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- PicturesToExe v4.30 (August 20, 2004)
- -------------------------------------
- + File panel and Slide list now can be displayed as thumbnails or in its
- classical view (table) (to switch between these views press Ctrl+1 and
- Ctrl+2 (for File panel or Slide list accordingly), or via small "V" buttons).
- + There are available second layout style (Slide list in full width of the window).
- And third layout when Slide list shown vertically in full height of the main window.
- Press Ctrl+F1 and Ctrl+F2 and Ctrl+F3 to switch between classical and two new layouts.
- Or visit Main menu | Options.
- + Main features of thumbnails view of File panel or Slide list:
- > Easily resizeable items in real-time by trackbar or Ctrl+mouse wheel;
- > Ability to display pictures without text captions (Shift+1, Shift+2);
- > Resize items by moving new splitter between Slide list and Preview area.
- + Light table (on full screen).
- This mode allows to concentrate on adding of new pictures or re-arranging of slides.
- Press "F" buttons or F3 key to see light table for File panel
- or F4 key for light table of Slide list.
- + Multi-select in file panel and Slide list.
- With mouse, or with Shift, or with Ctrl keys. Now it works as in Windows Explorer.
- + Visual drag-and-drop.
- Dragged items looks semi-transparent as in Windows XP. And it works in any Windows!
- + Actions with with several selected slides or files.
- You can easily delete, shift, re-arrange and copy any count of items at a time.
- + Improved transition effects:
- > Fade effect works in two times (i.e. on 100%) more fast and smooth.
- So now Fade effect shows smoothly even on old PC with Pentium 233-400 Mhz;
- > Vastly improved Push and Slide effects. It should works more smooth now.
- + Waveform feature in "Customize synchronization" window.
- Set the cursor to range of necessary music track on the time-line and then
- click "Waveform" button or press Ctrl+W. This feature may help you to
- exactly assign transition points to necessary moments in music.
- + Now you can rename files in the File panel or in the Slide list. PicturesToExe
- will automatically update path of added slide which use renamed picture.
- + You can rotate pictures (Ctrl+F). It's a lossless rotation and it provides exactly
- original quality. Open popup menu in the File panel or Slide list to rotate picture(s).
- + Also portrait JPEG pictures with EXIF (shooted by digital cameras which write
- orientation of a photography) will be shown rotated automatically.
- + It's possible now to choose folder where to store your templates.
- Open "Manage templates" window (Ctrl+E), set new folder and click "OK" button.
- + Added advanced popup menu for the File panel (by right mouse click) as in Windows
- Explorer. This advanced menu allows to perform standard actions: copy, paste,
- delete file(s) and etc. It also works for several selected files, too.
- + New style of work of the mouse wheel (so-called X Mouse) in the main window.
- (But you can turn this mode off. Visit the Main menu | Options | Advanced options)
- + Added "Show transition effect to desktop after last slide" option (see "Screen" tab).
- + It's possible to add your own copyright logo to all slides. The best visual
- results can be reached using of 32-bit .bmp images with alpha channel or with
- transparent GIF images. (See Project options | Advanced tab).
- + Improved music player:
- > Transition effect shown in the moment between two music tracks will not jerk more.
- > Really random playback when this mode is choosed. Always new track from playlist.
- > Preparing of slides with sounds works a little bit faster.
- + Another improvements in the "Customize synchronization" window:
- > Right mouse button click to show popup menu.
- > To start full-screen preview from first slide, click "Preview" button
- when there is no selected transition point.
- > The window can be resized;
- > Transition point to the last slide is shown in more gray color;
- > Mouse wheel works for scrolling of the time-line now;
- > To scale time-line you need to use mouse wheel with pressed Ctrl now.
- + You can go to a next or to a previous slide keeping Pause mode
- in the synchronized slide-shows.
- + You can see full screen preview of a picture by pressing of "Space" button.
- It especially can be useful in full screen mode of thumbnails view (light table).
- + It's possible to move selected slides to the end of the list (Ctrl+End) or
- to the top of the list (Ctrl+Home). Or see popup menu.
- + You can open for editing current picture by Ctrl+W hotkey.
- + PicturesToExe will automatically update thumbnails and preview of pictures
- which you modified in graphical editor.
- + Improved "Welcome screen" which appears after installation of PTE.
- It helps to choose necessary view of PicturesToExe.
- + Added "Disable F1 key" option (Project options | Advanced tab).
- * Various minor improvements.
- * Fixed several minor bugs.
- PicturesToExe v4.20 (March 5, 2004)
- -----------------------------------
- + AVI video output feature.
- Now you can produce your presentations as AVI video file
- and then (using special software) burn DVD-Video, VCD, or SVCD disc.
