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- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- #9 HawkEye for Windows
- for the #9 Imagine128 Product line
- Version 3.02
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file contains the latest information about the Imagine128
- Windows disk. The entire contents of this file should be read
- because information in this file may not appear in printed
- documentation or on-line Help.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical Support (USA)
- 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Mon.-Fri.
- Phone: (617) 674-8595
- Please be prepared with as much information about your
- #9 Imagine128 and PC as possible.
- Fax: (617) 674-2919
- Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Technical
- Support.
- * * *
- Sales / Marketing (USA)
- 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Mon.-Fri.
- Phone: (617) 674-0009
- Fax: (617) 674-2919
- Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Sales
- * * *
- European Technical Support and Sales (Germany)
- Phone: +49 89 614 491 0
- Fax: +49 89 614 491 99
- * * *
- * * *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Even though you may have just received your Number Nine software,
- newer versions may be available. Free upgrades are provided to
- all Number Nine customers on the Number Nine Bulletin Board
- System (BBS).
- To see if you have the latest version, compare the version number
- of your software (on the label of the provided diskette or in
- #9 Status under #9 Imagine128 Windows Disk ID) with the
- version number of the corresponding software on the BBS.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- (USA)
- Dial: (617) 862-7502
- Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud
- Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported
- Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
- Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files
- Dial: + 49 89 614 491 66
- Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud
- Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported
- Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
- Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files
- The BBS has a separate file area for each Number Nine product.
- The latest driver updates can be found in each product's file
- area, and files of general interest (shareware, etc.) can be
- found in the General library. An E-mail system is available
- for technical questions about Number Nine products or about
- the BBS in general. A complete listing of available files can
- be downloaded by invoking the "Download List of Files" command
- from any file library menu.
- On the US BBS, RIP graphics are supported, and a RIP compatible
- terminal program is available in the General library
- (RIPTM154.ZIP).
- Many files are self-extracting, but some files will require the
- latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress. PKUNZIP is available
- in the General library (filename PKZ204G.EXE), and can also be
- found on most on-line services such as CompuServe and America
- Online.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- SETUP.EXE will perform an automatic driver installation for you.
- 1) From diskette:
- - Insert the Imagine128 Windows Diskette into your floppy drive.
- - In Windows Program Manager:
- select the File menu
- select Run
- type A:setup, press Enter
- 2) After a Number Nine BBS download:
- - Decompress files with PKUNZIP (see Imagine128
- read_me.text BBS section...above) onto a 1.44Mb floppy disk.
- - Insert the disk into your floppy drive.
- - In Windows Program Manager:
- select the File menu
- select Run
- type A:setup, press Enter
- (Do NOT store these files in a DIRECTORY called
- C:\NUMBER9 as it will create a conflict with the
- configuration FILE of the same name!!!)
- 3) To install drivers manually, see the MANUAL INSTALLATION section
- at the end of this document.
- NOTE: Files ending with extension ".EXX" must be renamed with the
- extension ".EXE" before being used. Likewise, files ending
- with a "#" must be decompressed using the UNSQUISH utility.
- These files will automatically be translated during a
- Windows #9 SETUP installation.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Imagine Windows driver supports the Display Control Interface
- (DCI). DCI allows application software to send data to hardware
- directly, (bypassing Windows) thus improving performance. Video
- for Windows v1.1d is an example of an application that provides
- support for DCI. When DCI is enabled, Video frames (both
- stretched and unstretched) are accelerated for improved
- performance.
- Version 1.1d is the first version of Video for Windows which
- uses DCI. Previous versions will not work properly with the
- Imagine128 windows driver. Video for Windows 1.1d is
- available on the Number Nine BBS.
- The Imagine128 SETUP program will automatically enable DCI
- support. For a manual installation,
- 1) You must now manually copy the files UDH.DLL and DCIMAN.DLL
- from the Imagine128 drivers disk to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory.
