15.04.04 Fixed: Parallel port connection always gave error 5 on uploads+downloads
14.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 Final
08.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 RC1
08.04.04 Fixed: RAR32 not detected as 32-bit app if path contained environment variables
06.04.04 Fixed: Random errors in CRC check function
06.04.04 Fixed: French version: Changed translation of "Undo" from "Anuller" to "DĪfaire"
06.04.04 Fixed: Right click on file name in archive converted name to lowercase even if this option was disabled
06.04.04 Fixed: Search in lister for regular expressions not working behind a 0 byte
05.04.04 Fixed: Right click on [..] in 16-bit version only prevented the Explorer right click menu, but not TC's internal one
05.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 Beta 1
02.04.04 Fixed: The background transfer manager was no longer remembering the last speed limit
02.04.04 Fixed: Parallel port connection: Uploads of files <4k caused next operation to fail if the target file was read only
02.04.04 Fixed: Lister: Scrollbar thumb position wasn't updated when switching between Ansi/Ascii/Variable mode (e.g. at the end of the document)
02.04.04 Added: Internal command cm_MoveOnly: always opens move to other window dialog
01.04.04 Fixed: FTP: When downloading a directory and the connection is lost, TC sometimes assumes to be still in the subdir
01.04.04 Fixed: RegEx search in Lister sometimes didn't correctly detect line start (^ sign)
30.03.04 Added: wcx_ftp.ini, [General], UploadBlockSize= sets block size for uploads (in bytes). Default: 512
30.03.04 Fixed: Don't replace \\->\ in RegEx searches (the RegEx library does this by itself)
30.03.04 Fixed: The line Allowed= to allow only certain drives wasn't always enforced
30.03.04 Fixed: Right click on button in button bar shows command "cd dir_of_program". This didn't work for paths containing environment variables
30.03.04 Fixed: Don't allow right click menu for [..] updir on Win9x/ME, it may cause a crash
29.03.04 Fixed: Data corruption with an Adaptec raid5 controller when copying with large file copy mode (due to unclear documentation of FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING)
29.03.04 Fixed: Inplace Rename: "select only name" wasn't selecting the correct name part for double byte languages (Chinese, Japanese etc.)
29.03.04 Fixed: When re-packing a file to RAR archive after editing, the short DOS name was used if the file contained spaces
29.03.04 Fixed: Button bar: Wrong icon sizes with button size set to >32 and icons not loaded via LoadImage
29.03.04 Fixed: cm_UnloadPlugins: only unload lister plugins if no lister window is open to avoid crash
29.03.04 Fixed: Commands - Search didn't correctly display the size of files > 4GB, also not after "Feed to Listbox"
29.03.04 Fixed: Files - Print file list with subdirs didn't display file sizes > 4 GB correctly
29.03.04 Fixed: When downloading from FTP, illegal names like "test:1" were not converted to valid names when the files were in subdirs
29.03.04 Fixed: In configuration - color change, the >> button after "Cursor text" could be clicked even if the cursor text couldn't be changed
29.03.04 Fixed: Wrong name display in brief view with long names turned off and aligned extensions
03.03.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 final
27.02.04 Fixed: With file panels above each other, the mouse wheel may have scrolled the wrong window
27.02.04 Fixed: Ctrl+Q on drive in "My Computer" turned off quick view permanently
24.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 3
24.02.04 Added: Specially sorted totalcmd.inc for internal commands as proposed in the Total Commander forum
24.02.04 Fixed: Regular expressions: catch crash in regex library caused by string ^??
24.02.04 Fixed: Enter on LNK files to files not working with TabEnterDirChange>0
24.02.04 Fixed: Sync tool: No delete before copy for files on file system plugins or ftp
24.02.04 Fixed: Increased limit of commands in totalcmd.inc from 250 to 350
24.02.04 Added: Cursor right in inplace rename will put cursor directly after selection
24.02.04 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6) will now always select the entire directory name regardless of the RenameSelOnlyName option
18.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 2
18.02.04 Fixed: Sync dirs, asymmetric mode: Nothing happended when files only needed to be deleted
18.02.04 Fixed: Prevent user from closing lister with ESC while a lister plugin is loading (can cause a crash)
18.02.04 Fixed: Appendtabs when tab header was hidden inserted first tab before current dir
18.02.04 Fixed: Files - Associate: TC was writing wrong association strings to win.ini for 32-bit apps (Win9x only)
18.02.04 Added: Included new unrar dll which fixes some crashes with invalid RAR files
18.02.04 Fixed: wrong total size shown in footer after right click
18.02.04 Added: Search: right click on result list item selects it and then shows its context menu
18.02.04 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] RenameSelOnlyName=1 selects only name (not ext) on inplace rename
15.02.04 Fixed: Convert Tab header names to lowercase if this option is set for DOS 8.3 names (requires restart)
15.02.04 Fixed: names truncated in Feed to listbox after Search
13.02.04 Fixed: When clicking on a tab with an ftp connection which had timed out, TC asked to reconnect. If user clicked no, a new connection was created instead of switching to a local drive.