- (Please read chapter in the help about work with video output.)
- + Improvements in transition effects:
- > Added new transition effect - "Advanced hour hand" (with variations).
- This effect has special "Offset" option for fine customization.
- > Added new "Push" and "Slide" transition effects. We recommend to show
- these effects or quickly (500 ms.), or slowely (3,5 second and longer).
- > Vastly improved quality of smoothing line in all effects.
- For existed projects please increase thickness from old 40 to 60 points.
- > Vastly improved "Mosaic" transition effect (old name "Hot blocks").
- This effect has new smooth view. Available 3 parameters for fine customization.
- (Note: with "Appearance:" parameter as 100 and "Parts:" 26 x 20 it works exactly
- as "Hot blocks" effect in previous versions of PicturesToExe.)
- > Added "Show first transition effect from desktop" option (Project options | Screen tab)
- > You can quickly select/deselect groups of effects clicking on title of effect
- (see Project options | Effects tab).
- > Fade effect works on 20%-50% more smoothly now.
- ! Fade effect is turned on by default now (in Project options).
- + Improved synchronized mode of presentation. Now you can fully control
- presentation in this mode; go to any slide; use Navigation bar; Pause feature.
- To activate this mode set checked "Permit the control" (Project options | Main tab).
- + Vastly improved MIDI playback on old PCs (Pentium 150 - 400 Mhz).
- + New improvement in "Customize Synchronization" window:
- > Added auto scrolling when you move transition point outside of visible part of time-line;
- + It's possible to adjust thickness of smoothline in the personal settings of a slide.
- (E.g. you can set 40 pixels of smootline for 1st slide and 80 pixels for 2nd slide).
- + Added customizable shadow for picture objects (Visual editor | "Properties" window of an object).
- + Improved Print function (in presentations). Picture or slide fits on full page now.
- + Added support for 32-bit .bmp images with alpha channel (for use as objects).
- + Added "Disable mouse wheel" option (Project options | Advanced tab).
- + Added .wma and .ogg support in sound comments for slides.
- + Various small improvements.
- - Removed "Use smoothing" option, because smoothing is always turned on now.
- when if it's necessary to fit large picture on the screen.
- * Fixed two bugs in Visual editor of objects which caused show of messages about error.
- * Fixed rare bug of v4.10-v4.14 with incorrect work of "Print slide" feature.
- * Fixed old small visual bug in "Customize synchronization" window.
- * Fixed several minor bugs.
- PicturesToExe v4.14 (October 7, 2003)
- -------------------------------------
- + Fixed rare cases of skips in playback of MP3, OGG WMA music under some PCs.
- PicturesToExe v4.12 (September 4, 2003)
- ---------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug of v4.10 when you was not able to set "Time limited usage" option in new presentations.
- * Fixed bug of v4.01 and v4.10 only with synchronized presentations which have
- Startup Window with added "Exit" button. Presentation closes with error,
- if user choosed "Exit" button in this Startup window. The problem is fixed now.
- * Fixed bug of v4.10 when Visual Editor crashed on exit.
- * Fixed delay with synchronization in OGG Vorbis music file after rewinding on the time-line.
- * Fixed old bug when personal music of a slide didn't start, if main playlist is empty
- and "Repeat music after playing" option is turned off.
- * Fixed bug in window of Personal settings of a slide.
- * Fixed old memory leaks, if terminate Fade in/out transition effect.
- * Fixed sound skips on old PCs (166 - 400 Mhz) when second or later mp3 music file starts.
- * Fixed several minor bugs.
- + Improved smoothness of Fade in/out transition effect for first slide with background music.
- + Various minor improvements.
- + Updated Slovak and Ukrainian language files.
- PicturesToExe v4.10 (August 12, 2003)
- -------------------------------------
- * Fixed two old minor visual bugs in the main window of PicturesToExe.
- * Fixed old visual bugs on the time-line in case of long music track (40 minutes and more).
- * Fixed bug of v3.80 and v4.00 when music plays however, even if you've turned off
- "Play background music" option ("Music" tab of Project options).
- * Fixed old bug when PicturesToExe showed error messages if it was added incorrect or damaged JPEG or GIF picture
- * Fixed old bug with creating of template. Some main pictures of slides
- or music files were not copied into template's folder if "Show picture"
- or "Play background music" were unchecked.
- * Fixed old small bug when name of an opened template was added into "Recent Projects" list.
- * Fixed old memory leak. Presentation might fall with "Out of system resources"
- message, if many slides contained large objects (pictures or transparent buttons).
