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- ------------------------------------------------------------------
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- [Disks]
- List of diskettes needed to install the product and the name of
- each diskette.
- Windows 3.1 OEM Setup Diskette "HawkEye for Windows"
- [Squish]
- A number of files needed for manual installation are in compressed format.
- These files MUST be unsquished prior to installation.
- Copy contents of disk into a temporary directory and run the unsquish
- utility. Note: The temporary directory cannot be called NUMBER9.
- From a DOS prompt: C:\unsquish *.*
- [Dirs]
- Lists of directories that must be created from the destination directory.
- Files to be copied are in the same directory structure on the floppy (by
- default).
- 1=SYSTEM (Main Windows directory on Network)
- 2=WINDOWS (Individual users "Windows" directory. Either on
- Network or local drive)
- 3=WINDOWS\NUMBER9 (Individual users "Windows\Number9" directory.
- Network or local drive)
- [Files]
- All the files listed below should be copied into the corresponding
- directories. Please Note For VISION users: The word VISION would
- replace the word MOTION.
- Description, name, (dir #),(disk #),(Compressed Y/N)
- [Release Notes]
- These should be copied over first so the user can
- read them while all the other files are being copied.
- Windows Release Notes, READ_ME.TXT, 3, 1, N
- Windows Disk Version, 9VERS.TXT, 3, 1, N
- ;
- ; Fonts
- ;
- Windows System Fonts, 96SYS.FON, 1, 1, N
- Windows OEM Fonts, 96OEM.FON, 1, 1, N
- Windows Fixed Fonts, 96FIX.FON, 1, 1, N
- Windows System Fonts, 120SYS.FON, 1, 1, N
- Windows OEM Fonts, 120OEM.FON, 1, 1, N
- Windows Fixed Fonts, 120FIX.FON, 1, 1, N
- ;
- ; HawkEye Files
- ; These originally went to directory #2
- ;
- ; DLL's
- ;
- HawkEye Filter Library, HAWKFILT.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Mouse Activation Feature, MOUSEACT.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Place Windows Feature, PLACEWIN.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Stop Box Feature, STOPBOX.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Status Feature, FXSTATS.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Zoom Feature, FXZOOM.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Hardware Library, 9FXBOARD.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Resolution Information Library, REXRES.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Monitor Synchronization Library, BRDSYNC.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- International Exchange Feature, INTEREX.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Resolution Exchange Feature, RXFEATUR.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Monitor Sync Feature, WMFEATUR.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Real Life Color Feature, GMFEATUR.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Green PC Screen Saver, SSFEATUR.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Chameleon Cursor Feature, CCURSOR.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Install Meter Library, METER.DLL, 3, 1, N
- International Language Library, INTLDLG.DLL, 3, 1, N
- File Compression Library, SQUISH.DLL, 3, 1, N
- Monitor Selection Library, MONLIST.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- Number Nine Look, PATTIF.DLL, 3, 1, Y
- ;
- ;; HawkEye Text DLLs:
- ;
- HawkEye Text (German), HAWKDEU.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (USA English), HAWKENU.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (Swedish), HAWKSVE.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (UK English), HAWKENG.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (Spanish), HAWKESP.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (French), HAWKFRA.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (Danish), HAWKDAN.DLL, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Text (Japanese), HAWKJPN.DLL, 3, 1, N
- ;
- ;
- ; HawkEye Group Applications:
- ;
- HawkEye Control Panel, HAWKEYE.EXE, 3, 1, Y
- Resolution Exchange Application, REXCHANG.EXE, 3, 1, Y
- Configuration Builder, 9RESET.EXE, 2, 1, N
- HawkEye Help, HAWKEYE.HLP, 3, 1, Y
- Monitor Adjustment Utility, WMONSYNC.EXE, 3, 1, Y
- Decompression Utility, UNSQUISH.EXE, 3, 1, N
- ColorPerfect, GAMMA.EXE, 3, 1, N
