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- ********************************************************************
- README file for EPSON Stylus(R) High Quality ESC/P 2 printer driver
- for Windows(R) 95/3.1
- ********************************************************************
- This README file has the following sections:
- A. Important legal information
- B. Late-breaking news regarding your Windows printer driver
- I. Tips
- II. Application notes
- III. Known printer driver problems
- IV. Using the EPSON Stylus printer as a remote printer on a network.
- A. Important legal information
- ==============================
- Software called the EPSON Stylus High Quality ESC/P 2 driver for Windows 95/3.1
- The Software may be copied and distributed without charge only to users of EPSON
- brand printers. All files on the disk must be copied without modification,
- including all proprietary marks and notices. All components of the Software must
- be distributed together. The Software may not be distributed for profit.
- Copyright (c) 1996 SEIKO EPSON Corporation
- Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Software 2000 Ltd., Oxford, England.
- B. Late-breaking news regarding your Windows driver
- ===================================================
- I. Tips
- -------
- * Increasing the printing speed
- If MicroWeave is selected, black ink printing is much slower than usual.
- (Color printing speed is only slightly affected by MicroWeave). Turn off
- MicroWeave to increase print speed. If you are printing in black ink, select
- MicroWeave only for presentation quality printing.
- Other ways to speed up your printing include turning on High Speed mode,
- turning off Halftoning, printing in black ink instead of color, and printing
- at a lower resolution.
- Your CPU speed, amount of system memory, application type, document type,
- and degree of hard disk fragmentation also significantly affect printing speed.
- * Windows 3.0
- The driver does not support Windows 3.0. Please upgrade to Windows 3.1
- (or later) or Windows 95.
- * EGA and CGA displays
- The driver does not function properly with EGA and CGA displays.
- Either use the standard Windows driver (available from Microsoft) or upgrade
- your monitor to VGA.
- * Freeing up memory
- In Windows 95, the EPSON Despooler remains open after you print a document. If
- you need to free up some additional memory when not printing, try closing the
- EPSON Despooler. Use Alt + Tab to switch to the Despooler. (In Windows 3.1,
- the EPSON Despooler closes automatically after a print job is completed.)
- * A red "x" (indicating a printing problem) appears over the printer icon in the
- EPSON Spool Manager, but the printer prints correctly.
- To correct this problem, use the standard Windows Print Manager. To do this,
- open EPSON Spool Manager. Select Setup from the Queue menu and place an x in
- the "Use Print Manager for this port" check box.
- * The message "This driver cannot be updated because it is currently being used
- by Windows" is displayed on your screen.
- This error may occur if you try to reinstall the driver. Close the EPSON Despooler
- and try again.
- * The first line near the top of the page does not print correctly.
- When printing at 720 dpi with MicroWeave turned on, the output near the top of
- the page may be slightly distorted. To avoid this problem, use the page setup options
- in your application program to increase the top margin.
- * SETUP.EXE does not install the driver.
- If you execute the SETUP.EXE command with the Windows Control Panel open, the
- driver will not be installed because the Control Panel overwrites the WIN.INI
- file. Close the Control Panel and run SETUP.EXE again.
- * Using multiple printers on a single port in Windows 3.1x and Windows 95.
- Some printers are designed to work alone on a given printer port. If you are
- having difficulty printing to the EPSON Stylus printer, redirect the other
- printers to another port or print to a file.
- To redirect printers in Windows 95, follow these steps:
- 1) Select "Start," "Settings," and then "Printers."
- 2) Right-click the EPSON Stylus printer icon.
- 3) Select the "Properties" menu item.
- 4) Select the "Details" tab and note the port name under "Print to the
- following Port."
- 5) Click the "Cancel" button.
- 6) Repeat steps 2-4 for each printer in the "Printers" folder. If a printer is
- on the same port as the EPSON Stylus printer, click the down arrow next to
- the port name and select "File: (Creates a file on disk)" for that printer.
- Then click "OK."
- To redirect printers in Windows 3.1x, follow these steps:
- 1) Double-click the "Control Panel" icon.
- 2) Double-click the "Printers" icon.
- 3) Select a printer that is on the same port as the EPSON Stylus printer.
- 4) Click the "Connect" button.
- 5) Select a port different from the one that is selected, or select "File."