- * Fixed old bug when you copy slide it didn't remember color of
- text comment in the personalized slides
- * Fixed old visual bug on the time-line (in the Customize synchronization window)
- when sometimes it didn't show preview for selected transition point in the Pause/Stop mode
- * Fixed old bug with "Add arranged time points" if length of music more than 42 minutes.
- * Fixed old bug with sorting by date in the file panel.
- * Fixed several other minors bugs.
- + Improved speed of opening project or presentation with number of slides more than 300..500.
- + Added support for JPEG pictures which have unusual .jpe extension
- + Ctrl+A is assigned now to select all pictures in the file panel, instead of "Save As"
- + This version contains new improved music player:
- > Added built-in support for OGG Vorbis music files (.ogg);
- > You need not to choose between "Internal" and "External" players more.
- New music player provides high quality playing and exact synchronization;
- > Fully compatible with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP;
- > New player can work even under Windows without installed DirectX or Media Player;
- > Even presentation with 500 MB of music files starts immediately now;
- > Improved support of various types of MP3 and WAV music files;
- > MIDI music instantly starts playing under Windows XP;
- > Fixed rare cases of music glitches on some configurations;
- > Many other improvements.
- + Added fine customization of a slide.
- Earlier if you wanted to set own time of showing for a slide it was
- necessary to make all this slide personalized. Now you can assign
- own time, but keeping background preference or font of text comment
- according common settings from the Project options.
- This feature will work and with your current projects.
- + Improvements in the Customize Synchronization window:
- > Double-click on a transition point to show "Customize Slide" window;
- > Status bar always displays current position of the cursor;
- + Imporovements in the Visual Editor of objects:
- > It's possible to cancel dragging of object(s) by pressing of the right mouse button;
- > You can move selected object(s) pressing arrows of cursor on the keyboard;
- > You can call popup menu by clicking of right mouse button or special key on the keyboard;
- > To switch between objects press <Tab> key on the keyboard;
- > Status bar displays file name of picture for selected transition point;
- > Some other improvements.
- + Added "Run application after last slide" option (Project options | "Advanced" tab).
- Another presentation can be ran when main presentation finished with last slide.
- This options also requires turned on "Close show after last slide" option.
- + Added new option "Slide List: Show file names only (without full path)"
- (see Main menu | Advanced options). And this option is turned on by default,
- but of course, you can set the old view with displaying of full file path.
- + PicturesToExe displays real file name of a project in the caption of the main window.
- + You can use "Caption of show" parameter (Project options | "Screen" tab) to display
- name of presentation in the caption of window or on the taskbar.
- If this parameter is not assigned then presentation will display
- name of .exe file (which assigned on moment of creation).
- + Improved welcome screen of PicturesToExe.
- + And many other various improvements.
- PicturesToExe v4.01 (March 14, 2003)
- ------------------------------------
- * Fixed old bug when presentation run in the synchronized mode. The music
- started a little earlier, if the first slide contains a very large JPEG picture.
- However all next slides were shown *exactly* at the specified time.
- Now the first slide also will be shown exactly at begining of the music.
- * Fixed old rare bug in the Startup screen of presentation, if you twice opened the Help window.
- * Fixed old bug, if you pressed Ctrl+Enter in the "Comment" field to enter multi-line comment for a slide.
- * Fixed several other minor bugs.
- + Preview of large pictures works much faster now (with same quality) in
- the Main window of PicturesToExe and in the "Customize Synchronization" window.
- + Improved quality and speed of the full-screen viewer of images (the Main window).
- + Improved quality of gradient filling of background, if screen in Hi-Color (16-bit) mode.
- + Improved the shadow for the main picture:
- > It looks much smoothly now;
- > You can adjust opacity of the shadow behind the main picture. (Project options |
- "Screen" tab | "Opacity". From 0 of full transparency to 255 of opacity;
- > The shadow can surround picture around all sides (see "Offset" parameter).
- + Added new default icon for a newly created .exe (or .scr) file of presentation.
- The main icon of PicturesToExe is also improved.
- + Added new option: "Auto hide mouse cursor" (Project options | "Advanced" tab)
- + Some improvements in "Main" and "Advanced" tabs of the Project options.
- + Visual Editor of objects is vastly improved:
- * Fixed several bugs;
- > Added support for transparent GIF pictures (as objects of a slide);
- > You can call "Properties" dialog for a some object by double-clicking of a mouse button;
- > It's possible to cancel dragging of an object by pressing of <Esc> key;
- > To select/deselect several objects, click on an each necessary object holding <Shift> key pressed;
- > To select all objects, press Ctrl+A;
- > Added "Undo" button to cancel last modification;
- > Added Copy/Paste features (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V);
- > Improved popup menu when you click right mouse button on the object(s);
- > Added hot keys for all actions (see popup menu above);
- > Added some other helpful improvements.