- 2) Edit the WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file and make the following changes:
- In the [DRIVERS] Section, add or modify the following lines:
- VIDS.DRAW=udh.dll
- DCI=display
- In the [Imagine-128] Section, add or modify the following lines:
- DCI=1
- 4) SAVE those changes and launch Windows. The DCI driver should
- now be enabled.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you are experiencing a problem, please run the MS Windows Setup
- from DOS and select VGA as the display type. If the problem still
- occurs in VGA mode, then the problem is most likely being caused by
- Windows or other hardware/software and not with the #9 Imagine128
- Windows driver.
- When in VGA mode, select #9 Status from the HawkEye Control Panel.
- The information provided by this feature will be of great assistance
- to Technical Support.
- If a problem is application specific, please have vendor information
- and application version information readily available. Number Nine
- Visual Technology has qualified this driver with over 200 applications,
- but a multitude of new applications enter the market every day.
- If you encounter problems during driver initialization, (e.g. the
- driver hangs or the DOS prompt appears) please add the following lines
- [Imagine-128]
- Verbose Init=1
- This places the driver in "Verbose" mode. In Verbose mode,
- initialization strings are sent to the VGA screen. A copy of the
- expected "Verbose" strings is contained in VERBOSE.TXT.
- Verbose Mode will significantly slow down Windows initialization.
- After Verbose Mode is used to isolate an initialization problem,
- Verbose Mode should be disabled.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Problem:
- One or more of the following HawkEye DOS applications will not run:
- Solution:
- These files must be renamed with an ".EXE" extension before they
- can be used:
- * * *
- Problem:
- While trying to run ireset (C:\windows>ireset) or during driver
- installation the following error message is displayed:
- Unable to find #9 configuration file
- Solution:
- You may have created a temporary DIRECTORY called Number9 in your
- ROOT directory (C:\Number9). Our configuration FILE is called Number9
- and is located in the ROOT directory (C:\Number9). Rename the Number9
- directory in the root directory to another name.
- * * *
- Problem:
- A Windows application either does not animate correctly or no animation
- appears.
- Solution:
- Several Windows applications (in particular those using Quick
- Time for Windows) perform animation by writing directly to VGA
- hardware. This can cause problems with the Imagine128 because
- the VGA memory is not interleaved with the high resolution memory.
- Adding the following lines to QTW.INI, in your Windows directory,
- will fix animation problems in these applications (including MYST).
- [Video]
- optimize=driver
- If adding these lines does not fix the problem, then consult the
- documentation (the READ_ME file) distributed with the application.
- * * *
- Problem:
- The Imagine128 board is properly installed in your system,
- but you receive the following error messages when trying to
- go into Windows using the Imagine128 Windows driver:
- Failed to find the PCI BIOS!!
- A non standard driver may be conflicting with PCI BIOS interrupt.
- Hit any key to continue.
- Solution:
- If your memory manager has remapped the F000-F7FF segment of memory
- (in an attempt to increase DOS memory space), Windows will be unable
- to execute PCI BIOS interrupts. Therefore, you may need to exclude
- the F000-F7FF segment from use by your memory manager and/or obtain
- an updated version of your memory manager.
- 386MAX Users:
- The version of the 386Max memory manager that addresses
- this PCI issue is version 7.01 or greater. However, it
- requires a minor modification to function with the
- Imagine128 board. The modification is to remove the
- "USE=F000-F800" statement that MAXIMIZE may have put into
- the profile file 386MAX.PRO (located in the directory where
- 386MAX was installed, default is C:\386MAX).
- EMM386 Users:
- The version of the EMM386 memory manager that addresses
- this PCI issue is version 4.49 or greater. To view your
- EMM386.EXE version:
- In DOS (or Windows DOS prompt)
- a) Move to the directory where EMM386.EXE is located
- (usually the Windows or DOS directory)
- b) Type: EMM386 <Enter>
- In addition, EMM386.EXE has an option called "HIGHSCAN" for
- its command line. This option is often inserted into the
- CONFIG.SYS file after running MEMMAKER.EXE. This option has
- the same effect as the "USE=F000-F800" statement in 386Max.
- Therefore, the "HIGHSCAN" statement must be removed for the
- Imagine128 card to function properly.
