home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- include qcfgglb.dat
- set prg_qainfo type str "qainfo.exe"
- # our .ini file stuff
- set i_pcmport type str ""
- set i_pcmdma type str ""
- set i_pcmirq type str ""
- set i_pcmhdma type str ""
- set i_mpuport type str ""
- set i_mpuirq type str ""
- set i_cdrport type str ""
- set i_cdrtype type str ""
- set i_icsport type str ""
- set a_pcmport type str " 220 210 230 240 250 "
- set a_pcmdma type str " 1 3 "
- set a_pcmirq type str " 5 7 2 3 10 15 "
- set a_pcmhdma type str " 5 7 1 3 "
- set a_mpuport type str " 320 300 310 330 "
- set a_mpuirq type str " 5 7 2 3 "
- set a_cdrport type str " 300 310 320 330 340 "
- set a_icsport type str " 330 320 300 "
- set a_cdrtype type str " P M S T "
- script ReadINIFILE
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local tmp type str ""
- nullit buf
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript BackupSystemFiles
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -I . $v_inifile test status dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- if issame "$buf" "status=Test08" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile test dma dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set tmp "$buf" - "^*="
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=$tmp "$tmp" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- nullit buf
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- endif
- if issame "$buf" "status=Test16" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile test dma dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set tmp "$buf" - "^*="
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=$tmp "$tmp" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- nullit buf
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- endif
- if issame "$buf" "status=TestMidi" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile test port dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set tmp "$buf" - "^*="
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad port=$tmp "$tmp" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- nullit buf
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- endif
- if issame "$buf" "status=Okay" then
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test dma "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config port dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_pcmport "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config dma dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_pcmdma "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config irq dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_pcmirq "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config hdma dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_pcmhdma "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config mpuport dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_mpuport "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config mpuirq dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_mpuirq "$buf" - "^*="
- # if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "sjcd.sys" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config cdrport dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_cdrport "$buf" - "^*="
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config cdrtype dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_cdrtype "$buf" - "^*="
- # endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile config icsport dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set i_icsport "$buf" - "^*="
- return
- script BackupSystemFiles
- sedit -wB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys "rem" "rem Backed up by 'Quick Config' on $date at $time " modify
- sedit -wB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat "rem" "rem Backed up by 'Quick Config' on $date at $time " modify
- sedit -wB ${v_winpath} system.ini "rem " ";;; Backed up by 'Quick Config' on $date at $time " modify
- return
- script CreateINIFILE
- execute $comspec /c echo [config]> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo port=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo dma=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo irq=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo hdma=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo mpuport=320>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo mpuirq=2>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo cdrport=340>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo cdrtype=T>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo icsport=330>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo [test]>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo port=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo dma=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo irq=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo status=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo qainfo=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo [bad]>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo dma=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo irq=>> $v_inifile
- execute $comspec /c echo port=>> $v_inifile
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILETest08
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "$i_pcmport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "$i_pcmirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test dma "$i_pcmdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "Test08" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILETest16
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "$i_pcmport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "$i_pcmirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test dma "$i_pcmhdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "Test16" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILETestMidi
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "$i_mpuport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "$i_mpuirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "TestMidi" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILEOkayTest08
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config port "$i_pcmport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config irq "$i_pcmirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config dma "$i_pcmdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test dma "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILEOkayTest16
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config port "$i_pcmport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config irq "$i_pcmirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config hdma "$i_pcmhdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test dma "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILEOkayTestMidi
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config mpuport "$i_mpuport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config mpuirq "$i_mpuirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test port "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test irq "" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test status "" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WriteINIFILEConfig
- if not isfile $v_inifile runscript CreateINIFILE
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config port "$i_pcmport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config dma "$i_pcmdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config irq "$i_pcmirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config hdma "$i_pcmhdma" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config mpuport "$i_mpuport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config mpuirq "$i_mpuirq" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config cdrport "$i_cdrport" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config cdrtype "$i_cdrtype" substitute
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile config icsport "$i_icsport" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script GetNextINIFILEPORT
- :next
- set i_pcmport "$a_pcmport" - "*${i_pcmport} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_pcmport}" "" return
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad port=${i_pcmport} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- script GetNextINIFILEDMA
- :next
- set i_pcmdma "$a_pcmdma" - "*${i_pcmdma} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_pcmdma}" "" then
- runscript GetNextINIFILEPORT
- set i_pcmdma "${a_pcmdma}" - "\w*$$"
- endif