- + Produced presentations will start faster now.
- + "Preview" of presentation starts faster.
- + PicturesToExe (Main window) opens projects much faster.
- + Improved "Customize synchronization" window:
- > You can start Preview of a presentation from a necessary slide ("Preview button");
- > Time-line graphically displays effect duration for the transition points;
- > Added vertical graphical lines between sound tracks on the time-line;
- > You can adjust zoom of the time-line.
- Click "View" button (or press Ctrl+F11/F12 or scroll the wheel of the mouse);
- > Improved work of the horizontal scroll bar;
- > Added new hot keys: Play/Pause - Ctrl-P, Stop - Ctrl+S, Delete - Del, Add - Ins;
- > Click on "New transition" button instantly adds new point;
- > Added little improvements in the interface of this window.
- + PicturesToExe correctly informs you, if you add damaged JPEG file.
- + PicturesToExe will show a project name in the confirmation dialog
- (if you close not saved project).
- + Added numbering of slides in the Slide list (Main window).
- + Added support of Traditional Chinese language.
- + Vastly improved support of Italian language
- + Added various improvements in interface of the program.
- PicturesToExe v3.80 (October 31, 2002)
- --------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug with showing 256 colors pictures
- * Fixed bug when you open project files (.pte) with "System" attribute
- * Fixed several other bugs
- + Updated PicturesToExe's License for use and distribution
- + Improvements in "Customize Synchronization" window:
- > Added transition effects between slides in Preview mode
- > Now you're able to move transition points by mouse visually;
- > Added "Pause" feature (Play/Pause button)
- > You can change current position of playing even if two or more music files exist
- > Fixed several visual bugs.
- + Menu "Project" -> "Actions on Slide List" is placed
- as new item on Main menu bar with "Slide" name.
- + Changed images of Select/Deselect all effects buttons (Project options | "Effects" tab)
- + Added "Show music duration" button to the "Music" tab of Project options
- + Added "Set comments for all slides as..." feature (Project options | "Comments")
- > This improved option fills necessary comments and for all new slides;
- > Added "Clear All Comments" button;
- > Added new action: "Display slide number".
- + Instant start of "Preview". Even for large presentations it takes less than 1 second!
- + Improved action "Run Application" of visual objects. If path of specified
- application is not found, PicturesToExe will try to run it from the current folder
- where .exe file of presentation is placed.
- + "Use smoothing" option (Project options | "Screen" tab) is turned on
- by default when you create a new presentation. This option is highly recommended.
- + Added "Loading..." screen to start presentation with large mp3 files in it.
- Please see Project options | "Main" tab. This option is turned on by default.
- You can change caption of this screen (see Project options | "Messages" tab).
- + Many other various improvements and changes
- PicturesToExe v3.75 (July 2, 2002)
- ----------------------------------
- * Fixed several bugs in the visual editor of objects
- * Fixed bug when synchronization mode didn't work with Int. mp3 player option.
- * Fixed old bug with incorrect position of the cursor when you insert
- new picture(s) into custom place in the image list
- * Fixed several other minor bugs
- + Added <Reverse Order> option for the sort mode of pictures
- in the file panel (see Main menu | PicturesToExe | Sort mode)
- - Removed "Update file panel" button (in the main window)
- + File panel automatically updates if new pictures are added into current folder,
- so "Update file panel" button is not needed more.
- + Added "My Documents" button (instead of removed "Update..." button)
- Now you're able to get quick access to your "My Documents" folder.
- + Added a list of recently opened projects (Main menu | File | Reopen ...)
- That's a simple and fast way to open projects which you work often with
- + Added <Copy slide> (Ctrl+C) and <Paste slide> (Ctrl+V) functions
- (Select necessary slide in the image list and then call popup menu by
- clicking of the right mouse button. Choose <Copy slide> or <Paste slide> item)
- + Project options | <Music tab>: you can delete items from a list by "Del" key
- + Added "Repeat music after playing" option (turned ON by default)
- If you set it unchecked then music will not repeat after playing
- of all specified musical file(s)
- + In the Filepanel you can easily go to a necessary picture if press its
- first letter on the keyboard. E.g. "F" key for "Forest.jpg" picture.
- + English.ini and Reg_English.rtf files are vastly corrected and improved.
- Great thanks to Dana White!
- + Added "Preview of a slide" panel to the synchronization window (Project
- options | "Main" tab | "Customize synchronization" button) It will help
- you to create presentation with exact synchronization of music with slides.