13.02.04 Fixed: More checkmark problems with menu bar with "Left"+"Right" menus instead of "Show" menu
13.02.04 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: RegEx not saved, neither between sessions nor using the F2 function
13.02.04 Fixed: Bad position of right click menu in search window
13.02.04 Fixed: Right click on current dir or empty space in list no longer included the "New" submenu
13.02.04 Fixed: Right click on F8 button caused an access violation error
12.02.04 Fixed: Access violation on startup with option "Show tab header also when there is only one tab"
11.02.04 Release Total Commander 6.02 Beta 1
11.02.04 Fixed: Access violation when calling "Compare by content" and ESC is pressed while the window is still building up
11.02.04 Fixed: In tree view, the free disk space wasn't always updated on both panels
11.02.04 Fixed: When calculating the copy speed, don't take skipped files into account
10.02.04 Fixed: Problems with tabs to FTP server if user name contains an '@' sign
11.02.04 Fixed: 16-bit: could no longer type a dot in quick search
10.02.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Delete BEFORE copying in asymmetric mode, to make space for newly copied files
10.02.04 Fixed: Show tip window in search result - feed to listbox if name too long
10.02.04 Fixed: Limit length of string in brief view to panel width, show tip window if longer
10.02.04 Added: Made list in associate dialog a bit higher (user request)
10.02.04 Added: Right click context menu in search window
10.02.04 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] TabEnterDirChange= when user tries to change dir on locked tab with ENTER or Double Click, then 0: do nothing, 1=open new tab, 2=ask
06.02.04 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] LockedTabChange= what to do when changing dir on locked tab: 0: new tab, 1: re-use tab with same dir, 2= re-use first unlocked tab, 3=re-use last unlocked tab
06.02.04 Added: wincmd.ini [configuration] ReverseHistory=1 shows last visited dir first
06.02.04 Fixed: Unzip access violation caused by damaged zip file
06.02.04 Fixed: Lister plugins: Detect string was limited to 259 characters due to a saving error.
06.02.04 Fixed: Lister plugins: ListNotificationReceived will now also be sent when WM_MeasureItem is received during plugin creation. The value of the first parameter will then be =0. It is not sent for WM_DrawItem or WM_Notify during creation!
06.02.04 Fixed: When tab title length is limited to xy chars, a title of exactly xy chars was still getting .. appended
28.01.04 Added: When changing dir on a locked tab and the new directory already exists as a tab, switch to that tab instead of opening a new tab
28.01.04 Fixed: Access violation in Ctrl+Q when trying to view file name longer than the allowed 259 characters
28.01.04 Fixed: SFV check: Hourglass cursor may be shown after aborting check
28.01.04 Fixed: When a firewall was deleted in the middle of the list, all others were no longer accessible. Solution: Show <EMPTY> instead. Don't change numbers, they are stored in connections!
28.01.04 Fixed: Total Commander now uses the long name when starting a program from inside an archive
28.01.04 Fixed: 16-bit: Inplace rename caused access violation if a file with the same name already existed
28.01.04 Fixed: Shift+Click wasn't always selecting files from the currently active file to the clicked file
28.01.04 Fixed: XP bug: ShellExecute can cause exception with invalid association in registry
28.01.04 Fixed: XP bug: double clicking on empty space below file list opened file under cursor (Reason: lb_getcaretindex doesnt return error in this case as on other Windows versions)
27.01.04 Fixed: When using a menu with separate Left/Right menu, the checkmarks for comments view weren't always correct
27.01.04 Added: opentabs and appendtabs now also work with the tab name in the parameters field, and support placeholders like %P%N
23.01.04 Fixed: Punycode (accents in domain names) wasn't working correctly
23.01.04 Fixed: Russian names created with Russian locale settings on FAT file system could not be copied with English locale. Now copy/move/rename/open is supported. These files can still not be viewed/edited due to a Windows bug.
23.01.04 Added: Multi-rename tool: First letter per word uppercase: Don't do this in the file extension
23.01.04 Fixed: Some Unix FTP servers rename files without checking whether the target name is already in use -> problems with multi-rename tool
23.01.04 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show total bytes to be compared in footer
23.01.04 Fixed: WM_DRAWITEM was only sent to lister plugins when the window item id was set to the window handle. This is still true for WM_MEASUREITEM, which doesn't send the window handle.