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad dma=${i_pcmdma} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- script GetNextINIFILEIRQ
- :next
- set i_pcmirq "$a_pcmirq" - "*${i_pcmirq} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_pcmirq}" "" then
- runscript GetNextINIFILEDMA
- set i_pcmirq "${a_pcmirq}" - "\w*$$"
- endif
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad irq=${i_pcmirq} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- script GetNextINIFILEHDMA
- :next
- set i_pcmhdma "$a_pcmhdma" - "*${i_pcmhdma} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_pcmhdma}" "" set i_pcmhdma "${i_pcmdma}" return
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad dma=${i_pcmhdma} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- :next
- set i_mpuport "$a_mpuport" - "*${i_mpuport} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_mpuport}" "" return
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad port=${i_mpuport} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- :next
- set i_mpuirq "$a_mpuirq" - "*${i_mpuirq} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_mpuirq}" "" then
- runscript GetNextINIFILEMPUPORT
- set i_mpuirq "${a_mpuirq}" - "\w*$$"
- endif
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad irq=${i_mpuirq} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- :next
- set i_cdrport "$a_cdrport" - "*${i_cdrport} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_cdrport}" "" return
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad port=${i_cdrport} " dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- :next
- set i_cdrtype "$a_cdrtype" - "*${i_cdrtype} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_cdrtype}" "" return
- return
- :next
- set i_icsport "$a_icsport" - "*${i_icsport} " - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${i_icsport}" "" return
- sedit -I . $v_inifile bad port=${i_icsport} dummy locate
- if $errorlevel goto next
- return
- script RunQAINFO
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -I . $v_inifile test qainfo d put $ptr
- trim buf
- execute $comspec /c echo QAINFO Failed> $v_qafile
- # if not issame "$buf" "" if not issame "${buf}" "qainfo=" runmenu CrashedQAINFO return
- if not issame "$buf" "" if not issame "${buf}" "qainfo=" return
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test qainfo Running substitute
- execute $prg_qainfo -t204 -t205 -f$v_qafile
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile test qainfo "" substitute
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 1: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto dma1okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 1: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto dma1okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=1 1 substitute
- :dma1okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 3: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto dma3okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 3: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto dma3okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=3 3 substitute
- :dma3okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 5: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel then
- # sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=5 d disable
- else
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=5 5 substitute
- endif
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "DMA 7: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel then
- # sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=7 d disable
- else
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad dma=7 7 substitute
- endif
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 02: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq02okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 02: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq02okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 02: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq02okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 02: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq02okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 02: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq02okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=2 2 substitute
- :irq02okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 03: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq03okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 03: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq03okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 03: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq03okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 03: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq03okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 03: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq03okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=3 3 substitute
- :irq03okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 05: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq05okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 05: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq05okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 05: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq05okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 05: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq05okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 05: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq05okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=5 5 substitute
- :irq05okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 07: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq07okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 07: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq07okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 07: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq07okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 07: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq07okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 07: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq07okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=7 7 substitute
- :irq07okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 10: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq10okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 10: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq10okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 10: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq10okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 10: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq10okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 10: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq10okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=10 10 substitute
- :irq10okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 15: Available" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq15okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 15: Sound Blaster" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq15okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 15: [CASCADE]" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq15okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 15: COM" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq15okay
- sedit -B . $v_qafile "IRQ 15: LPT" d locate
- if $errorlevel goto irq15okay
- sedit -wnqI . $v_inifile bad irq=15 15 substitute
- :irq15okay
- return
- menu CrashedQAINFO at -1,-1 bc red tc white bo do sh na " Uh, oh! "
- text
- text "The attempt to read your system hardware configuration failed."
- text
- text "The program 'XXXXXXXX.XXX' was not compatible with your computer."
- text
- text "This program will not be run in order to eliminate this problem."
- text
- text "Remove the 'xxxxxxxx.xxx' file to retry the procedure."
- display v_qainfo at 4,15 using "%-12s"
- display v_qafile at 8,14 using "%-12s"
- script TestINIFILE
- if issame "${v_Board}" "" runscript FigureBoard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "Unknown" runscript FigureBoard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "" return
- if issame "${v_Board}" "Unknown" return
- runscript Test${v_Board}
- return
- menu EditINIFILE at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo no na " Edit Sound Board Settings "
- runscript ReadINIFILE
- text at ,2
- #MA text "This screen allows you to update the INI File settings, manually,"
- #MA text "before running the 'Automatic' or 'Custom' screens."
- text "This screen allows you to test and update the INI file settings."