- QEMM386 Users:
- Quarterdeck is aware of the PCI BIOS problem and will address
- it. In the meantime they suggest that users modify the
- C:\CONFIG.SYS file to exclude the F000-F7FF segment as follows:
- //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// ////
- Memory
- Manager: 386MAX EMM386 QEMM386
- Company: Qualitas Microsoft Quarterdeck
- Versions: 7.01 or 4.49 or pending
- greater greater
- Notes: remove the remove add X=F000-F7FF
- USE=F000-F800 HIGHSCAN to the end of the
- statement from DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS
- \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\
- * * *
- Problem:
- The Imagine128 board is properly installed in your system,
- but you receive the following error messages when trying to
- use the Imagine128 Windows driver:
- Failed to find the #9 Imagine128 board!!
- Make sure that ISA VGA is not conflicting with Imagine128 VGA.
- Hit any key to continue.
- Solution:
- It is possible that the Imagine128 on-board VGA is conflicting
- with the VGA on the ISA bus. In this case, the ISA VGA will be
- detected, but the entire Imagine128 board will be disabled.
- The VGA jumper JM8 on the I-128 board should be set to the DISABLE
- position to use ISA bus VGA.
- * * *
- Problem:
- When you run Windows, the screen appears blank. However, when
- you press Alt-F4/<Enter> several times, the DOS prompt eventually
- re-appears.
- Solution:
- There is an ISA VGA in the system which is conflicting with
- the Imagine128 VGA. In this case, the VGA output will appear
- correctly, but the high resolution modes will not appear.
- * * *
- Problem:
- The Imagine128 board is properly installed in your system,
- but the monochrome board is no longer working.
- Solution:
- In order to use a monochrome card with the Imagine128 you
- must do the following:
- 1) Set Imagine128 VGA jumper JM8 to the DISABLE position.
- 2) Install your monochrome card AND install a VGA card.
- * * *
- Problem:
- The Program Manager appears briefly when you start Windows.
- Then Windows exits to DOS.
- Solution:
- 1. There may be a problem with the #9 HawkEye Control Panel. The
- Control Panel is loaded when Windows is started, so a problem
- could occur after the Windows driver has been loaded and the
- Program Manager (or another Windows shell) is presented.
- To prevent HawkEye from loading when Windows is started, delete
- the reference to HawkEye from the "load=" line in the [windows]
- section of the WIN.INI file in the WINDOWS directory. This will
- determine whether the problem is with the HawkEye Control Panel,
- or other software. The line looks similar to the following:
- load=c:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE nwpopup.exe
- Delete WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE from the line, then exit
- Windows. If the problem persists when you restart Windows, refer
- to Solution 2.
- 2. The HawkEye initialization file (HAWKEYE.INI) may be corrupted.
- In this case, rename HAWKEYE.INI in the WINDOWS directory to
- HAWKSAVE.INI (for future reference). Then copy HAWKEYE.INI from
- the Imagine128 Windows Installation Disk to the WINDOWS
- directory. This reinstates the original HawkEye configuration.
- * * *
- Problem:
- Your monitor resolution is not the resolution you selected.
- Solution:
- Resolution Exchange (in #9 HawkEye for Windows program group)
- must be used to change the resolution. This changes the
- resolution in the Imagine128 configuration file, which
- determines what your monitor resolution will be.
- To use Resolution Exchange to change the resolution:
- 1. Press the hot key you assigned to Resolution Exchange or
- double click on the Resolution Exchange icon in the HawkEye
- for Windows program group in the Windows Program Manager.
- 2. Click on a Colors option button.
- 3. Select a resolution.
- Be sure you select a resolution your monitor supports.
- 4. Click 'OK'.
- 5. Restart Windows.
- * * *
- Problem:
- The following GPF is reported in Compton's Encyclopedia '95:
- MMTASK causes a GPF in MSVIDEO.DLL @ 0007:02BE
- Solution:
- Compton's Encyclopedia is not using DCI properly. To disable
- DCI in the Imagine driver, edit the WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file
- and make the following change:
- In the [Imagine-128] Section, add or modify the following lines:
- DCI=0
- * * *
- Problem:
- On a Pentium 120 with the TRITON motherboard the system hangs
- while playing a video clip that uses the DCI driver. The MediaStones
- application will hang in this configuration.