21.01.04 Fixed: Background transfer manager aborting when switching to a different desktop with multiple desktop software
20.01.04 Added: Allways open background transfer manager window in upper left corner if no other transfer manager open
20.01.04 Added: Made background transfer manager window resizable
20.01.04 Fixed: "Change Start Menu" - "Add submenu" above entry with shortcut -> "--" item has shortcut too
20.01.04 Fixed: Win9x: Leaving inplace rename of current path causes listbox to mishave (no cursor, double click renames)
20.01.04 Fixed: Access violation on Win98 in Ctrl+B if subdir had exactly a length of 259 characters
20.01.04 Fixed: Ctrl+Q on desktop not working
13.01.04 Fixed: Could not unzip files in zip archives>2GB (but smaller than 4 GB) when the file starts beyond the 2 GB limit
13.01.04 Fixed: Buttonbar: Don't scale icons if the extracted icon has the correct size, e.g. 32x32 icon displayed as 32x32
13.01.04 Fixed: cm_SrcQuickview not showing size of dir as Ctrl+Q does
13.01.04 Fixed: Trying to put testing of archives via external packer to background caused an access violation
13.01.04 Fixed: "add subbar" not working correctly in dir containing a dot in the path name
13.01.04 Added: Environment variable support in Mainmenu= and LanguageINI= lines of wincmd.ini
13.01.04 Fixed: Search for case sensitive OEM (DOS) text not working in regular expressions
22.12.03 Fixed: Access violation when drag of tab starts just below the tab
22.12.03 Fixed: Access violation when drag of tab in tabbar is canceled with ESC
15.12.03 Fixed: Win98 access violation on right button drag of [..] updir item (only in left button selection mode)
15.12.03 Fixed: Lister plugins without a detect string were not unloaded with cm_UnloadPlugins
15.12.03 Fixed: Unicode filenames were not sorted by name, but by their alias name
15.12.03 Fixed: Re-create systray icon if explorer crashed and is re-loaded by Windows (react to TaskbarCreated message)
15.12.03 Fixed: TC hangs when clicking on "Rename" in overwrite dialog while copying with background transfer manager - but only on WinXP
15.12.03 Added: Multi-rename tool: Clicking on [N#-#] when no file selected offers longest name
15.12.03 Fixed: Inconsistent behaviour of background transfer manager when clicking on "+" while cursor on [..]
15.12.03 Fixed: Set current dir to Windows dir before loading Riched20.dll so it isn't loaded from the current dir
15.12.03 Fixed: When deleting a dir containing junctions, the data in these junctions was also deleted (not when deleting junction directly)
15.12.03 Fixed: Right click on tab, rename/lock, click on lock+press cancel - the tab was still locked by mistake
15.12.03 Fixed: If .tab file loaded which contains only a single tab on one side, don't show tab header
15.12.03 Fixed: Don't show Unicode names when long names are disabled
15.12.03 Added: wcx_ftp.ini, [General], TcpKeepAlive=1 turns on TCP keep alive packages on the FTP control connection, so a router doesn't drop the connection during a long file transfer.
15.12.03 Added: wincmd.ini, [Configuration], AccessTime=1 lets TC work with the last access time instead of the last write time, e.g. for copying files last accessed during the last x days
03.12.03 Release Total Commander 6.01
03.12.03 Fixed: Wrong font color in synchronize dirs dialog when using white on black system colors
02.12.03 Fixed: Error sound played when closing TC on WinXP while quick search dialog was open
02.12.03 Fixed: Errors trying to create ZIP from drive in "My Computer" (wrong name, invalid subdir)
02.12.03 Fixed: Increased maximum number of simultaneously paused threads from 8 to 20
02.12.03 Fixed: Wrong font color in multi-rename tool dialog when using white on black system colors
02.12.03 Fixed: Wrong font color in change comment dialog when using white on black system colors
02.12.03 Fixed: Removed function to skip certain ftp ports because it was causing problems with some third party software
30.11.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 RC1
30.11.03 Fixed: Move file window separator to 0% or 100% -> error in tab control when all tabs have same width
30.11.03 Fixed: Junctions: Show the windows icon if the junction has read only/hidden or system attribute
30.11.03 Fixed: Regex in rename: (a|b) replace by _$1 gave wrong name, e.g. ab.txt -> _a_a.txt instead of _a_b.txt
30.11.03 Fixed: More problems with Chinese text search (upper/lowercase conversion problem)
30.11.03 Fixed: No sound when unpacking from packer plugin
30.11.03 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: FTP compare couldn't be canceled (now user has to press cancel twice)
30.11.03 Fixed: Only start dragging folder tabs when mouse moved by at least 5 pixels
30.11.03 Fixed: Wrong font color in directory hotlist - configure when using white on black system colors
30.11.03 Fixed: Show tab popup window in right to left languages right aligned
30.11.03 Fixed: 16-bit: Some dialogs still not opening on Win9x
28.11.03 Fixed: Copying of directory time on Win2k/XP not stable (lost when entering dir)
26.11.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 Beta 2
26.11.03 Fixed: Could not start programs or open files in a path called %temp% (was translated to env var TEMP)
26.11.03 Fixed: When re-packing encrypted archive with new password, by mistake the old password was re-used
26.11.03 Fixed: Don't open new tab when invoking start menu entry via user-defined hotkey (cm_usermenu1...) with Ctrl
26.11.03 Fixed: No refresh of file lists after unzipping from encrypted zip (using encryption replacement dll)
25.11.03 Fixed: Open ZIP self-extractors with comments up to 16k at end (until now: 8k)
25.11.03 Fixed: Lister: Search for DBCS (Chinese etc.) could find wrong character, starting in the middle of a 2 byte char
