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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- for the 9FX Reality Graphic Boards
- Version 1.03
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file contains the latest information about this version of
- HawkEye for Windows and other pertinent information that
- may not be contained in the documentation or on-line Help.
- A complete list and description of all the 9FX files are in
- the FILELIST.TXT file on your 9FX Windows Installation Disk.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical Support (USA)
- 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Monday - Friday
- Phone: (617) 674-8595
- Please be prepared with as much information about your 9FX
- as possible.
- Fax: (617) 273-0899
- Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Technical Support.
- * * *
- Sales / Marketing (USA)
- 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, EST/EDT, Monday - Friday
- Phone: (617) 674-0009
- Fax: (617) 674-2919
- Please send fax inquiries to the attention of Sales
- * * *
- European Technical Support and Sales (Germany)
- Phone: +49 89 614 491 0
- Fax: +49 89 614 491 99
- * * *
- Mail (USA)
- * * *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please run the MS Windows Setup from DOS and select VGA as
- the display type. If the problem persists with Windows in VGA
- mode, the problem is most likely with Windows, and not with
- the 9FX Windows driver.
- When in VGA mode, select Status from the HawkEye Control
- Panel. The information provided by this feature will be
- of great assistance to customer support.
- If a problem is application specific, please have vendor
- information and application version information readily
- available. Number Nine Visual Technology has qualified
- this driver with over 200 applications, but a multitude
- of new applications enter the market every day.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Even though you may have just received your Number Nine software,
- newer versions may be available. Free upgrades are provided to
- all Number Nine customers on the Number Nine Bulletin Board
- System (BBS).
- To see if you have the latest version, compare the version number
- of your software (on the label of the provided diskette or in
- HawkEye Status under Windows Disk ID) with the version
- number of the corresponding software on the BBS.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- (USA)
- Dial: (617) 862-7502
- Baud Rates: Up to 28,800 baud
- Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported
- Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
- Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files
- Dial: + 49 89 614 491 66
- Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud
- Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported
- Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
- Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files
- The BBS has a separate file area for each Number Nine product.
- The latest driver updates can be found in each product's file
- area, and files of general interest (shareware, etc.) can be
- found in the General library. An E-mail system is available
- for technical questions about Number Nine products or about
- the BBS in general. A complete listing of available files can
- be downloaded by invoking the "Download List of Files" command
- from any file library menu.
- On the US BBS, World Group shell is supported, and the program
- is available in the General library.
- Many files are self-extracting, but some files will require the
- latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress. PKUNZIP is available
- in the General library (filename PKZ204G.EXE), and can also be
- found on most on-line services such as Compuserve and America
- Online.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Number Nine now has a FTP site. All current Number Nine
- Drivers are available to anyone with access to the Internet.
- Our FTP Address is: ftp.nine.com.
- Number Nine also has a World Wide Web server at: http://www.nine.com.
- Information about Number Nine products as well as our FTP site can now
- be accessed at our World Wide Web site.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Number Nine also has a dedicated forum on CompuServe. This can be
- reached by typing GO NINE at the appropriate prompt. We are located
- in the Graphics C Vendor forum, under the name 'Number Nine'.
- Technical Support questions can be posted in this area and are
- addressed every day.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- HawkEye Resolution Exchange is used to change the size of your
- Windows system fonts. To change the size of your Windows
- system fonts run Resolution Exchange and follow these steps:
- 1. Click on the Options menu. Click on 'Automatic Association'
- to display LARGE fonts at resolutions of 1024 x 768 and higher,
- and SMALL fonts at resolutions of 800 x 600 and lower.
- To display SMALL fonts at ALL resolutions, click on '96 DPI'
- in the Specific Font Size section.
- To display LARGE fonts at ALL resolutions, click on '120 DPI'
- in the Specific Font Size section.
- 2. Click 'OK' to exit and save your changes; click 'Cancel' to
- exit without saving your changes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- In HawkEye Status, several options have been added to increase
- the performance and reliability of your Windows applications:
- 1. Source Cache improves application performance by creating
- buffers of icons and bit maps. Default is ON.
- 2. Font Cache helps speed activities such as scrolling text
- by creating buffers of active fonts. Default is ON.
- 3. Polygon Support increases drawing speed by taking the burden
- of drawing polygons away from Windows and transferring it to
- the 9FX drawing engine. Default is ON.