- + Improved view of PicturesToExe when "Large font" mode (in Windows) is turned on
- + Added support of Polish language
- + Added support of Ukrainian language
- + Added support of Slovak language
- + A number of small improvements
- PicturesToExe v3.70 (April 4, 2002)
- -----------------------------------
- * Fixed bug: visual editor shows main picture even when it's hidden
- * Fixed bug in visual editor with navigation bar. It shows error message
- when you try to change preview screen resolution. Now this problem is solved
- * Fixed bug in presentations: it was impossible to save picture/slide by
- "Print" button on the navigation bar if no printers are installed
- * Fixed visual bug in status bar (main window of PicturesToExe) under Windows XP
- * Fixed bug with opening of project files (.pte) which have Read-Only attribute
- + Added option (disabled by default) "Don't allow copying of pictures by
- <PrintScreen> key". If you set on this option then user will not able to
- copy any pictures or photos from your presentation. But however
- experienced user can use special software to grab copy of the screen.
- + You can set more exact color of the font for <Text> objects (Visual editor)
- - Removed "Four blocks" transition effect
- + Added a lot of new transition effects (circle, handle of clock, diagonal line, rhombus)
- + There are a new amazed view of all transition effects (except of <Fade in-out>)
- + Customizable synchronization is added. It means that you can set transition points
- (commands when go to the next slide) onto special time-line when background music is
- playing. Visit Project options | <Main> tab | "Customize synchronization" button.
- * Synchronization is very exact now
- + Added ability to specify part (in percents) of screen to show main picture:
- "... % of the screen to show main picture" (See Project options | <Screen> tab).
- E.g. if even picture has size exactly as the screen resolution, however the picture
- will fill only 80% of the screen space.
- + PicturesToExe remembers a folder path now if you assign sound comments for several slides
- + Many visual improvements of interface under Windows XP
- + Improved "About" window (in PicturesToExe)
- PicturesToExe v3.65 (October 18, 2001)
- --------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug with text labels on the national languages in presentations
- * Fixed small bug in "Text for current slide" window
- + Little improvements in "Save As" and "Create As" dialogs
- + Advanced support of Windows XP:
- > Special optimization;
- > PicturesToExe uses visual styles of Windows XP;
- > New terrific look under Windows XP.
- + Since version 3.65 PicturesToExe works much faster with
- presentations which have a great number of slides
- + Added "Stop timer on last slide" option (Project options | Main tab)
- + Added support of Czech language
- + Various changes and visual improvements
- PicturesToExe v3.60 (July 12, 2001)
- -----------------------------------
- + Fixed bug in presentation's startup screen if large background picture used
- (it will be shown properly in any screen resolution)
- + Fixed bug with saving of project if existed .pte file has read-only attribute
- + Fixed minor bug when you click <Exit> button on presentation's startup screen
- + Fixed several other minor bugs
- + Added <Level Up> button (from right side of drive panel)
- + Added <Refresh file panel> button (located in the same place as <Level Up> button)
- + It's possible to not include main picture of slide
- (see checkbox near "Picture" field on the main window of PicturesToExe)
- + Added support of Danish language
- + Now you can assign some template as template for all new projects. See Main
- menu | File | Templates | Manage templates -> "Default template for new projects".
- So it will be run on PicturesToExe's startup and when you click "New project".
- + The size of picture is shown in preview area
- + You can quickly move current slide up/down in the image list
- by pressing Ctrl+UpArrow and Ctrl+DownArrow keys
- + Added ability to save current slide/picture as a file on disk.
- See Project options | Main tab -> Allow restoring of pictures
- ("Print" button on the Navigation bar)
- + Added "Synchronization by music" feature! See Project options | <Main> tab
- + Much improved view of nag-label in produced presentations.
- Semi-transparent panel with real shadow. For unregistered users only ;)
- + Many changes and visual improvements in the main window of PicturesToExe
- PicturesToExe v3.51 (March 18th, 2001)
- --------------------------------------
- + Fixed several minor bugs.
- + Improved startup screen of PicturesToExe.
- + Improved 'About' window.
- + Re-written graphical engine:
- > MMX optimization;
- > Less memory usage;
- > Faster loading and displaying slides;
- > Optimized code;
- + Added <Time limited usage> option (Project options | <Advanced> tab)
- (You can specify date of expiration (e.g. April 25th, 2009) to force
- your presentation stop work after that date);
- + New view of button object (with real shadow);
- + Improved view of navigation bar;
- + Templates (Main menu | Templates)
- (it will help you to create presentations from templates);
- + Added ability to call external editor for sound comment of slide:
- > Select necessary slide (in the image list), click right mouse button
- for popup menu and select <Edit sound comment>;
- > To change external editor go to Main menu | Options and click
- <File name of sound editor>;
- + Now you can assign own list of background music for one or several slides
- (select necessary slide | click <Customize slide> button | select <Music> tab);
- + Startup window became more customizable. You're able to insert your own image
- (Project options | <Main> tab | <Customize startup window> button);
- + File panel shows pictures (by bold font) which are added into image list;
- + Tested with Windows XP (beta);
- + A number of minor improvements.