- Solution:
- The DCI hang in MediaStones on the TRITON motherboard was solved
- by limiting burst length during DCI data transfers to 12 DWORDs.
- The DCI variable in the [Imagine-128] section of \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI
- has been extended to control this option. This variable is now a
- multivalued switch rather than just a boolean flag. The bit fields
- are:
- value effect
- ----- ------
- 0 DCI is disabled
- 1 DCI is enabled, uses long bursts (normal default)
- 3 DCI is enabled, uses short bursts (for 120MHz TRITON)
- In the [Imagine-128] Section, add or modify the following lines:
- DCI=3
- * * *
- Problem:
- When trying to launch Lotus Notes, the following error message
- is presented:
- Application Execution Error:
- Insufficient Memory to run this application. Quit one or more
- Windows applications and then try again.
- However, Program Manager reports that you have over 2 Megabytes
- of memory free.
- Problem:
- Windows functions properly when a user is not logged into a
- network. However, windows will not boot after the network
- has been loaded.
- Solution:
- Windows is running out of DOS/conventional memory. (Lotus
- Notes uses extrodinary amount of DOS memory.) Each PC user
- has at most 1 Meg of conventional memory. (The actual
- amount varies based on drivers/TSRs loaded, memory manager
- used, etc.) Each Windows application requires a certain
- amount of conventional memory. In 386 Enhanced mode, a user
- will usually run out of DOS memory before running out of total
- memory.
- The Imagine128 driver can minimize its use of DOS memory.
- To enable this option, enter the following line in the
- [Imagine-128] section of SYSTEM.INI.
- [Imagine-128]
- Save Dos Memory=1
- In certain configuration, this entry will improve
- performance. In other configurations, performance may
- decrease. In general, users which are running multiple
- applications should try to conserve DOS memory.
- * * *
- Problem:
- The output from a video playback card (that uses the Imagine128
- VGA pass through connector) is missing or corrupted.
- Solution:
- In order to use the Imagine128 VGA pass through connector:
- 1. Make sure VGA jumper JM8 on the Imagine128 card is set
- to the ENABLE position.
- 2. In Windows Setup under DOS, you must select VGA as the display
- type and remain at 640x480x256 color resolution.
- Watchit Pro TV Board Users:
- - You may need to experiment with moving data rate jumper
- HDR2 (on the Watchit Pro TV board). We recommend starting
- with position 4 or 5.
- - You may also need to change Watchit's Overlay Color Key to a
- color that allows the video to display properly.
- Consult your Watchit Pro documentation or contact New Media
- Graphics technical support for further information.
- ReelMagic Users:
- Consult your ReelMagic documentation or contact Sigma Designs
- technical support for further information.
- * * *
- Problem:
- A video playback card that uses the VGA pass through connector
- on the Imagine128 graphics card is not correctly
- displaying the VGA palette. The colors in DOS or in VGA
- WINDOWS on the Video playback card are wrong.
- Solution:
- The Imagine128 card will power up with your PC's DAC
- Snooping disabled. This will prevent a card connected to both
- the ISA bus and the Video Feature connector from displaying
- the correct color palette. When the system's DAC Snooping is
- enabled, both cards can share writes to the palette and the
- card connected to the Video Feature connector will display
- the correct colors. The DOS utility DACSNOOP.EXE can be used
- to enable or disable the system's DAC Snooping capability.
- DACSNOOP.EXE is copied to the NUMBER9 directory during
- Windows installation. The executable also appears on the
- WINDOWS disk, but has been renamed DACSNOOP.EXX.
- NOTE: Before using the DACSNOOP executable from the WINDOWS disk,
- it must be renamed DACSNOOP.EXE!!
- Usage: Dacsnoop ["on"] || ["off"]
- Where:
- on - Enable Imagine128 DAC Snooping
- off - Disable Imagine128 DAC Snooping
- On certain machines, DAC snooping can be enabled via CMOS setup
- program. (Once DAC snooping is enabled, there is no need to
- run DACSNOOP.EXE.) See your mother board documentation for
- information on how to use the CMOS setup program.
- * * *
- Problem:
- After changing to a new resolution, an open application's icon
- or window is no longer visible on the desktop. Windows Task
- Manager (Ctrl-Esc) shows that the application is still open.