- 4. Ellipse Support increases drawing speed by taking the burden
- of drawing ellipses and circles away from Windows and
- transferring it to the drawing engine. Default is ON.
- 5. Bus Throttle allows hardware interrupts to interrupt some
- drawing operations. If you are dropping characters with a
- Windows communication program, turn this switch ON.
- Default is OFF.
- 6. Validate Parameters improves application reliability by
- forcing the 9FX driver to check parameters before
- issuing a drawing command. An overwhelming majority of
- applications send valid parameters, so the default for
- this option is OFF.
- You may occasionally encounter difficulties using these caching
- and performance enhancement methods. Although they were designed
- for standard Windows programming methods to ensure compatibility
- with most Windows applications, programmers do not always use
- standard Windows programming practices. They are constantly
- seeking ways to improve application performance, and if a
- nonstandard method is discovered, it will probably be used.
- Consequently, our caching methods may not work correctly with
- every Windows application.
- So, for example, if you experience a problem with your fonts in a
- particular application, use HawkEye Status to disable Font Cache.
- Using HawkEye Status to Enable and Disable Options:
- 1. Double-click on the HawkEye Control Panel icon, then double-
- click on the Status icon.
- 2. Click on the 'File' menu, then click on 'Options'.
- 3. To DISABLE a caching method:
- Click on the option button next to the option you want
- to disable. The black dot disappears when the method is
- disabled.
- To ENABLE a caching method:
- Click on the option button next to the option you want
- to enable. A black dot appears when the method is enabled.
- 4. Click 'OK' to exit and save your changes; click 'Cancel' to
- exit without saving your changes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Your monitor is not listed in the Monitor Selection Utility.
- 2. QuickTime for Windows conflicts.
- 3. Video for Windows conflicts.
- 4. Error messages during SETUP.
- 5. Program Manager appears briefly then exits to DOS.
- 6. Monitor resolution is not the one you selected.
- 7. Error message in Resolution Exchange.
- 8. Black screen, system hang, screen corruption or garbled text.
- 9. Nothing happens after double-clicking Hawkeye Control Panel icons.
- 10. Scrolling out of control.
- 11. Lack of Video when using the VGA Loop Through connector.
- 12. Error messages upon entering Windows or inability to enter Windows.
- 13. Corruption of MPEG files after switching from 16.7Million colors to
- either 32.7K or 65.5K colors.
- 14. Line of corruption at top of screen while drawing circles or
- ellipses.
- * * *
- 1. Problem:
- Your monitor is not listed in the Monitor Selection utility.
- Solution:
- Please choose Unlisted monitor. This will not affect the performance of
- your display or your video card.
- * * *
- 2. Problem:
- After installing an application that also installs QuickTime For
- Windows (ex. HyperGlot Learn To Speak Spanish, BroderBund Myst, etc.),
- attempting to run parts of the application (movies, etc.) the user
- may experience "DYNALINK" or "General Protection Fault" errors.
- Solution:
- Some applications automatically install QuickTime For Windows
- without first checking to see if it is already present on your
- system. The two installations will then conflict.
- To resolve this conflict, delete one of the versions of Quicktime
- and its component files. Please contact your application program's
- Tech Support department. They will be able to tell you what these
- files are named and where to find them so that you can delete the
- proper files. After deleting the files recommended by your applications
- Tech Support department, you can then re-install the newer version
- of Quicktime with the application already present on your system.
- * * *
- 3. Problem:
- After installing an application that also installs Video For Windows
- (ex. Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, etc.), attempting
- to run parts of the application (movies, etc.) the user may experience
- "DYNALINK" or "General Protection Fault" errors.
- Solution:
- Some applications automatically install Video For Windows without first
- checking to see if it is already present on your system. The two
- installations will then conflict.
- To resolve this conflict, delete one of the versions of Video for
- Windows and its component files. Please contact your application
- program's Tech Support department. They will be able to tell you
- what these files are named and where to find them so that you can
- delete the proper files. After deleting the files recommemded by
- your applications Tech Support department, you can then re-install
- the newer version of Video for Windows with the application already
- present on your system.
- * * *
- 4. Problem:
- During installation with SETUP, the following error is
- displayed (possibly several times):
- Compression Error: Unable to locate Destination file.
- Solution:
- A. This error is displayed when the amount of disk space is
- insufficient to install the Number Nine software. SETUP
- currently requires about 2.5MB of disk space on the disk
- containing Windows.