- PicturesToExe v3.40 (February 4th, 2001)
- ----------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug with .rmi MIDI files (for background music)
- * Fixed several bugs in visual editor of objects
- + Added support of .wma files (for background music)
- + Added confirmation dialog when you click <Clear> button
- + Improved transition effects:
- > Added cool "Fade in/out" effect!
- See Project options | <Effects> tab | "Fade in/out";
- To customize duration of effect use "Duration of "Fade in/out" effect"
- + Added new User manual (in help system, F1 key):
- > Detailed description of how to create presentation;
- > A number of illustrations;
- + Improved window with personal settings of slide:
- > Settings were splitted into three tabs (Main, Comment, Effects);
- > In the new "Effects" tab you can select individual parameters of
- transition effect for current slide (type of effect and its duration).
- + Added new style of background - <Gradient filling> (Project options | <Screen> tab)
- + Added ability to show real shadow of main picture (Project options | <Screen> tab)
- + Added support of Chinese Traditional language
- + And many other changes and improvements!
- PicturesToExe v3.30 (December 14th, 2000)
- -----------------------------------------
- * Fixed minor bug with color of main program's window on some color schemes
- + Click on .pte file (in Windows Explorer) opens this project in PicturesToExe
- ! Please check window size if you use windowed mode of presentation
- + Exit from screen saver (if .scr presentation) by pressing any key
- + Now you can replace standard icon of the produced presentation.
- Format of icon: 16x16 or 32x32 icon (or both) with
- 16 or 256 colors. To add icons go to Project options, <Advanced> tab
- + PicturesToExe was tested with new OS from Microsoft - Windows Whistler (beta)
- (no problem with shell of the program, produced presentations work fine)
- + Visual editor of objects. Select necessary slide in the
- image list and click <Objects> button (or press Ctrl+B)
- + Quick preview. Select necessary slide in the image list and click on its small
- picture (on the right-top part of the screen)
- + Added new action for the objects: "Run Application and exit"
- + Added support of Brazilian Portuguese language
- + More accurate autodetect of interface language
- + Windows Screen Saver doesn't start if presentation is active
- + Main menu is improved
- + Performance of the presentation is increased
- + Smaller use of memory to run the presentation
- + Some other changes
- PicturesToExe v3.20 (October 27th, 2000)
- ----------------------------------------
- + Good news for users who liked previous internal mp3 player!
- Now you're free in your choice of mp3 engine - new mp3 player
- (based on possibilities of Media Player) or previous internal mp3 engine.
- See Project options, <Music> tab, <Use internal wav/mp3 player> option.
- No size increases of .exe/.scr file if you will not use own
- mp3 engine, of course. This library will be included to .exe/.scr file
- in case of you've set checked <Use internal wav/mp3 player> option.
- Note: we recommend to use external mp3 player to get more possibilities, but
- anyway you'll produce always stand-alone .exe/.scr file of presentation.
- + Added support of Chinese language
- PicturesToExe v3.15 (October 21st, 2000)
- ----------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug with detecting of necessary disk space for
- workability of presentation (bug was in v3.10 only)
- * Fixed some bug with showing of slides in <Random> mode
- + Also improved <Random> mode - show of slides without repeats already shown.
- + Added support of Romanian language
- + And some other changes
- PicturesToExe v3.10 (October 17th, 2000)
- ----------------------------------------
- ! Hot info: minimal size of produced .exe file is 195 KB now
- * Fixed minor bug with calculation size of replaced picture in the list
- * Fixed bug when running presentation with sound/music files on
- computers without sound card
- * Fixed bug when presentation runs under Windows without DirectX 3.0 or later
- + Terrific smoothness of transition effects!