25.11.03 Fixed: In Show - Custom, if user enters empty string, convert it to *.* so something is shown in the menu
25.11.03 Fixed: Feed in listbox of duplicate file search, switch to different tab+back -> separator lines were lost
25.11.03 Fixed: No drive icons shown when using white for the font in normal windows
25.11.03 Fixed: possible access violation opening partial zip
25.11.03 Fixed: Deflate64(TM) not working correctly with all ZIP archives (giving CRC error)
24.11.03 Fixed: Error in detect string of flashview plugin was causing access violation. Show error instead.
24.11.03 Fixed: Color of font in new config dialog list not as configured in control panel
24.11.03 Fixed: Also translate hints for history+hotlist buttons when changing the program language
24.11.03 Fixed: Search for RegEx in lister not working for accents in Ascii mode
24.11.03 Fixed: No sound played after unpacking single archive with Alt+F9
24.11.03 Fixed: Support env vars also in keypath variable
24.11.03 Fixed: Wrong sound played when unpacking via external unpacker in background
23.11.03 Fixed: Search: Don't allow to check both regex+unicode (not supported)
23.11.03 Fixed: When opening a new tab with Ctrl+Up and locking it without activating it first, clicking on it always opened a new tab
23.11.03 Fixed: Crash when opening ZIP file with certain extra field data
23.11.03 Fixed: Resize problem when switching between modes "tabs on multiple lines" and "all have same width" when more than 1 line
23.11.03 Fixed: Changed maximum possible tab width so they always match on screen (when all have same width)
23.11.03 Fixed: Couldn't load drive replacement icons on Win9x. Reason: LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE not understood
23.11.03 Fixed: 16-bit version: Some dialogs couldn't be opened (not enough local heap)
19.11.03 Release Total Commander 6.01 beta 1
19.11.03 Fixed: No environment variables supported in path to main menu and language file
19.11.03 Fixed: Don't show tree button in background transfer manager - overwrite - rename dialog (caused hang)
19.11.03 Fixed: Background transfer manager: remove item from list if "-" button is used to skip current transfer
19.11.03 Fixed: Don't show two errors when aborting background transfer manager
19.11.03 Fixed: 16-bit version: Ctrl+Q no longer working
19.11.03 Fixed: Hourglass cursor shown after checking single archive with Alt+Shift+F9
19.11.03 Fixed: The Pause button didn't work for FTP uploads via a HTTP proxy
19.11.03 Fixed: Apply button not enabled in configuration-copy/delete in field "drives on same disk"
19.11.03 Fixed: "Show admin shares" no longer working on Windows NT
19.11.03 Fixed: Check for absence of "Microsoft Sans Serif" font failed, resulting in the wrong font (e.g. on WinNT4)
19.11.03 Fixed: Ctrl+Q with IEView plugin no longer working on dirs
19.11.03 Fixed: "Duplicate this tab" wasn't working for search results, now it works at least for the current tab
19.11.03 Fixed: cm_editpath not working in brief view when other than first column was active
19.11.03 Fixed: invalid floating point operation in lister when pressing F2 on very short file if this file was changed
New in Total Commander 6.0 final (17.11.03):
- File panel Tab support
- Drop dirs/archives on empty space in tab header adds new tabs with them
- Drop dirs/files on tab header copies files to the directory represented by this tab
- Tab right click menu added
- Ctrl+Click on tab closes this tab
- Internal command cm_visDirTabs to turn folder tabs on and off
- Remember the Desktop, Network Neighborhood and other virtual folders when closing, both the current dir and other tabs!
- Drop tab on target path adds this tab in the target window even if no tab header is shown yet
- cm_ToggleLockCurrentTab: Turn on/off tab locking (e.g. for button bar, hotkey)
- Ctrl+Cursor up opens dir under cursor in new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Cursor up opens dir under cursor in new tab in OTHER window
- Ctrl+Shift+T opens new tab without activating it
- Ctrl+Shift+W closes all open tabs
- Ctrl+T opens new tab, Ctrl+M starts multi-rename tool, Ctrl+Shift+M changes FTP transfer mode
- cm_OpenDirInNewTab internal message to open dir under cursor in new tab
- Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter in History opens this dir in a new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+U Swaps not only the active panels, but all tabs
- appendtabs tabfile.tab in button bar appends tabs from tabfile.tab to current tabs
- opentabs tabfile.tab in button bar replaces current tabs with tabs from tabfile.tab
- FTP resume all for uploads and downloads
- When an FTP server or file system plugin reports illegal chars in a name, TC converts them to underscores on download
- Synchronize dirs now uses inofficial MDTM command to set remote file date. This command isn't supported by all servers.
