home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Install the I-128 OS/2 software */
- arg source target
- if length(source) == 0 | length(target) == 0 then
- say "Usage: INSTOBJ [source drive]: [target drive]:"
- else
- if substr(source,2,1) \= ':' | substr(target,2,1) \= ':' then do
- say "Usage: INSTOBJ [source drive]: [target drive]:"
- say "Each drive letter must be followed by a colon."
- end
- else do
- cmdstr = source'\IREFRSH2.* ' target'\OS2\APPS'
- '@copy 'cmdstr
- setupstr ="EXENAME="||target||"\OS2\APPS\IREFRSH2.EXE"
- call RxFuncAdd 'SysCreateObject', 'RexxUtil', 'SysCreateObject'
- if SysCreateObject( "WPProgram", "Number Nine I128", "<WP_CONFIG>",,
- setupstr ) then
- say 'Number Nine I-128 object installed'
- end