- Note: If you are upgrading a previous version of HawkEye, in
- Windows Setup under DOS, set display type to VGA. Then,
- you can increase the amount of available disk space by
- deleting all the files in the NUMBER9 directory
- (a subdirectory in your WINDOWS directory).
- B. If you have determined that you have sufficent disk space,
- you may have a bad or corrupted installation disk. Please
- contact Number Nine Customer support for a replacement disk.
- * * *
- 5. Problem:
- The Program Manager appears briefly when you start Windows,
- then Windows exits to DOS.
- Solution:
- A. Exit Windows, run setup from your Windows directory in DOS
- and install the VGA driver, then restart Windows..
- B. Add the following line to the [386Enh] section of the system.ini
- file in your windows directory.
- EMMExclude=C000-C7FF
- C. There may be a problem with the HawkEye Control Panel. The
- Control Panel is loaded when Windows is started, so a problem
- could occur after the Windows driver has been loaded and the
- Program Manager (or another Windows shell) is presented.
- To prevent HawkEye from loading when Windows is started, delete
- the reference to HawkEye from the "load=" line in the [windows]
- section of the WIN.INI file in the WINDOWS directory. This
- will determine whether the problem is with the HawkEye Control
- Panel, or other software. The line will look something like
- this:
- load=c:\WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE nwpopup.exe
- Delete WINDOWS\NUMBER9\HAWKEYE.EXE from the line, then exit
- Windows. If the problem persists when you restart Windows, see
- Solution B, following.
- D. The HawkEye configuration file (HAWKEYE.INI) may be corrupted.
- In this case, rename HAWKEYE.INI in the WINDOWS directory to
- HAWKSAVE.INI (for future reference), then copy HAWKEYE.INI
- from the 9FX Windows Installation Disk to the WINDOWS
- directory. This reinstates the original HawkEye configuration.
- * * *
- 6. Problem:
- Your monitor resolution is not the resolution you selected.
- Solution:
- Resolution Exchange (in HawkEye for Windows program group)
- must be used to change the resolution. If you used
- MS Windows Setup to select a display driver with a different
- resolution/color depth configuration, that configuration
- may not be compatible with the Number Nine driver.
- Use Resolution Exchange to change the resolution:
- A. Press the hot key you assigned to Resolution Exchange or
- double-click on the Resolution Exchange icon in the HawkEye
- for Windows program group in the Windows Program Manager.
- B. Click on a Colors option button.
- C. Select a resolution.
- Be sure you select a resolution your monitor supports.
- D. Click 'OK'.
- E. Restart Windows.
- * * *
- 7. Problem:
- Resolution Exchange displays the following message:
- "There was an error opening the configuration file."
- Solution:
- The 9FX configuration file could be corrupted. To restore the
- 9FX configuration file to its original settings, run 9RESET.EXE:
- A. Exit Windows.
- B. Change directory to the WINDOWS directory.
- C. At the DOS prompt, type: 9RESET and press [Enter].
- Note: 9RESET is one word with no space between the "9"
- and the "R".
- This sets your 9FX to 640x480 by 256 color resolution at 60Hz.
- If your monitor supports higher resolutions, restart Windows and use
- Resolution Exchange to select a higher resolution or use Monitor
- Adjustment to increase your vertical refresh rate.
- * * *
- 8. Problem:
- A. The Windows logo appears, then the screen becomes black and
- your system hangs and exits to DOS.
- B. Text is garbled, icons are corrupted and/or 'holes' appear on
- your screen.
- C. Windows pull-down menus corrupt the screen.
- Solution:
- Another device in your system, such as a modem or tablet, could be
- using the same IO address as the 9FX, COM 4 I/O port at 2E8H.
- Move the other device to a different COM port location.
- * * *
- 9. Problem:
- When you double-click on icons in the HawkEye Control Panel
- they blink but nothing happens.
- Solution:
- Close one or more other open applications to free up memory.
- * * *
- 10. Problem:
- When using MS Word or Excel with a serial mouse, scrolling will not stop when the
- mouse button is released.
- Solution:
- To lessen the probability of this occurring, turn Bus Throttle ON under
- Status in the Hawkeye Control Panel.
- Note: This will NOT decrease the speed of your computer.
- To do this:
- Double-click on Status icon in Hawkeye Control Panel.
- Click on File then on Options.
- Click on Bus Throttle then OK.
- Click OK again. You will get a message about restarting Windows.
- Hit OK and then Restart Windows.