- FTP: Parameter %p in Buttonbar now pastes full FTP URL uncluding user name. %P still pastes just the path on the server without the server name
- Ctrl+D menu now supports changing paths on ftp servers: the path must contain a forward slash as a distinction. Only in source dir possible.
- Punycode accented domain encoding for http and ftp
- FTP client: skip known troyan ports in ftp client to avoid problems with firewalls
[Regular expressions]
- Regular expression searches in lister, search function (Alt+F7), file contents (match one line at a time only, max 4k/line)
- Support for regular expressions in select/unselect files: string must be preceded by a '<', e.g. <^[A-Za-z \.]*
- Regular expressions support in multi-rename tool, using RegExpr.pas, Copyright (c) 1999-00 by Andrey V. Sorokin <anso@mail.ru> - http://anso.da.ru
- Support for regular expressions and stored searches in copy and move operations
- Changed the way how multimedia plugins are detected: To override the internal handling (or Irfanview), it's now sufficient that MULTIMEDIA appears as ANY node in the detect string
- Alt+Enter on file system plugins now opens the plugin's properties (if the plugin supports it)
- Lister plugin interface version 1.3: Allow to replace internal Multimedia viewers
- Show Unicode file names in file lists
- Copying and moving of files with Unicode names on Windows NT/2000/XP, also with subdirs!
- Rename Unicode file names in place
- Show tip windows with Unicode names
- Show warning message the first time the user enters a dir with file names from a different codepage (can be disabled)
- If the user hasn't chosen a default font, use "Microsoft Sans Serif" instead of "MS Sans Serif" on Win2k/XP, because it supports Unicode
- Support for Unicode UTF16 in "Compare by contents". If Unicode marker present, this also supports big endian format
[Synchronize dirs]
- Show file sizes >4GB in synchronize dirs (correct sizes were used for calculation, but not displayed)
- Also show compare by contents progress within a file (e.g. when comparing few very big files)
- Synchronize dirs, asymmetric mode: Option to delete all empty dirs in right window (not available in zip or ftp)
- Sync now also works with archives other than ZIP! Everything except for compare by contents is supported
- Compare by content now also works with two ZIP files
- Dialog can now be closed with ESCAPE as long as the user doesn't change the copy direction of any files!
[Multi-rename tool]
- When clicking on [N#-#], user can select letters interactively in currently selected file name
- [G] placeholder inserts grandparent directory name
[New ini options]
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] ShowInstanceNr=0 turns off numbered commander title bar
- Search in archives recognized by content: Needs to set SearchInFiles= in Wincmd.ini to extensions of this packer
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] SortUpper=2 uses mixed lexical and numerical sorting, e.g. file10.txt comes AFTER file1.txt
- wincmd.ini, [Configuration] CompareIgnoreRepSpace=0 turns off ignoring of repeated spaces in compare tool
- It's now possible to add files to a subdir of a RAR archive
- Option to pack with ACE now also works with WinACE packer
- Unpacking of files >4GB from ZIP archives up to 4GB in size using the pkware 64bit extra field
- Unpacking of ZIP files created with the Deflate64(TM) method (Deflate64 is a trademark of Pkware Inc.)
- Preserve ZIP archive main comment when adding or removing files
- Wait for external packers in the background (no wait window will be shown)
[User interface]
- Buttons for directory hotlist and directory history
- Show parent dir also in root of drive
- Show free and total disk space in "My Computer" for fixed disks (may not work on all operating systems)
- Shift+Mouse wheel activates history (go back/forward)
- New internal command cm_ShowQuickSearch shows window for searching a file name in the current dir
- Changed page selection in configuration dialog from tabbed notebook to fixed tree+notebook (Mozilla style)
- cm_ShowHint shows tooltip for current file in active file list (and places mouse cursor on it)
- CMF_EXTENDEDVERBS added to context menu call when shift is pressed -> adds "open with" menu item!
- Possibility to change drive icons
- Button bar: Support for 48x48 and 64x64 icons for very high resolution displays, better scaling of sizes between 16 and 32
- Show in title when there is more than one instance of TC, e.g. [2] Total Commander
- Configure colors of compare by contents and lister via the main config dialog
- Show NTFS junctions with a link icon
- Option "Show old 8.3 names lowercase" no longer the default on NT/2000/XP systems
- Lister: Show %done when searching
[File operations]
- Speed limit when copying files (only in background transfer manager)
- F2 Background button in F5 Copy dialog, will add the selected files to the last opened background transfer manager
- In F5 copy dialog, "Options" button: New option to rename copied file or target file when target exists. Names are filename(2).ext, filename(3).ext etc.