- + Now use Windows Media for playing mp3 files
- > Removed previous internal mp3 player;
- > Size of the .exe file with presentation contains mp3 files becames
- less on 74 KB;
- > Now presentation requires DirectX 3.0 or higher to run;
- > You can add mp3 file as sound comment for a current slide;
- > It's possible to use playing of background music (any type)
- and sound comments for slides simultaneously - it will work
- on any sound card;
- + Improved transitions effects
- > Code of transitions effects is full rewritten;
- > Exact duration of effect on the every computer;
- > Duration of effect can be specified in the milliseconds
- (Project options, <Effects> tab);
- > Added new effects;
- > Fine customization of all effects (see Project optioms, <Effects> tab);
- + New enhanced drives bar
- > Full rewritten component;
- > Button of selected drive is marking as pressed;
- > If drives don't fit on drives bar, then scroll buttons appear;
- + New help system based on Microsoft HTML Help
- + Added option <Random order of playing> of background music
- (see Project options, <Music> tab)
- + Improved <Fit-to-screen> option. Now picture fits to screen keeping
- aspect ratio (Project options, <Screen> tab)
- + Added support of German language
- + Added support of Catalan language
- + Added support of French language
- + Added support of Spanish language
- + Added support of Swedish language
- + Added print function (in produced presentation)
- > This function allows you to print only picture or all slide;
- > <Print> button located at the navigation bar;
- > Also you can localize words of print dialog
- (which appear on clicking <Print> button in presentation);
- > Added <Print> action for button, hyperlink and picture objects;
- + Some other changes
- PicturesToExe v3.00 (August 24th, 2000)
- ---------------------------------------
- * Fixed several bugs with work of presentation in Screen Saver mode
- * Fixed old bug with multiple runnings of screen saver under Windows 98
- * Fixed small bug with calculation the preliminary size of exe/scr file
- + New installation shell of the program
- + Tested under Windows Millennium
- + Engine code of EXE/SCR presentation is full rewritten
- + Added <Random slide-show> (Project options, <Main> tab)
- + Added <Without border> window mode (Project options, <Screen> tab)
- + <Customize playlist> window was moved to <Music> tab of Project options
- + Timer interval can be specified in milliseconds (Project options, <Main> tab)
- + Optimization for re-iterative files (you can include many copies of
- sound file or picture, but they will occupy place in exe/scr file
- as one sound or picture!)
- + Added object system. Now you can add objects to each slide!
- > Supported objects: buttons, hyperlinks, texts, sub-pictures;
- > Buttons, hyperlinks and sub-pictures can execute some action:
- go to the next, previous, first slide or slide with
- specified number, pause presentation, show help message, exit
- from presentation, open Web page, write E-mail, execute application;
- > All objects contain many parameters for fine customization;
- > Each slide can contain hundreds of objects;
- > To edit objects of current slide select the necessary picture in
- image list and click <Object> button (located at the right-bottom
- part of the main window of PicturesToExe);
- > In the future we plan to make visual editing of objects and
- include support for animated GIFs sub-pictures;
- > Also see our updated examples of presentations created with v3.00
- and which use object system (http://www.wnsoft.com/download.htm)
- + You can edit picture's filename now
- + Added Gray* hotkey to select/deselect pictures in the file panel
- - Removed support of projects created with PicturesToExe v1.00 - v1.60
- + Updated FAQ
- + And more than 60 other changes!
- PicturesToExe v2.30 (June 21st, 2000)
- -------------------------------------
- + Fixed bug with closing of presentation if set checked
- option <Exit on mouse move> (Project options, <Advanced> tab)
- + And other changes
- PicturesToExe v2.25 (June 14th, 2000)
- -------------------------------------
- + Fixed bug with incorrect positioning of the navigation bar
- (this bug contain only in v2.20)
- + Added support for Slovenian languge
- + And other changes
- PicturesToExe v2.20 (May 25th, 2000)
- ------------------------------------
- + Added support for Hungarian language
- + Now you can add multi-strings comment for slides. To enter text click
- small button located at the right from the field where you entered
- a comment string earlier. Also you can customize strings interval
- and text alignment (see Project options, <Comments> tab or
- personal settings for necessary slide - Ctrl+U).
- + Changed e-mail address of technical support to: support@wnsoft.com
- + Updated help system and documentation
- + Updated FAQ (added two new questions)
- + Added <Help> and <Exit> buttons to navigation bar (see below)
- + Can customize buttons of navigation bar (see Project options,
- <Advanced> tab, <Customize navigation bar...> button)
- PicturesToExe v2.15 (April 26th, 2000)
- --------------------------------------
- Changes since version 2.10:
- * Fixed bug which appear on playing of mp3 file on some sound cards
- Changes since version 2.10 beta:
- * Fixed several bugs
- + Improved support for Netherlands language
- + Added support for Italian language
- + Improved "About..." window
- Changes since version 2.00:
- * Fixed several bugs
- * We're fixed old bug with staying empty blocks on taskbar after
- closing presentation under Windows 98!