- text
- text at 5
- box at ,-1 dims 16,40 bo do sh
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " Base Port: %3s " $i_pcmport menu GetSBPORT
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " 8-bit DMA: %1s " $i_pcmdma menu getSBDMA
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " IRQ Channel: %1s " $i_pcmirq menu getSBIRQ
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " 16-bit DMA: %1s " $i_pcmhdma menu getSBHDMA
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,38
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " MPU Port: %3s " $i_mpuport menu GetMPUPORT
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " MPU IRQ: %3s " $i_mpuirq menu GetMPUIRQ
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,38
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " CDROM Port: %3s " $i_cdrport menu GetCDRPORT
- # item at ,-1 dims 1,36 using " CDROM Type: %3s " $i_cdrtype menu GetCDRTYPE
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,38
- ## item at ,-1 dims 1,36 " Update INIFILE without Testing " script WriteINIFILEConfig
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 " Test New Settings " script TestINIFILE runscript WriteINIFILEConfig
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 " Save New Settings, Restart Computer " script WriteINIFILEConfig menu PWUpdateDOSWINConfig
- item at ,-1 dims 1,36 " Exit This Screen " return 1
- text at ,2
- text "Press F1 for Help"
- hotkey F1 helpEditINIFILE
- ##ASmenu EditINIFILESJCD at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo no na " Edit INI File Settings for SJCD "
- ##AS see the end of the next line
- menu getSBPORT at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get PORT " match $i_pcmport
- text "Please select a PORT Address below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 8,7
- item at ,-1 210 set "i_pcmport 210" return 1
- item at ,-1 220 set "i_pcmport 220" return 1
- item at ,-1 230 set "i_pcmport 230" return 1
- item at ,-1 240 set "i_pcmport 240" return 1
- item at ,-1 250 set "i_pcmport 250" return 1
- item at ,-1 260 set "i_pcmport 260" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getSBDMA at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get DMA " match $i_pcmdma
- text "Please select a DMA Channel for 8-bit Digital Audio below,"
- text "and press ENTER. Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,7
- item at ,-1 1 set "i_pcmdma 1" return 1
- item at ,-1 3 set "i_pcmdma 3" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getSBIRQ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get IRQ " match $i_pcmirq
- set tmpirq type int 0
- text "Please select an IRQ Channel for Digital Audio below,"
- text "and press ENTER. Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 8,7
- item at ,-1 2 set "tmpirq 2" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 3 set "tmpirq 3" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 5 set "tmpirq 5" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 7 set "tmpirq 7" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 10 set "tmpirq 10" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 15 set "tmpirq 15" script "checkPCMIRQwithMPU i_pcmirq" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getSBHDMA at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get HiDMA " match $i_pcmhdma
- text "Please select a DMA Channel for 16-bit Digital Audio below,"
- text "and press ENTER. Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 6,7
- item at ,-1 1 set "i_pcmhdma 1" return 1
- item at ,-1 3 set "i_pcmhdma 3" return 1
- item at ,-1 5 set "i_pcmhdma 5" return 1
- item at ,-1 7 set "i_pcmhdma 7" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getMPUPORT at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get MPU PORT " match $i_mpuport
- set tmpport type int 0
- text "Please select a PORT Address for MIDI below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 6,7
- item at ,-1 330 set "tmpport 330" script "checkMPUPORTwithCDR i_mpuport" return 1
- item at ,-1 320 set "tmpport 320" script "checkMPUPORTwithCDR i_mpuport" return 1
- item at ,-1 310 set "tmpport 310" script "checkMPUPORTwithCDR i_mpuport" return 1
- item at ,-1 300 set "tmpport 300" script "checkMPUPORTwithCDR i_mpuport" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getMPUIRQ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get MPU IRQ " match $i_mpuirq
- set tmpirq type int 0
- text "Please select an IRQ Channel for MIDI below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 6,7
- item at ,-1 2 set "tmpirq 2" script "checkMPUIRQwithPCM i_mpuirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 3 set "tmpirq 3" script "checkMPUIRQwithPCM i_mpuirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 5 set "tmpirq 5" script "checkMPUIRQwithPCM i_mpuirq" return 1
- item at ,-1 7 set "tmpirq 7" script "checkMPUIRQwithPCM i_mpuirq" return 1
- text
- text
- menu getCDRPORT at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get CDROM PORT " match $i_cdrport
- set tmpport type int 0
- text "Please select a PORT Address for the CDROM below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 6,7
- item at ,-1 300 set "tmpport 300" script "checkCDRPORTwithMPU i_cdrport" return 1
- item at ,-1 310 set "tmpport 310" script "checkCDRPORTwithMPU i_cdrport" return 1
- item at ,-1 320 set "tmpport 320" script "checkCDRPORTwithMPU i_cdrport" return 1
- item at ,-1 340 set "tmpport 340" script "checkCDRPORTwithMPU i_cdrport" return 1
- text
- text
- text at 11,-1 "Warning: Please make sure jumper J6 matches your CD ROM port setting."
