adapter with I/O channel ready.
- ; scan to another adapter(I/O address 1E8 IRQ 11) with I/O channel ready.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- OS/2 Warp has ATAPI CD-ROM filter driver(IBMIDECD.FLT). If problems occur
- using the IBMIDECD filter, you fix lines in your OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file has
- to be edited as follows:
- At the end of the file, add the following statement
- and copy to root directory on the OS/2 system drive.
- In this time, if the CR-ROM drive is attached as master to primary or
- secondary, you should fix a line in your OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file has to be
- edited as follows:
- The /A parameter refers to the adapter number that the CD-ROM is attached
- to.The /I parameter indicates that the IBM1S506 driver should not attempt
- to initialize the adapter indicated.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Trademarks and Copyrights:
- PC-DOS is a trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft corporation.
- OS/2 is a trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
- Windows 3.1 is a trademark of Microsoft corporation.
- Sound Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.