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- | Number Nine Visual Technology |
- | (C) Copyright 1996 |
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- This is a listing of all the files contained on the distribution
- diskette. This listing can be duplicated, in this order, using
- the DOS "DIR" command. If any files are missing on the diskette,
- please contact your distributor or Number Nine Computer Corp.
- immediately.
- 9SETUP.EXE The Number Nine SETUP program.
- SETUP.EXE This is the MS Winodws setup program.
- BRDSYNC.DL# Monitor Adjustment Library (Compressed)
- 9FXBOARD.DLL Hardware Library for the Number Nine 9FX series.
- FXZOOM.DL# The zooming feature. (Compressed)
- HAWKDEU.DLL Hawkeye Text Strings (German)
- HAWKSVE.DLL Hakweye Text Strings (Swedish)
- HAWKENG.DLL HawkEye Text Strings (UK English)
- HAWKENU.DLL HawkEye Text Strings (USA English)
- HAWKESP.DLL HawkEye Text Strings (Spanish)
- HAWKFRA.DLL HawkEye Text Strings (French)
- HAWKDAN.DLL Hawkeye Text Strings (Danish)
- HAWKJPN.DLL HawkEye Text Strings (Japanese)
- HAWKFILT.DLL HawkEye Filter Library
- INTLDLG.DLL International Dialog Library
- METER.DLL Setup Meter Library
- SQUISH.DLL Number Nine Compression Library
- MONLIST.DL# Monitor List Library (Compressed)
- 9REALITY.DRV Windows 3.x driver for the 9FX Reality
- VDDVIRGE.386 The Virtual Display Driver,
- RFMDCI.DR# Offscreen DCI provider (Compressed)
- RFMK2V.INI MPEG information file for the Motion 331.
- K2V_SWC.IN# Data for the multimedia function of the 9FX Reality,(Compressed)
- RFMK2V.DL# MPEG library for the Motion 331. (Compressed)
- 9SETUP.INF The 9FX setup initialization file.
- OEMSETUP.INF Microsoft Windows Setup Information
- READ_ME.TXT Number Nine Release Notes
- NETWORK.TXT Information file for network environment.
- 9READ.EXE Displays internal information about a Number Nine board.
- 9RESET.EXE Configuration Builder for Windows and DOS
- UNSQUISH.EXE Windows/DOS Decompression Utility
- 96FIX.FON Number Nine System Font (96 DPI)
- 96OEM.FON Number Nine System Font (96 DPI)
- 96SYS.FON Number Nine System Font (96 DPI)
- 120FIX.FON Number Nine System Font (120 DPI)
- 120OEM.FON Number Nine System Font (120 DPI)
- 120SYS.FON Number Nine System Font (120 DPI)
- COURF.FO# Large system font. (Compressed)
- SMALLF.FO# Large system font. (Compressed)
- SERIFF.FO# Large system font. (Compressed)
- SSERIFF.FO# Large system font. (Compressed)
- SYMBOLF.FO# Large system font. (Compressed)
- NETSETUP.INF Network Installation Information
- MONLIST.IN# Monitor List Database (Compressed)
- HAWKEYE.INI HawkEye Configuration Information
- FILELIST.TXT Contents of the Hawkeye Setup diskette
- 9VERS.TXT Contains Version Information
- VGACOLOR.2GR Number Nine 286 Grabber
- S3911GRB.3GR Number Nine 386 Grabber
- VDDD.386 DOS Virtual Device for Japanese Windows (IBM).
- DPGRAB.DLL A DLL used in DOS switching.
- FCON.EXE Feature Connector Enable Utility
- UNDOCVGA.EXE DOS TSR to fix Knowledge Adventure games
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- | Number Nine Visual Technology |
- | (C) Copyright 1996 |
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