- text
- menu getCDRTYPE at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get CDROM TYPE " match $i_cdrtype
- set tmpport type int 0
- text "Please select a TYPE for the CDROM below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,7
- item at ,-1 P set "i_cdrtype P" return 1
- item at ,-1 M set "i_cdrtype M" return 1
- item at ,-1 S set "i_cdrtype S" return 1
- item at ,-1 T set "i_cdrtype T" return 1
- text
- text
- ##ASmenu getMPUPORTICS at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get MPU PORT " match $i_mpuport
- ##AS set tmpport type int 0
- ##AS text "Please select a PORT Address for MIDI below, and press ENTER."
- ##AS text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- ##AS text
- ##AS box at ,-1 dims 6,7
- ##AS item at ,-1 330 set "tmpport 330" script "checkMPUPORTwithICS i_mpuport" return 1
- ##AS item at ,-1 320 set "tmpport 320" script "checkMPUPORTwithICS i_mpuport" return 1
- ##AS item at ,-1 310 set "tmpport 310" script "checkMPUPORTwithICS i_mpuport" return 1
- ##AS item at ,-1 300 set "tmpport 300" script "checkMPUPORTwithICS i_mpuport" return 1
- ##AS text
- ##AS text
- menu getICSPORT at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh name " Get ICS PORT " match $i_icsport
- set tmpport type int 0
- text "Please select a PORT Address for WaveFront MIDI below, and press ENTER."
- text "Press ESCAPE to Cancel."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,7
- item at ,-1 330 set "tmpport 330" script "checkICSPORTwithMPUCDR i_icsport" return 1
- item at ,-1 320 set "tmpport 320" script "checkICSPORTwithMPUCDR i_icsport" return 1
- ##AS item at ,-1 310 set "tmpport 310" script "checkICSPORTwithMPUCDR i_icsport" return 1
- item at ,-1 300 set "tmpport 300" script "checkICSPORTwithMPUCDR i_icsport" return 1
- text
- text
- script checkMPUIRQwithPCM
- if ! isequal ${tmpirq} ${i_pcmirq} return ${tmpirq}
- runmenu MPUIRQCollides
- return $i_mpuirq
- script checkPCMIRQwithMPU
- if ! isequal ${tmpirq} ${i_mpuirq} return ${tmpirq}
- runmenu PCMIRQCollides
- return $i_pcmirq
- menu PCMIRQCollides at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This IRQ is assigned to the MPU Device."
- text
- menu MPUIRQCollides at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This IRQ is assigned to the PCM Device."
- text
- ##see if it conflicts with CDR and ICS
- script checkMPUPORTwithCDRICS
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_icsport} runmenu MPUPORTCollidesICS return ${i_mpuport}
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_cdrport} runmenu MPUPORTCollidesCDR return ${i_mpuport}
- return ${tmpport}
- script checkMPUPORTwithCDR
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_cdrport} runmenu MPUPORTCollidesCDR return ${i_mpuport}
- return ${tmpport}
- ##see if it conflicts with MPU and CDR
- script checkICSPORTwithMPUCDR
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_mpuport} runmenu ICSPORTCollidesMPU return ${i_icsport}
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_cdrport} runmenu ICSPORTCollidesCDR return ${i_icsport}
- return ${tmpport}
- ##see if it conflicts with MPU and ICS
- script checkCDRPORTwithMPUICS
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_mpuport} runmenu CDRPORTCollidesMPU return ${i_cdrport}
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_icsport} runmenu CDRPORTCollidesICS return ${i_cdrport}
- return ${tmpport}
- script checkCDRPORTwithMPU
- if isequal ${tmpport} ${i_mpuport} runmenu CDRPORTCollidesMPU return ${i_cdrport}
- return ${tmpport}
- menu CDRPORTCollidesMPU at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the MPU Device."
- text
- menu CDRPORTCollidesICS at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the WaveTable Device."
- text
- menu ICSPORTCollidesMPU at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the MPU Device."
- text
- menu ICSPORTCollidesICS at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the CDROM Device."
- text
- menu MPUPORTCollidesICS at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the WaveFront Device."
- text
- menu MPUPORTCollidesCDR at -1,-1 bc red tc wh name " Resource Conflict "
- text
- text "This PORT is assigned to the CDROM Device."
- text
- menu helpEditINIFILE dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Media Vision Diagnostics Help "
- item at 0,0 execute "pg qcfgc.hlp"
- # runscript loadEditINIFILEHelp
- # display at ,2 dims 20,70 textEditINIFILEHelp
- # item at 23,1 " Press ENTER to Return To Main Program " set "textEditINIFILEHelp" return 1
- # item "" Return 1
- script loadEditINIFILEHelp
- if isfile QCFGC.hlp then
- set textEditINIFILEHelp type str `file QCFGC.HLP
- else
- set textEditINIFILEHelp type str "Sorry: missing QCFGC.HLP, can not provide help."
- endif
- return