- Green PC Screen Saver, GREENPC.SCR, 2, 1, Y
- ;
- ;S3 Windows Driver Files:
- ;
- Windows Driver, 9MOTION.DRV, 1, 1, N
- DCI Provider, RFMDCI.DRV, 1, 1, Y
- 286 Grabber, VGACOLOR.2GR, 1, 1, N
- 386 Grabber, S3911GRB.3GR, 1, 1, N
- VDD, VDDVIS68.386, 1, 1, N
- Installation Information, 9SETUP.INF, 3, 1, N
- OEM Setup Information File, OEMSETUP.INF, 1, 1, N
- Monitor Selection Information File, MONLIST.INI, 3, 1, N
- HawkEye Information File, HAWKEYE.INI, 2, 1, N
- [PM Info]
- File Name, App Description, Icon file #, Icon #
- HAWKEYE.EXE, HawkEye Control Panel
- REXCHANG.EXE, Resolution Exchange
- [End]
- [System.ini]
- Each Network user will have their own System.ini file located in their
- personal Windows directory. Here is how the file must be edited to
- reflect the following changes if a MOTION board is installed:
- [boot]
- 386grabber=S3911GRB.3GR
- display.drv=9MOTION.DRV
- 286grabber=VGACOLOR.2gr
- [boot.description]
- display.drv=9MOTION.DRV
- [386Enh]
- display=VDDVIS68.386
- [drivers]
- [display]
- DCI-Support=ON
- dpi=120
- color-format=8
- screen-size=1024
- Bus-Throttle=Off
- PFSB=1
- OffScrMem=0x32DC00
- Validate Params=0
- If a VISION board is installed, substitute 9VISION.DRV for 9MOTION.DRV
- everywhere and set DCI=DISPLAY in the [drivers] section.
- [9RESET]
- From the user's Windows directory, run 9RESET. This creates the NUMBER9
- file in the ROOT directory of the C drive and sets the 9FX
- resolution to 640x480x256 colors. This resolution may be changed later.
- The NUMBER9 file may also be moved to a network drive. This also will be
- explained further in this document.
- After executing 9RESET and making the changes to the SYSTEM.INI, you are
- ready to run Windows.
- You will now want to add a Program Group entitled HawkEye Feature Set
- to the Program Manager. Add HAWKEYE.EXE and REXCHANG.EXE programs that
- you copied to the NUMBER9 subdirectory under Windows.
- Copy the Hawkeye icon into the StartUp Group or add
- C:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE to the LOAD= line in the user's WIN.INI file.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- CFG=
- The HawkEye installation program (SETUP.EXE) creates a NUMBER9
- configuration file. This file contains information about your
- video product and is used by the Windows driver and the HawkEye
- feature set. By default, this file appears at the root directory
- of the C drive (C:\), but is placed in the Windows directory
- if the C drive does not exist.
- To move the configuration file location (or to change the
- configuration file name), add a CFG entry to the [Display]
- section of SYSTEM.INI (This file is in the WINDOWS directory).
- The entry would look something like this:
- [Display]
- ; Moved the configuration file to new name and location.
- CFG=c:\bin\configs\number9
- During HawkEye installation, feature set files are placed
- in the NUMBER9 subdirectory in the WINDOWS directory. HawkEye
- utilities require this path to function.
- To move the HawkEye files (e.g., to a network), add a HAWKEYE
- entry to the [Display] section of the SYSTEM.INI.
- Note: The entry should contain the drive letter and full path,
- but NOT an individual file name. Do not put a backslash
- at the end of the path unless the HawkEye files are
- placed in the root directory.
- The entry would look something like this:
- [Display]
- ;Moved the HawkEye utilities to the network
- ;so they can be shared by all 9FX users.
- HAWKEYE=u:\users\shared\windows\number9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Software sometimes does not perform consistently across all
- resolutions and color depths. If you experience a persistent
- problem for which you cannot determine a cause or solution, try
- switching to a different resolution with Resolution Exchange.
- If a problem is consistent across resolutions, please
- consult application documentation. Most applications are
- distributed with a READ_ME file similar to this file.
- READ_ME files usually contain a wealth of information
- regarding potential video conflicts.
- If you have a problem that is not described in this file or is
- unresolved when you try the suggested solutions, please contact
- Number Nine Technical Support. Technical support information
- 7/05/95 v.2.12
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