- 3 new internal commands: cm_copySamepanel, cm_copyOtherpanel, cm_createShortcuts: Same as cm_copy, but not reacting to Shift and Alt keys!
- More detailed statistics in SFV/MD5 check function
- Drop files on F8-Delete button while right mouse button pressed has same effect as Shift+Drop (bypass recycle bin if it is activated)
[Other additions]
- TC 6.0 now also accepts tcmdkey.zip containing wincmd.key instead of wincmd.key. The key must be stored (no compression) in the file.
- cm_SaveSelection saves current selection internally (automatically done before each file operation)
- Internal command cm_LoadSelectionFromClip to load selection from clipboard (counterpart to cm_CopyNamesToClip)
- Internal commands cm_SaveSelectionToFile, cm_LoadSelectionFromFile to save/load current selection (names of all selected files)
- In Right click menu - new document, look in CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES folder if not found in CSIDL_TEMPLATES folder
- Set environment variable COMMANDER_PATH to location of Total Commander's EXE file (e.g. for loading plugins)
New in Total Commander 5.51 Final (18.02.03):
- FS-Plugins: Copy/Move files between 2 plugins
- FS-Plugins: Support for Multi-Rename tool
- FS-Plugins: Synchronize dirs supported
- FS-Plugins: Search files added
- FS-Plugins: Wildcards support (*.txt) for displaying files
- Lister-Plugin interface officially documented
- Show the first files being deleted in the delete confirmation dialog
- cm_usermenu1..cm_usermenu10 to invoke the first 10 commands in the starter menu (e.g. for hotkeys).
- cm_xxx commands now also work in directory hotlist (Ctrl+D)
- New search option to include/exclude specific dirs, e.g. | _vti*\ excludes all dirs starting with "_vti" (search, sync, branch view)
- cm_CopyNetNamesToClip copies file names with UNC path to clipboard
- Single click on active file window title allows to change / copy /paste the current dir
- wincmd.ini [Configuration] copystreams=0 turns off copying of NTFS streams
04.11.02 Release Total Commander 5.50 Silent update (a)
New in Total Commander 5.50 Final (29.10.02):
- Name changed to "Total Commander" - see our homepage for the reasons
- Change size display of total/marked files in footer below file lists (bytes, k or dynamic)
- Copy additional NTFS streams when copying files.
- Copy file comments with the files with F5 (optional, needs to be enabled first)
- Create CRC checksums: Function can now also create and check MD5 checksums
- Drag a link from Internet Explorer to Total Commander (holding down Shift) to open the URL dialog to download the linked file
- File system plugin interface to access external devices or other partitions
- In Copy dialog, "Options" button which allows to set "Overwrite all", "Skip all" etc. before copying
- Lister: In 'Fit to window' mode, resize the video window to the lister window
- Lister: RTF-Viewer (can be disabled)
- Multi-rename tool: Load/Save settings, for often used changes
- Multi-rename tool, search+replace: Support for wildcards * and ?
- Open partially downloaded ZIP files, even during the download
- Option: Always open new FTP connections in the left or right file panel instead of the active file panel
- Show file comments in file lists and as tooltips
- Show name of logged-on user in the title bar if the program was started with RunAs
- The HTML viewer in Lister supports some more tags
New in Wincmd 5.11 Final (16.09.02):
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Wincmd 5.10 Final (28.08.02):
- Unpack RAR 3 archives
- Support for OTP-MD4 -MD5 and -SHA1-authentication for FTP
- Decoder for Yenc-encoded files (Files - decode files)
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Wincmd 5.0 Silent update (26.02.02):
- Many small corrections and additions
New in Version 5.0 Final (21.01.02):
- Support for Windows XP themes on XP
- "Commands" menu split into "Commands" and "Net"
- FTP: support for more than 2 definition strings when defining a new server type
- FTP+HTTP: Auto-Resume download if download-connection lost
- FTP: SOCKS4+SOCKS5 Proxy support (active+passive mode!), SOCKS5 without encryption
- Multi-Rename-Tool: Placeholder [P] puts name of parent dir into file name
- Internal command cm_SyncChangeDir makes Commander change to the directory of the same name also in the other window
- Find files: Start search inside an archive
- FTP: Option to send keepalive messages (e.g. NOOP) to the server in user-defined intervals (for max. 1 hour of inactivity)
- Support for packing of TAR/GZ/TGZ archives. Make sure to choose the correct target OS (Linux or SunOS).
- Direct packing of TAR.Plugin archives, requires re-download of the plugin (e.g. BZIP2)
- Compare by contents: Search for text in both files simultaneously, found text will be underlined
- Compare by contents: Button to show the two windows above each other, e.g. for wide texts
- Right click menu in Lister: added "Copy all URLs" command in HTML-Viewer mode
- Pack: Option to create a separate archive for each selected file/dir. If no target dir is given, the packed file will be placed in the same dir as the original file.