- 6) Click OK.
- 7) Repeat steps 3-6 until no other printers are on the same port as the EPSON
- Stylus printer.
- 8) Close all dialog boxes and exit the Control Panel.
- * EPSON Parallel Interface Card C82345*.
- The current status of the printer cannot be read when using the EPSON Parallel
- Interface Card C82345*.
- Error messages such as "Printer is off-line" or "Printer is not responding"
- may be displayed even though the printer is printing. To correct this problem,
- open the EPSON Spool Manager. Select Setup from the Queue menu and then check
- the "Use Print Manager for this port" check box.
- * Changing printer resolution.
- Settings that are changed in the printer driver override the settings made in your
- application software. For example, when the Print Quality is set to Fine-720 dpi with
- Plain paper selected as the Media Type, your documents are printed at Fine-720 dpi
- even though the resolution in your application software is set to another resolution.
- * The New Hardware Found screen appears when using Windows 95
- Even though the printer software has already been installed, the New Hardware Found
- screen may appear in Windows 95. In that case, select "Do not install a driver" and
- click "OK". Windows 95 will not prompt you again.
- * Using utilities in the network environment.
- The Nozzle Check, Head Cleaning, and Print Head Alignment utilities can not be
- used in the network environment. Please connect the printer to a local port to use
- these utilities.
- * ICM
- ICM is supported only in Windows 95. To use ICM, set Mode to Automatic or set
- Halftoning to Error Diffusion and set Ink to Color.
- ICM works with the following Media Types and Print Qualities:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper / Fine - 720 dpi, SuperFine - 1440 dpi
- Photo Quality Glossy Paper / Fine - 720 dpi, SuperFine - 1440 dpi
- Photo Quality Glossy Film / Fine - 720 dpi, SuperFine - 1440 dpi
- Ink Jet Canvas / Fine - 720 dpi, SuperFine - 1440 dpi
- 360 dpi Ink Jet Paper / Normal - 360 dpi
- II. Application notes
- ---------------------
- * Micrografx Designer 4.0
- Imported grayscale images may be printed in black due to a bug in Designer.
- To print correctly, do one of the following:
- a) Change your Ink setting to Color, or
- b) Select a non-diffused halftone method, or
- c) Set your video display adapter to 256 color mode, or
- d) Update to a newer version of Designer.
- * Adobe Photoshop 2.5
- Printing to a file may cause a General Protection Fault error. Contact your
- software vendor for an upgrade to version 2.5.1 or above.
- * S3 video drivers
- If your graphics card uses S3 chips, your screen may not display some parts of
- the driver correctly. This does not affect printing. Contact the manufacturer
- of your card for a video driver update.
- * AmiPro 3.0
- A General Protection Fault error may occur when printing large image files
- through AmiPro if the background printing feature is turned on. If you
- encounter this problem, disable background printing as follows:
- 1) Choose Tools/User Setup.
- 2) Choose Options.
- 3) If the "Print in Background" checkbox is selected, click the box
- to turn off background printing.
- * CorelDRAW! 5.0E2
- If you experience a General Protection Fault error or notice that printed
- bands in your output are not aligned when printing black or 2-color
- images, try the following:
- 1) Open the CORELPRN.INI file with a text editor. The CORELPRN.INI file is
- stored in the COREL50\CONFIG subdirectory of Corel 5.0 (i.e., C:\COREL50
- 2) Go to the section labeled: [Config]
- 3) Find the following line: DumpEntireBitmap=1
- Change it to read: DumpEntireBitmap=0
- 4) Save and close the CORELPRN.INI file.
- 5) RESTART CorelDRAW!.
- * Microsoft Excel 5.0
- If your display adapter is set to display more than 256 colors, you may
- experience ink bleeding when printing color charts or graphs in 720 dpi
- resolution. If you encounter this problem, try one of the following:
- a) Set your video adapter to display 256 or 16 colors only.
- b) Print your Excel charts and graphs in 360 dpi resolution.
- * Microsoft Excel 5.0 / Windows 3.1, Windows 95
- Excel 5.0 spreadsheets printed in Economy mode are reduced in size.
- This problem occurs with the standard Microsoft driver as well. Contact the
- software vendor for an update.
