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- SuperPrint for Windows 95 and Windows NT
- Zenographics, Inc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction:
- -------------
- Thank you for installing a SuperPrint SuperDriver for your Epson printer.
- The SuperDriver is designed for Windows NT, vesion 3.51. Zenographics
- publishes SuperPrint 4.0, a feature rich version of SuperPrint for Windows
- 95 and Windows NT, with SuperDrivers for ALL popular desktop printers
- (except for PostScript language compatible printers) and valuable printing
- tools found nowhere else.
- Listed below is information about SuperPrint 4.0, which includes support
- for Windows 95 and Windows NT on one CD-ROM. There is also an order form
- offering a discounted upgrade for users of the Epson SuperDriver.
- SuperPrint 4.0
- Supporting Windows 95 and NT
- ----------------------------
- SuperPrint 4.0 is a set of advanced printing tools for Windows 95 and NT
- designed to provide you faster, better and smoother printing. SuperPrint
- replaces Windows 95's 16-bit print subsystem with 32-bit technology for
- smoother multitasking and better background processing. Included are
- SuperDrivers for Windows 95 and NT, with controls for sharpness, contrast,
- lightness, saturation and dot gain. With SuperPrint, you can drag-and-drop
- bitmaps into SuperPrint's image filters to print without other applications.
- The automatic lightness and contrast enhancements provide the best possible
- output from the first time SuperPrint is used.
- SuperPrint 4.0 includes 10 new printing tools not found in Windows 95 or
- Windows NT:
- Get exceptionally fast output and the best multitasking and background
- printing with SuperPrint. Don't get stuck with Windows 95's 16-bit
- performance.
- SuperPrint offers more power to produce high quality output. Output
- controls include sharpness, contrast, lightness, saturation, grayscale
- and dot gain.
- Output World Wide Web-ready files from any Windows application.
- SuperPrint also lets you view and print downloaded image files (GIF,
- JPEG, and PostScript) with drag-and-drop ease.
- Turn your non-PostScript printers into powerful, faster PostScript
- devices. With SuperPrint, there's no need to buy expensive PostScript-
- equipped printers to print EPS and PostScript files; includes screen
- preview too!
- A completely new SuperQueue offers more control over print job
- processing, helpful job status information (including job logging), and
- enhanced, bi-directional network support. Best of all, the new
- SuperQueue lets you preview and print bitmap and PostScript files using
- drag-and-drop -- without the need for any other application!
- When your drag your favorite bitmaps and PostScript files into
- SuperQueue, SuperPrint's image filters "read" the graphics in your files
- and makes lightness and contrast enhancements automatically. You'll get
- great results the very first time you use SuperPrint!
- SuperPrint provides 32-bit drivers for all popular non-PostScript
- devices. Each driver is pre-tuned for your printer model by a
- Zenographics print specialist to give you fast high quality printer
- performance.
- We've added GIF and JPEG to our Bitmap SuperDriver so you can generate
- images quickly and easily from any Windows application. These new
- formats are in addition to full support for TIFF, BMP Targa, and PCX.
- Making bitmaps has never been easier.
- No need to wonder if your PostScript or bitmap file will print
- correctly. SuperQueue comes with an on-screen print preview feature
- that shows how your image fits on the page, whether fonts are correct,
- and how your colors will look. You can also zoom in on any page to get
- a close-up look at the details.
- SuperPrint is the only print solution that lets you print by sending
- compact metafiles over any Windows compatible network. Our
- SuperMetafile printing architecture reduces network traffic and
- optimizes background printing performance on the client PC. With
- Windows 95 alone, old-style raw printer data can easily create network
- bottlenecks.
- Plus more.....
- SuperPrint 3.1
- Supports Windows 3.1x
- (including Windows for Workgroups)
- ----------------------------------
- Included on the same CD-ROM, SuperPrint 3.1 helps you print faster and
- better from Windows 3.1. SuperPrint replaces standard Windows printer
- drivers with accelerated 32-bit SuperDrivers for faster printing, sharper
- graphics, and brighter, more accurate color. SuperPrint provides a wide
- selection of options to enhance printed output. Also included is
- SuperQueue, the fastest Windows print spooler, which gets you back to work
- up to 77 times faster than Windows Print Manager. SuperQueue improves
- performance by capturing the document to be printed before Windows processes
- it, then prints it in the background while you continue to work. SuperPrint
- and SuperQueue can be used network-wide to drastically reduce printing
- bottlenecks. Supports all popular non-PostScript printers.
- How To Upgrade:
- ---------------
- You can upgrade to the complete SuperPrint (including support for Windows
- 95, NT, and 3.1) for only $29.99 on CD-ROM, or $39.99 on 3.5" diskettes.
- Just print out and complete the upgrade order form below, and FAX it to us
- at (408) 644-2022,
- - or -
- mail your upgrade order to:
- Zenographics
- P.O. Box 4301
- Salinas, CA 93912
- You can also upgrade over the phone by calling (800) 366-7494, and mention
- discount code: E96.
- Upgrade Order Form:
- -------------------
- QTY. Product Price Total
- |-----|--------------------------------------|--------|-------|
- | | SuperPrint Upgrade on CD-ROM | $29.99 | |
- |-----|--------------------------------------|--------|-------|
- | | SuperPrint Upgrade 3.5" Diskettes | $39.99 | |
- |-----|--------------------------------------|--------|-------|
- *Tax | |
- U.S. Shipping & Handling (circle one) |-------|
- Shipping | |
- Surface $6 Expedite $10 Rush $15 |-------|
- Total | |
- * CA residents add applicable tax. |-------|
- U.S. Funds only, please. For international shipping rates,
- please call (714) 474-0108.
- Customer Information:
- ---------------------
- Name:___________________________________ Phone:____________________________
- Company:________________________________ FAX:______________________________
- Address:____________________________________________________________________
- City:___________________________________ State:_____ ZIP/PC_______________
- Country:________________________________
- Payment Information:
- --------------------
- Payment Type: __ VISA __ Master Card __ AMEX __ Check __ Money Order
- (Payable to Zenographics)
- Account Number:______________________________________ Expires:_____________
- Print name on card:_________________________________________________________
- Signature:__________________________________________________________________