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INI File | 1996-08-29 | 32.1 KB | 917 lines
[INSTALL] Copy=1 1=INSTAL.OVL, 100000 2=LZEXPAND.DLL, 20000 3=VER.DLL, 10000 4=INSTALL.DAT, 31247 5=EPL2.001, 5133 17=EPL20001.TXT, 5133 6=EPL2.030, 5609 18=EPL20030.TXT, 5609 7=EPL2.033, 5527 19=EPL20033.TXT, 5527 8=EPL2.034, 5569 20=EPL20034.TXT, 5569 9=EPL2.036, 4923 21=EPL20036.TXT, 4923 10=EPL2.039, 4972 22=EPL20039.TXT, 4972 11=EPL2.042, 5131 23=EPL20042.TXT, 5131 12=EPL2.044, 5143 24=EPL20044.TXT, 5143 13=EPL2.049, 5530 25=EPL20049.TXT, 5530 14=EPL2.090, 5076 26=EPL20090.TXT, 5076 15=EPL2.370, 5091 27=EPL20370.TXT, 5091 16=EPL2.386, 5193 28=EPL20386.TXT, 5193 [Bitmap] Bitmap=[DataDir]\LOGO.BMP ShowBitmap=0 PaintGradient=1 ShadowOffset=5 MaskColor=255,255,255 ShadowColor=0,0,0 StartColor=0,0,0 FinishColor=0,0,255 BitmapPos=0 BkColor=255,255,255 [StatusBitmap] ShadowOffset=10 ShadowColor=0,64,0 ShowBitmap=2 StatusBmpSize= [Global] Caption=Installation [Printer] Ok=Ok HlpOk=Click on "OK" to if you want to carry out the operation. Cancel=Cancel HlpCancel=Click on "Cancel" if you want to cancel the operation. Help=&Help HlpHelp=Click on "Help" if you would like to obtain further information. AskCancel=Do you really want to cancel the installation?[CR] MsgNextDisk=Please insert the disk [MsgDisk] into drive! MsgSetupDisk=Please insert the INSTALL disk into drive! ErrCannotInstall=Not enough disk space available to install driver! ErrCreatePath=The directory [DstPath] cannot be created! ErrWriteProtect=The file [DstFile] is write protected![CR]Do you want to overwrite this file? ErrAccessViolation=You do not have access rights to file [DstFile]! ErrSharingViolation=File [DstFile] is currently in use![CR]Please close this application! ErrCannotCreate=File [DstFile] cannot be created! ErrOutOfSpace=File [DstFile] cannot be installed because there is not enough memory available! ErrCannotRead=File [SrcFile] is unreadble! ErrOverwrite=File [DstFile] already exists! Do you want to overwrite the existing file? ErrUnknown=An unknown error has occured while processing file [DstFile]! ErrRemoteDrive=You are attempting to install an application on a remote drive. This is not possible, because some modules of the application are still loaded. Either close the application or select another destination drive! MsgAskInstall=The currently installed file [DstFile] is [DstMsg].[CR][CR]The new file [SrcFile] to be installed is [SrcMsg].[CR][CR]Do you want to install this file anyway? MsgAskRepeatWrite=[CR]Do you want to retry writing to disk? MsgAskCreatePath=Path [DstPath] does not exist. Do you want to create it? MsgVersion=[CR]the version number [FileVersion] MsgLang=[CR]the language [FileLanguage] MsgCodePage=[CR]the codepage [FileCodepage] MsgType=[CR]the file type [FileType] MsgDate=[CR]the date [FileDate] and the time [FileTime] MsgDiffVersion=older version number MsgDiffLang=different language MsgDiffCodePage=different Codepage MsgDiffType=different type MsgDiffDate=older date MsgAskInstallAll=Do you wish all files with [MsgDiff] to be installed without further confirmation? MsgAskIgnoreAll=Do you wish all files with [MsgDiff] to be ignored without further confirmation? MsgRestart1=INSTALL needs to update system files which are currently in use. To do so, INSTALL needs to exit Windows. Please close all active applications and DOS sessions, then click on OK! MsgRestart2=To complete the installation once you have exited Windows, you will need to run the program [DstFile] (located in your Windows directory [DstPath]. If you wish to do this, please select Yes. Caution: if you select No, the program will not be installed properly. MsgRestart1_NT=INSTALL needs to update system files which are currently in use. To do so, INSTALL must reboot Windows. Please close all active applications and DOS sessions, then click on OK ![CR][CR]Caution: if you select No, new installed components are available after reboot only. MsgInstalled=[Printer] Printer Driver was successfully installed! MsgNotInstalled=[Printer] Printer Driver was NOT successfully installed! ErrTooManyPrintersInstalled=Too many printers installed, please run Control Panel and remove any printer drivers you no longer need! ErrDiskFull=Not enough space available on drive [SpaceDrive]. You need [SpaceNeeded] Bytes, but you have only [SpaceFree] Bytes available. LanguageScript=[InstClass].