- * * *
- 11. Problem:
- The output from a video playback card (that uses the 9FX Reality VGA
- loop through connector) is missing or corrupted.
- Solution:
- The 9FX Reality both supports the loop through
- connector at 640 X 480 by 256 color resolution. However, at power
- up the feature connector is not enabled. A DOS utility called
- FCON.EXE is provided on the setup, diskette that will enable loop
- through. If you need this program, copy it from the diskette into
- the Windows directory on your hard drive. This file is not copied
- as part of running SETUP.
- A. To ENABLE loop through:
- - After copying FCON.EXE to your hard disk,
- - In DOS, move to your Windows directory.
- - At the DOS prompt
- type: 9reset <Enter>
- type: fcon e p <Enter>
- - Start Windows
- To DISABLE loop through:
- - In DOS, move to your Windows directory.
- - At the DOS prompt, type: fcon d <Enter>
- - Reboot the machine
- - Change to your Windows directory and type: 9reset
- - Start Windows
- B. Watchit Pro TV Board Users:
- - You may need to experiment with moving data rate jumper
- HDR2 (on the Watchit Pro TV board).
- - You may also need to change Watchit's Overlay Color Key to a
- color that allows the video to display properly.
- Consult your Watchit Pro documentation or contact New Media
- Graphics technical support for further information.
- C. ReelMagic Users:
- In Windows Setup under DOS, set display type to VGA to use the
- Reel Magic board. (Please refer to # 5 above for further
- information.) If this does not work, please consult your
- ReelMagic documentation or contact Sigma Designs technical
- support for further information.
- * * *
- 12. Problem:
- The #9 Graphics board is properly installed in your system, but
- you receive one of the following error messages:
- A. Failed to find the 9FX______ board!
- Hit any key to continue.
- OR
- B. SETUP is operational only when a #9 graphics board
- is present. Please be sure your #9 graphics board is
- properly installed before you try to use SETUP or
- any other HawkEye feature.
- Solution:
- You probably have a memory manager in your system that has
- remapped the video BIOS. Memory managers often do this because it
- increases the amount of DOS memory space. However, when the 9FX
- signature in the video BIOS is remapped, 9FX software is unable
- to identify the #9 Graphics board.
- ROM remapping should be excluded from the C000-C7FF address range.
- To exclude the address range, add the following option to the
- memory manager driver command line in the CONFIG.SYS file in your
- root directory:
- X=C000-C7FF
- For QEMM386.EXE the line should look something like this:
- For EMM386.EXE the line should look something like this:
- Also, for EMM386 memory manager, add the following line in the
- [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
- EMMExclude=C000-C7FF
- For DOS Memmaker:
- Using DOS Memmaker to aggressively reorganize memory may use the
- memory range C000-C7FF. In this case you must remove the words
- "High Scan" from the HIMEM line in your CONFIG.SYS.
- Consult your memory manager's documentation for more information
- about excluding the C000-C7FF address range.
- * * *
- 13. Problem:
- After switching from 16.7 Million colors to either 32.5K or
- 65.5K colors, multiple images can appear when playing MPEG
- files at 1024 x 768.
- Solution:
- This is a problem only when switching in the sequence as noted
- above. If this happens you must exit windows and reboot your
- system. The next time you enter windows at 32.5K or 65.5K colors
- MPEG files will run normally. We are currently looking into a
- solution to this problem.
- * * *
- 14. Problem:
- Corruption at the top of screen, in the form of a single line of
- dots, sometimes appears when circle or ellipse drawing functions
- are occuring.
- Solution:
- This is a temporary problem that happens only during the drawing
- of circles or ellipses. If the corruption remains on the screen,
- moving any object over area will cause a redraw of the screen and
- the corruption will disappear. We are currently looking into a
- solution to this problem.
- * * *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Software sometimes does not perform consistently across all
- resolutions and color depths. If you experience a persistent
- problem for which you cannot determine a cause or solution, try
- switching to a different resolution with Resolution Exchange.
- If a problem is consistent across resolutions, please
- consult application documentation. Most applications are
- distributed with a READ_ME file similar to this file.
- READ_ME files usually contain a wealth of information
- regarding potential video conflicts.
- If you have a problem that is not described in this file or is
- unresolved when you try the suggested solutions, please contact
- Number Nine Technical Support. Technical support information
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please refer to the file NETWORK.TXT on the Hawkeye installation
- diskette.
- 5/06/96
- tpc
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