- "Branch view" now added to "commands" menu
- Create CRC-Checksum files in SFV format
- FTP+HTTP in background: Set speed limit for up- and downloads
- FTP download from list: detect if list file was modified, and add new items to current download
- Download list can now also copy+move files. Syntax: copy:sourcename -> targetname or move:sourcename -> targetname
- Background transfer manager can now also be started separately without a list file
New in Version 4.54 (16.07.01):
- Compare by content: Switch between binary and text mode.
- Lister: Support word wrap in UTF8 mode
New in Version 4.53 (31.05.01):
- Display of UTF8 (special 1-6 byte Unicode format) in Lister
- Support for ACE 2.0 archives
- Support for files > 2 GB in Lister and split/combine functions
- Directory print with subdirs: Print only files of certain types, e.g. *.txt *.doc
- Change date/time of folders also on Windows NT/2000 (admins only due to restricted rights)
- FTP: Resume upload (binary files only). WARNING: With some versions of the server WarFTPd, the resume seems to work, but the uploaded file is unusable!
- Directory hotlist can now contain up to 200 entries
- The location of Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini can now be set in the registry (32-bit version only):\SOFTWARE\Ghisler\Windows Commander, new text values IniFileName and FtpIniName.This key may be created under HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEThe command line parameters /i= and /f= still take precedence over the registry values.
- Special larger block sizes when copying very large files can increase the copying speed of these large files quite a bit.This function is only meant for advanced users, and needs to be enabled through wincmd.ini (CopyBlockSize etc).
New in Version 4.52 (15.01.01):
- Display of Unicode and HTML (as plain text) in Lister
- Search for Unicode and Hex in the search function
- Print function to print directory lists, trees and compare results in 'Synchronize dirs'.
- Display of all files in the current dir and all subdirs with Ctrl+B
- File windows above each other instead of side by side
- Display of the file size in kbytes or dynamic depending on the actual size
- Multi-rename tool: Enhanced counter settings using definition strings [Cxxx]
- Submenu 'New' in the right click context menu allows to create new (empty) files
New in Version 4.51 (18.07.00):
- Bugfix of 4.50
New in Version 4.50 (30.6.00):
- Multi-rename tool: Allows to rename multiple files in one step (Hotkey: Ctrl+T)
- Batch rename function with Shift+F6 to quickly rename multiple files one by one
- Rename files and subdirs inside a ZIP archive (Shift+F6)
- Parallel port transfer function (direct cable connection), works between Win95/98/NT/2000/3.1 and DOS!
- FTP: Definition of custom host types, using a definition string
- FTP: Retry to connect multiple times also for non-anonymous connections
- FTP: Support for multiple proxies (separately for FTP and HTTP connections)
- FTP: Workaround to bug in some FTP servers: Upload of subdirs failed
- Resolve lnk files on the desktop or in the Network Neighborhood
- Unpack self-extracting files created by WinACE and WinRAR (open with Ctrl+PgDn)
- "Unpack all and execute" in packer properties allows to try out a program or run an installer from inside an archive
- Define custom colors for different file types, e.g. all directories, all zip files etc.
- Search for text also inside CAB files
- Copying to 'write only' directories (Windows NT, network)
- Uninstaller: Automatic removal of the program through the Control Panel
Several new commands and parameters for Button bar / Start menu:
- cm_List now allows to open a file. The file name must be given directly behind CM_LIST, and not in the parameters field!
Example: cm_list c:\windows\wincmd.ini always opens the file wincmd.ini in lister.
- cm_ShowFileUser: Show which remote user has opened a local file (through a shared directory)
- cm_EditPersmissionInfo: Show permissions dialog on Windows NT (NTFS file system)
- cm_EditAuditInfo: Show file auditing dialog (NTFS)
- cm_EditOwnerInfo: Show "Take ownership" dialog (NTFS)
- cm_ShowOnlySelected: Hide all files/dirs which aren't selected when this function is used
- cm_OpenRecycled: Open 'recycle bin'
- New parameters %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d create a list file in the TEMP directory with the names of the selected files and directories.
New in Version 4.02 (16.12.99):
- Unzip, delete and HTTP downloads (Ctrl+N) in background.
- Synchronize dirs now also supports directory from/to ftp synchronization! Concerning the date/time synchronizing problems with ftp, please read the section important note on the page Synchronize dirs.
- Tray icon right click menu (context menu).
- Direct upload of files from inside an archive to an FTP server.
- Better parsing of FTP file lists downloaded via a HTTP proxy.
- User-defined keyboard shortcuts.
- Split "Equal/Unequal" button into two buttons in sychronize function
- Change date/time of directories (Win95/98 only)
- FTP server to server transfers (FXP): Always sends PORT command to left server, PASV to right server. This allows for file transfers between a public server and one in a private address room, or behind a firewall. The private server must be in the left window.