%03d HelpProg=NOTEPAD.EXE [InstClass]0[LanguageCode].TXT WIN31=0 WIN95=0 WINNT=1 ErrWrongVersion=This printer driver runs only with [MsgVersion] ! ErrWrongVersionWIN31=Windows 3.x ErrWrongVersionWIN95=Windows 95 ErrWrongVersionWINNT=Windows NT 3.51 MsgInstalled2= MsgNotInstalled2= [Status] SrcFile=Copying from source file: DstFile=to destination file: DeleteFile=Deleting file: CreateGroup=Installing program group to the Program Manager: AddItem=Installing program to the Program Manager: ReplaceItem=Replacing program in Program Manager: DeleteItem=Deleting program in Program Manager: DeleteGroup=Deleting program group in Program Manager: ShowGroup=Displaying program group in Program Manager: [Language] Text=Select the language to be used for the printer driver dialogs: HlpList1=Select your language from the list provided (use up and down arrows to see more) List=[LanguageList] [Country] Text=Select the country where you purchased your printer: HlpList1=Select your country from the list provided (use up and down arrows to see more) List=[CountryList] [SelectPrinter] Text=Select your printer: HlpList1=Select the printer you are using from the list provided (use up and down arrows to see more). First=1 [Vars] InstPort=LPT1: Drv=Printer Driver [ChangesPrinter] 1=[WinDir]\WIN.INI, DRVLIBINTL, [InstClass]W.DRV, [CountryCode],[TURK31],[LanguageCode]:[Versions] [RegistryPrinter] 1=LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GCA\SID2LINN, DrvlibIntl, [InstClass]N.DLL, [CountryCode][Comma][Comma][LanguageCode] [AVR] Flags=7 [RunPrograms] 2=CONTROL.EXE [Printer Mapping] EPSON LQ-2170=EPSON LQ-2170 EPSON LQ-2070=EPSON LQ-2070 [Copy] 1000=[DataDir]\[InstClass]W.DRV, [PrinterDir]\SID2RNNW.DRV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 1001=[DataDir]\[InstClass].ISD, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].ISD 1002=[DataDir]\[InstClass].ITD, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].ITD 1003=[DataDir]\[InstClass]W.PRD, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass]W.DRV 1102=[DataDir]\LINW, [PrinterDir]\SID2LINW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1103=[DataDir]\DATW, [PrinterDir]\SID2DATW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1104=[DataDir]\WST1, [PrinterDir]\SID2WST1.ITD, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1400=[DataDir]\BRFW, [PrinterDir]\SID2BRFW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2100=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\SID2DLNW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2101=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\SID2STCK.EXX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2102=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\GCADCTW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2104=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\GCAMEMW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2105=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\CTL3DV2.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2106=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\SH21W16.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 2107=[DataDir]\DLGLIB, [PrinterDir]\DLGTOOL.INI, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 14=[DataDir]\[InstClass].CMG, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].CMG 1901=[DataDir]\DDSW, [PrinterDir]\SID2DDLW.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 18=[DataDir]\[InstClass].CMG, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].CMG 4000=[DataDir]\RUNINST.DLL, [SystemDir]\RUNINST.