- * FotoTouch Color 1.1a / Windows 3.1
- If US letter is chosen as the paper size, a blank sheet is output.
- This occurs because this software does not support non-banding printer
- drivers, such as Postscript or HPGL/2. Contact the software vendor for an
- update.
- * HyperScript Tools / Windows 3.1
- The color is not what you expected when multiple pages are printed.
- After the second page is printed, the software sends incorrect color
- information to the printer.
- Contact the software vendor to see if an update is available.
- * Harvard Graphics 4.0 / Windows 3.1
- Documents set to "Economy" are printed in "Normal - 360 dpi" quality.
- This problem occurs with the standard Microsoft driver as well.
- Contact the software vendor to see if an update is available.
- * Halo Desktop Image 2.02 / Windows 3.1
- When Super A3 paper size is selected, the printer cannot use the full
- printable area at 720 dpi.
- This is a feature of this software; the software sends a paper size command
- that is larger than the size set using the driver. Contact the software vendor
- for an update.
- * QuarkXPress / Windows 3.1
- The printer prints garbage (a series of lines) when Landscape orientation is
- selected and the Print Quality is set to 720 dpi. To correct this problem, select
- Portrait orientation or print in landscape at 360 dpi mode. Contact the software
- vendor to see if an update is available.
- * QuickTime Movie Player / Windows 95
- When a QuickTime Movie Player file is printed, the printer feeds a blank page.
- This is a feature of this software; it occurs with the standard Microsoft
- driver as well. Contact the software vendor to see if an update is available.
- * Microsoft Word 7.0 / Windows 95
- Line art printed at 720 dpi may not be positioned correctly. This is a feature
- of this software; it occurs with the standard Microsoft driver as well.
- Contact the software vendor to see if an update is available.
- III. Known printer driver problems
- ----------------------------------
- * Your software cannot print to a file (.PRN or PostScript)
- Make sure you specify a filename and a directory name of 8 characters or
- less, even in Windows 95.
- IV. Using the EPSON Stylus printer as a remote printer on a network
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are two basic ways to connect the Stylus printer to a network:
- 1. Use the EPSON Stylus driver's built-in network support.
- 2. Use the network's LPT port redirection functions.
- For best results when printing with Novell Netware 3.1x, use the EPSON printer
- driver to set up your system for network printing. In addition, when printing
- across a Lantastic Network you must use the built-in EPSON Stylus driver network
- support to ensure reliable operation.
- You will need to configure the following:
- * The computer that the printer is attached to (host computer).
- * The other computers on the network that will access the printer (remote
- computer/workstation).
- To configure the host computer, follow these steps:
- 1) Create an icon for the EPSON Spool Manager (EPSPLMGR.EXE in the
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory).
- 2) Place this icon in the Startup group.
- 3) Open the EPSON Spool Manager window.
- 4) Select Setup from the Queue menu.
- 5) Select the Remote Despool tab.
- 6) Place an x in the "Printing from remote queues" box.
- 7) Select a common network directory, such as F:\EPSON. This is the spool
- directory.
- 8) Click OK.
- 9) Minimize (do not close) the EPSON Spool Manager.
- To configure a remote computer/workstation, follow these steps:
- 1) Make an icon for the EPSON Spool Manager (EPSPLMGR.EXE in the
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory).
- 2) Open the EPSON Spool Manager window.
- 3) Select Setup from the Queue menu.
- 4) Select "Spool to remote printer."
- 5) Select the same network directory that was chosen in step 7 of the
- host computer configuration.
- 6) Click OK.
- 7) Minimize the EPSON Spool Manager.
- When you turn on the host computer and start Windows, make sure that the EPSON
- Spool Manager also loads. Each time the host computer is booted and Windows is
- loaded, verify that the EPSON Spool Manager loads. If Spool Manager doesn't
- load, network printing will not be possible.
- Below is a list of possible network configurations in descending order of
- preference.
- 1. EPSON Spool Manager network support. (Best performance)*
- 2. Dedicated print server.**
- 3. Print server running on a file server.**
- 4. Running RPRINTER on a workstation. (Lowest performance)**
- * Setup procedure is outlined above.
- ** Refer to your network software documentation or consult your network
- administrator.
- For the latest information regarding your EPSON printer, visit the EPSON Web Site
- at http://www.epson.com