- Solution:
- 1) Hold down the Alt key and depress Tab until your application
- is visible. Release the Alt key to select the application.
- or
- In Windows Task Manager, select the application. Mouse-click
- on "Switch To" (or depress the ENTER key on your keyboard).
- 2) Now depress the hot key you assigned to #9 Place Windows. This
- will center the application in the monitor or virtual display
- (see Place Windows in the HawkEye Control Panel for more info).
- * * *
- Problem:
- Norton Desktop icons appear to be corrupted at high color (32K or
- 65K colors) and true color (16M colors).
- Solution:
- Norton Desktop 3.0 (or later):
- An icon refresh utility is provided with Norton Desktop.
- In Control Center, from the Categories list, select Quick Access,
- then mouse click on the Advanced button. In the Quick Access-
- Advanced dialogue box, under Reset Icons, mouse click on Reset.
- Then click on OK to rebuild icon information.
- Norton Desktop (older versions):
- Delete file ICOCACHE.DAT from the NDW directory.
- * * *
- Problem:
- Minor corruption is visible in a Windows application (such as Central
- Point PC Tools For Windows).
- Solution:
- In the [Imagine-128] section of SYSTEM.INI, a Validate Parameters
- control flag may be altered to improve Windows application reliability.
- In SYSTEM.INI, under [Imagine-128], turn Validate Parameters ON by
- changing 'Validate Params=0' to 'Validate Params=1'.
- [Imagine-128]
- DCI=1
- Validate Params=1
- Turning Validate Parameters ON (=1) forces the I128 driver to check GDI
- parameters before issuing a drawing command. Because most applications
- send valid parameters, the default for this option is OFF (=0).
- * * *
- Problem:
- After changing to a virtual resolution, sizable windows may be too
- wide and/or too tall.
- Solution:
- If you have not already done so, in the #9 HawkEye Control Panel use
- Hot Mouse to assign a hot key to #9 Place Windows. For most windows,
- pressing the Place Windows hot key once or twice will re-size the
- active window to full screen or smaller.
- * * *
- Problem:
- A DOS based game either does not function properly or does not
- function at all.
- Solution:
- The Imagine128 card contains 1/2 megabyte of on-board VGA memory.
- Some DOS based games require more memory than this on the graphics
- board. The solution is to use a separate VGA board that has enough
- on-board memory to support the memory requirements of the DOS
- games in question. To use a separate VGA board with the Imagine128,
- you must set the VGA jumper JM8 on the Imagine128 card to the
- DISABLE position.
- * * *
- Problem:
- A DOS session appears as a blank screen with no visible text
- (especially after or while running another program).
- Solution:
- While in the blank screen DOS session, type the following
- command:
- mode CO80
- This should reset the screen colors to white text against a black
- background.
- Note: A permanent fix will replace this "work around" solution in a
- future driver release.
- * * *
- Problem:
- Corel Draw repaints are too slow
- Solution:
- To improve performance of Corel Draw repaints you need to set a
- performance flag in the SYSTEM.INI file.
- In the [Imagine-128] section of SYSTEM.INI, a ClipRect must be set
- to 0 to disable rectangle clipping.
- [Imagine-128]
- ClipRect=0
- You must restart WINDOWS for the flag to take effect.
- * * *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Software sometimes does not perform consistently across all
- resolutions and color depths. If you experience a persistent
- problem for which you cannot determine a cause or solution, try
- switching to a different resolution with Resolution Exchange.
- If the problem is consistent across resolutions. Please
- consult application documentation. Most applications are
- distributed with a READ_ME file similar to this file.
- READ_ME files usually contain a wealth of information
- regarding potential video conflicts.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have a problem that is not described in this file or is
- unresolved when you try the suggested solutions, please call
- Number Nine Technical Support at (617) 674-8595, from 8:00 AM to
- 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Monday through Friday. Please be prepared with
- as much information about your Imagine128 and computer
- configuration as possible. Our Fax number is (617) 674-2919.
- Please send all fax inquiries to the attention of Technical
- Support.
- section at the beginning of this document.
- 02/28/95
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------