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = [Copy NT] 1000=[DataDir]\[InstClass]N.DLL, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass]N.DLL 1001=[DataDir]\[InstClass].ISD, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].ISD 1002=[DataDir]\[InstClass].ITD, [PrinterDir]\[InstClass].ITD 1102=[DataDir]\LINN, [PrinterDir]\SID2LINN.DLL 1103=[DataDir]\DATN, [PrinterDir]\SID2DATN.DLL 1104=[DataDir]\WST1, [PrinterDir]\SID2WST1.ITD 2100=[DataDir]\DLNN, [PrinterDir]\SID2DLNN.DLL 2105=[DataDir]\CTL3N, [SystemDir]\CTL3D32.DLL 2107=[DataDir]\DLGI, [PrinterDir]\DLGTOOL.INI 2108=[DataDir]\DCTN, [PrinterDir]\GCADCTN.DLL 2109=[DataDir]\CTL3N, [PrinterDir]\CTL3D32.DL_ 1400=[DataDir]\BRFN, [PrinterDir]\SID2BRFN.DLL 1901=[DataDir]\DDSN, [PrinterDir]\SID2DDLN.DLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 = [IntlVars] InstClass=EPL2 InstSClass=EP Driver=EPL2W ConfigFile=[PrinterDir]\EPL2.CFG IniFile=[WinDir]\EPL2.INI [IntlVars NT] InstClass=EPL2 InstSClass=EP Driver=EPL2N [Versions] CentEast=36,42,44,386 Czech=42,44 Greek=30,44 Hungary=36,44 Lithuania=44,370 NotFound=1,30,33,34,36,39,42,44,49,90,370,386 Slovenian=44,386 Turkish=44,49,90 [VerLanguage] CentEast=Magyar:36,ΦeÜtina:42,English (UK):44,Slovenija:386 Czech=ΦeÜtina:42,English (UK):44 Greek=Greek:30,English (UK):44 Hungary=Magyar:36,English (UK):44 Lithuania=English (UK):44,Lithuanian:370 NotFound=English (US):1,Greek:30,Franτais:33,Espa±ol:34,Magyar:36,Italiano:39,ΦeÜtina:42,English (UK):44,Deutsch:49,Tⁿrkτe:90,Lithuanian:370,Slovenija:386 Slovenian=English (UK):44,Slovenija:386 Turkish=English (UK):44,Deutsch:49,Tⁿrkτe:90 [CopyHelp,CentEast] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20036.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20042.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 3=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 4=[DataDir]\EPL20386.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Czech] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20042.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Greek] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20030.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Hungary] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20036.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Lithuania] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20370.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,NotFound] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20001.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20030.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 3=[DataDir]\EPL20033.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 4=[DataDir]\EPL20034.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 5=[DataDir]\EPL20036.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 6=[DataDir]\EPL20039.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 7=[DataDir]\EPL20042.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 8=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 9=[DataDir]\EPL20049.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 10=[DataDir]\EPL20090.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 11=[DataDir]\EPL20370.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 12=[DataDir]\EPL20386.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Slovenian] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20386.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [CopyHelp,Turkish] 1=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 2=[DataDir]\EPL20049.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* 3=[DataDir]\EPL20090.HLP, [PrinterDir]\*.* [VerCountry] CentEast=Hungary:36,Czech/Slovakia:42,Hungary:386,Standard:999 Czech=Czech/Slovakia:42,UK:44 Greek=Greece:30,Standard:999 Hungary=Hungary:36,UK:44 Lithuania=UK:44,Lithuania:370 NotFound=Greece:30,Hungary:36,Czech/Slovakia:42,UK:44,Turkey:90,Lithuania:370,Hungary:386,Standard:999 Slovenian=UK:44,Hungary:386 Turkish=Turkey:90,Standard:999 [Printers,C030] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C030] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C036] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C036] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C042] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C042] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C044] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C044] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C090] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C090] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C370] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C370] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C386] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C386] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printers,C999] Models=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 [SelectPrinter,C999] List=n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,n18,n19,n20,n21,n22,n23,n24,n25,n26,n27,n28,n29,n30,n31,n32,n33,n34,n35,n36,n37,n38,n39,n40,n41,n42,n43,n44,n45,n46,n47,n48,n49,n50,n51,n52,n53,n54,n55,n56,n57 Select=1 - 57 = 1 [Printer,C030] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C036] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C042] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C044] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C090] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C370] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C386] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [Printer,C999] n1=EPSON Stylus 1000 n2=EPSON Stylus 800+ n3=EPSON Stylus 800+ NLSP n4=EPSON Stylus 800 n5=EPSON Stylus 400 n6=EPSON Stylus 400 NLSP n7=EPSON Stylus 300 n8=EPSON Stylus 300 NLSP n9=EPSON DLQ-3000 n10=EPSON LQ-2170 n11=EPSON LQ-2170 NLSP n12=EPSON LQ-2070 n13=EPSON LQ-2070 NLSP n14=EPSON LQ-1170 n15=EPSON LQ-1170 Baltic n16=EPSON LQ-1170 Bulgaria n17=EPSON LQ-1170 Cyrillic n18=EPSON LQ-1170 ISO n19=EPSON LQ-1170 Latin n20=EPSON LQ-1070+ n21=EPSON LQ-1070+ Cyrillic n22=EPSON LQ-1070+ Latin1 n23=EPSON LQ-1070 n24=EPSON LQ-1070 Baltic n25=EPSON LQ-1070 Bulgaria n26=EPSON LQ-1070 Cyrillic n27=EPSON LQ-1070 ISO n28=EPSON LQ-1070 Latin n29=EPSON LQ-870 n30=EPSON LQ-870 Baltic n31=EPSON LQ-870 Bulgaria n32=EPSON LQ-870 Cyrillic n33=EPSON LQ-870 ISO n34=EPSON LQ-870 Latin n35=EPSON LQ-570+ n36=EPSON LQ-570+ Cyrillic n37=EPSON LQ-570+ Latin1 n38=EPSON LQ-570 n39=EPSON LQ-570 Baltic n40=EPSON LQ-570 Bulgaria n41=EPSON LQ-570 Cyrillic n42=EPSON LQ-570 ISO n43=EPSON LQ-570 Latin n44=EPSON LQ-300 n45=EPSON LQ-300 Cyrillic n46=EPSON LQ-100 n47=EPSON LQ-100 Baltic n48=EPSON LQ-100 Bulg. n49=EPSON LQ-100 E. Europe n50=EPSON LQ-100 Greek n51=EPSON LQ-100 ISO n52=EPSON SQ-1170 n53=EPSON SQ-1170 Latin n54=EPSON SQ-1170 Cyrillic n55=EPSON SQ-870 n56=EPSON SQ-870 Latin n57=EPSON SQ-870 Cyrillic [CreatePrinters] n57.1=[n57], [n57], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n56.1=[n56], [n56], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n55.1=[n55], [n55], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n54.1=[n54], [n54], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n53.1=[n53], [n53], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n52.1=[n52], [n52], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n51.1=[n51], [n51], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n50.1=[n50], [n50], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n49.1=[n49], [n49], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n48.1=[n48], [n48], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n47.1=[n47], [n47], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n46.1=[n46], [n46], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n45.1=[n45], [n45], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n44.1=[n44], [n44], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n43.1=[n43], [n43], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n42.1=[n42], [n42], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n41.1=[n41], [n41], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n40.1=[n40], [n40], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n39.1=[n39], [n39], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n38.1=[n38], [n38], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n37.1=[n37], [n37], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n36.1=[n36], [n36], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n35.1=[n35], [n35], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n34.1=[n34], [n34], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n33.1=[n33], [n33], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n32.1=[n32], [n32], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n31.1=[n31], [n31], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n30.1=[n30], [n30], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n29.1=[n29], [n29], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n28.1=[n28], [n28], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n27.1=[n27], [n27], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n26.1=[n26], [n26], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n25.1=[n25], [n25], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n24.1=[n24], [n24], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n23.1=[n23], [n23], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n22.1=[n22], [n22], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n21.1=[n21], [n21], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n20.1=[n20], [n20], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n19.1=[n19], [n19], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n18.1=[n18], [n18], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n17.1=[n17], [n17], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n16.1=[n16], [n16], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n15.1=[n15], [n15], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n14.1=[n14], [n14], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n13.1=[n13], [n13], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n12.1=[n12], [n12], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n11.1=[n11], [n11], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n10.1=[n10], [n10], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n9.1=[n9], [n9], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n8.1=[n8], [n8], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n7.1=[n7], [n7], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n6.1=[n6], [n6], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n5.1=[n5], [n5], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n4.1=[n4], [n4], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n3.1=[n3], [n3], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n2.1=[n2], [n2], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 n1.1=[n1], [n1], [InstPort], [Driver], EPL2.ITD, SID2LINN.DLL, 3, winprint, 1, 1024 [FileSize] 1=[DataDir]\BRFN, 78336 2=[DataDir]\CTL3N, 27136 3=[DataDir]\DATN, 12800 4=[DataDir]\DCTN, 361984 5=[DataDir]\DDSN, 4096 6=[DataDir]\DLGI, 1312 7=[DataDir]\DLNN, 34816 8=[DataDir]\EPL2.001, 5133 9=[DataDir]\EPL2.030, 5609 10=[DataDir]\EPL2.033, 5527 11=[DataDir]\EPL2.034, 5569 12=[DataDir]\EPL2.036, 4923 13=[DataDir]\EPL2.039, 4972 14=[DataDir]\EPL2.042, 5131 15=[DataDir]\EPL2.044, 5143 16=[DataDir]\EPL2.049, 5530 17=[DataDir]\EPL2.090, 5076 18=[DataDir]\EPL2.370, 5091 19=[DataDir]\EPL2.386, 5193 20=[DataDir]\EPL2.ISD, 143358 21=[DataDir]\EPL2.ITD, 92748 22=[DataDir]\EPL20001.HLP, 2 23=[DataDir]\EPL20001.TXT, 2 24=[DataDir]\EPL20030.HLP, 2 25=[DataDir]\EPL20030.TXT, 2 26=[DataDir]\EPL20033.HLP, 2 27=[DataDir]\EPL20033.TXT, 2 28=[DataDir]\EPL20034.HLP, 2 29=[DataDir]\EPL20034.TXT, 2 30=[DataDir]\EPL20036.HLP, 2 31=[DataDir]\EPL20036.TXT, 2 32=[DataDir]\EPL20039.HLP, 2 33=[DataDir]\EPL20039.TXT, 2 34=[DataDir]\EPL20042.HLP, 2 35=[DataDir]\EPL20042.TXT, 2 36=[DataDir]\EPL20044.HLP, 2 37=[DataDir]\EPL20044.TXT, 2 38=[DataDir]\EPL20049.HLP, 2 39=[DataDir]\EPL20049.TXT, 2 40=[DataDir]\EPL20090.HLP, 2 41=[DataDir]\EPL20090.TXT, 2 42=[DataDir]\EPL20370.HLP, 2 43=[DataDir]\EPL20370.TXT, 2 44=[DataDir]\EPL20386.HLP, 2 45=[DataDir]\EPL20386.TXT, 2 46=[DataDir]\EPL2N.DLL, 20992 47=[DataDir]\INSTAL.OVL, 210944 48=[DataDir]\INSTALL.DAT, 32307 49=[DataDir]\INSTALL.EXE, 29184 50=[DataDir]\LINN, 676352 51=[DataDir]\PRINTER.INF, 332 52=[DataDir]\WST1, 16036