- Find files: Only search in selected files and folders
New in Version 4.01 (27.07.99):
- This version was mainly a bugfix release
- HTTP downloads enhanced (now supports passwords, and special sites which require 'host:' line)
- Settings what to do when second ftp connection opened in same window: wcx_ftp.ini, [General] AutoDisconnect =1 disconnect previous =2 keep previous =0 ask user
New in Version 4.00 (17.06.99):
- Directory synchronize: Compare two dirs with subdirs, or 1 dir and 1 archive
- Compare files by content
- Allow to abort binary compare in 'synchronize' with ESC
- Copy/move in the background - 32 bit only
- wincmd.ini, [configuration], AlwaysCopyInBackground=1 always copies in background
- Connect to UNC path (\\server\path) in background (separate thread), allow to abort after 3 seconds
- Dialog box Change Attributes, button to set current date&time
- wincmd.ini, [configuration], activeright=1 activates right file listbox at start
- Support for virtual folders through button bar. Use commands: cm_OpenDesktop, cm_OpenDrives, cm_OpenControls, cm_OpenFonts, cm_OpenNetwork, cm_OpenPrinters
- Copy and Move files from and to virtual folders
- Copy to nul, prn, lptx and comx now supported
- Rename or append when copying and target exists
- Files - Split now also accepts fractions of a number, like 0.5 MB
- Use NTFS time compare method (2 seconds difference considered as same) in 'Compare directories' and 'Synchroinize dirs'
User interface:
- 2 drive button bars, one per file window (configurable)
- 256 color folder icons, and support for external icon library (icl): wincmd.ini, [configuration], iconlib=dllname.dll (sample DLL on www.ghisler.com)
- Search for/select files which do NOT match certain wildcards. Use | to separate, e.g. w*.*|*.bak finds all files starting with w, without extension .bak
- Search for all files NOT containing a certain string
- Duplicate file finder can find files with same name, size, contents or any combination of the 3
- Bitmap viewer, more formats through IrfanView plugin (see addons page on www.ghisler.com)
- Lister can now play sound and video (configurable)
- Printing in lister (Text+Graphics)
- Select all in lister: CTRL+A selects whole file
- Search for Hexadecimal strings, even mixed. Example: "PK"0102 will find 504B0102
- Lister now wraps at word boundaries (may be disabled: wincmd.ini, [lister], WordWrap=0)
New in Version 3.53 (8.11.98):
- Did extensive Year 2000 (Y2k) tests. Results: no internal date problems, only one interface prob to FTP
- Possible Y2k problem with FTP servers showing a 2 digit year only. Rule: date<80 ->20xx, date>=80 -> 19xx
- bugfixes
New in Version 3.52 (11.08.1998):
- cd \\Servername in command line (32 bit)
- Added: ACE packer/unpacker support
- unrar.dll and unace.dll internal unpackers for RAR and ACE (32 bit)
- bugfixes
Release Version 3.51 (07.05.1998):
- wcx_ftp.ini, [general], LogFile=Path\Log.txt writes FTP log to specified file
- Support for creating RAR SFX files
- Support for files > 2 GB (display, copy, rename, move, delete; NOT: ZIP, FTP, Lister)
- CTRL+P copies current path to command line
- FTP: Preserve file dates when downloading (selectable)
- FTP: Convert file names to lowercase when uploaded (selectable)
- FTP: Change Unix attributes (permissions) dialog for FTP sites (uses 'SITE chmod', which isn't supported by all sites)
- Bugfixes
New in Version 3.50 (18.3.1998):
- FTP client
- flat look
- Network Neighborhood
- IntelliMouse wheel support
- Directory history list (alt+cursor down)
- Go back, go forward (alt+cursor left / alt+cursor right)
- Create self extracting ZIP archive
- Expandable tree as in Explorer
- UUE/MIME/XXE-encode and decode, Binhex-decode
- Split/Combine files
- Start menu now supports shortcut keys (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F12)
- More command line switches (see help)
- ALT+GrayPlus selects all files with the same extension
New in Version 3.02 (14.4.1997):
- Cut/Copy/Paste of button bar buttons
- Deletion method used by explorer can be used also in Wincmd [Configuration] Win95Delete=1
- CTRL+Q on archive shows contained file_id.diz, readme*, or *.txt (in this order)
- Support for archives in archives
- CTRL+PgDn to open archives in archives
- TAR and GZ packers
- New commands cm_Switch83Names, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchLongNames to button bar commands
New in Version 3.01 (31.12.1996):
- Bugfixes
New in Version 3.00 (15.12.1996):
- 32-bit version available
- drag&drop from and to explorer (32-bit version only)
- enhanced search function
- quick view panel (CTRL+Q)
- drive bar to select different drives
- button bar wraps around to 2 lines when larger than available width
- new multi-page configuration dialog
- Function to test selected archives for errors
- A header now allows to sort the files by name, extension, size, and date
- All parts of the user interface (except the file list) can be turned off in the configuration