715 Default=****0000,;Automatic selection of an SP3.0 compatible dither based on the device resolution. (4x4 for 300 dpi and higher).
716 Floyd-Steinberg (2 way)=****8000,FS2;Pixel neighborhood 'error' diffused in two directions; requires 8X normal SuperRIP memory; very fine pattern photocopies poorly.
717 Floyd-Steinberg (4 way)=****9000,FS4;Pixel neighborhood 'error' diffused in four directions; slower than 2 way; requires 8X normal SuperRIP memory; very fine pattern photocopies poorly.
1100 PrinterName
1101 PaperName
1102 BinName
1103 MediaName
1104 DotGain
1109 DefaultPrinter
1110 DefaultRes
1111 Capabilities
1112 DefaultFeed
1113 DefaultDither
1114 Color
1115 Resolution
1116 ResolutionXY
1117 MinExtent
1118 MaxExtent
1119 MarginEnglish
1120 MarginMetric
1121 Fields
1122 DotGainKeys
1130 Papers
1131 PapersPerBin
1140 Bins
1150 Media
1160 PaperArea
1161 PaperSize
1170 Units
1171 Margin
1172 Extent
1178 PerInch
1179 PerCM
1180 HelpTopicOverride
1196 Installation
1197 Product
1198 Licensee
1199 Organization
4099 No paper selected
4100 Custom Papers -
4101 Untitled Paper - %d
4102 A paper must be selected before it can be edited.