- + It's possible to hide mouse cursor during presentation
- (see Project options, <Advanced> tab)
- + File panel is more comfortable in use
- + It's possible to remove pictures from image list by <Del> key
- + Added support for Russian and Netherlands languages (if you want to
- add your native language, please contact us at igor@wnsoft.com)
- + It's possible to translate texts of messages in the produced presentation
- (captions of buttons, labels, etc.) - see Project options, <Messages> tab
- + Added special tools for working with comments: see Main menu, Edit,
- <For current comment> and <For all comments>
- (to fill comment fields with picture name)
- + Added <Name> button of file panel header to change sort mode
- + Little improvement in panel of drives
- + Added <Exit> button to the startup window of presentation
- + Also <Exit> or <Help> buttons of startup window can be disabled
- (see Project options, <Main> tab, <Customize startup window>)
- + Can include more than one audio file for background music
- (see Project options, <Advanced> tab, <Customize playlist> button)
- + Many other changes and improvements
- PicturesToExe v2.00 (March 21st, 2000)
- --------------------------------------
- Changes since version v2.00 beta:
- * Fixed several bugs
- + Size of produced presentation (with .mp3 file playing)
- now reduced by 77 KB, than it was in previous versions!
- + Added support for wheeling mouse in produced presentations
- + Added new value of <transition effect duration> - "More long"
- + Now you can select several pictures with holding down Shift Key
- + And other changes
- Changes since version v1.60:
- * Fixed several bugs
- + Improved file panel and image list, another changes in the interface
- + Show index of selected slide in image list
- + New format of the project files (.pte)
- (project files created with previous versions of PicturesToExe
- will be automatically converted to new format)
- + Now you can re-order slides in image list by dragging them
- + Added new function - <Create As> (hotkey F8),
- now <Create> works like <Save>, and <Create As> like <Save As>
- + Each slide can be customized with personalized properties
- (individual time interval, background settings, comment's font, etc.)
- + .WAV file (attached to a slide) stopped presentation till the end of
- its playing. Now fixed
- + Added password protection
- + Now you can select several pictures (Insert key, or with holding
- down Ctrl key)
- + Now you can choose a .gif file for background picture
- + Produced presentation is more optimized and works faster
- + Size of produced presentation now reduced by 27 KB, than it was in v1.60!
- + Changed structure of components in the window <Project options>
- + Added <Fit to screen> option (see Project options, <Screen> tab)
- + Added <Use smoothing> option (see Project options, <Screen> tab)
- + Now you can enable/disable sounds (Main menu, Options, <Enable sounds>)
- + Added action <Synchronize all slides> (Main menu, Edit) to set
- common settings for all slides (except sound and comment)
- + Added action <Select all pictures> (Main menu, Edit)
- + Added <Exit on mouse move> option (see Main menu, <Advanced> tab)
- + Added 11 transition effects! (see Project options, <Effect> tab)
- + Improved startup and help windows (in produced presentation)
- + Improved startup window of PicturesToExe
- + Added new help section: "How to create a presentation using PicturesToExe"
- + Several other changes
- PicturesToExe v1.60 (February 14th, 2000)
- -----------------------------------------
- Added since version v1.60 beta:
- * Fixed several minor bugs
- * Fixed problem with sound when playing background mp3 file
- + Updated help system
- + Changed icon of PicturesToExe
- + Several other changes
- * Fixed minor bug
- + Improved startup screen (in PicturesToExe)
- + Updated nag-screen
- + Produced presentation can be run in windowed mode (see Project options)
- + Added hotkey Ctrl+D for action <Add all pictures>
- + Added license agreement
- + Updated documentation files
- + Updated and improved help system
- + Updated FAQ about PicturesToExe (added new question)
- + Added possibility to display filename of picture in preview panel
- + Added possibility to customize left and right mouse clicks (see Project options)
- + Added <Pause> button to Control panel
- + Now you can create your own Screen Savers!
- + It's possible to customize help message, which appears in produced
- presentation by pressing F1 key
- + Several other changes
- PicturesToExe v1.55 (January 15th, 2000)
- ----------------------------------------
- Added since version v1.50:
- + Can play background mp3 music!
- (used own mp3 engine, - so excellent as WinAmp and with low CPU usage.
- Important: we don't recommend using together .wav sounds comments for pictures
- with playing of background mp3 music, because it may call conflict
- on some Sound cards)
- Added since version v1.50 beta:
- * Fixed minor bug
- + Added hotkey <Delete> to delete current picture from image list
- + Size of produced presentations now decreased on 19 KB!
- + Added preview for background picture in Open dialog
- + Corrected some texts and messages
- + Now you can enlarge picture to full screen in preview area by single
- left mouse click.
- + Several other changes
- * Fixed bug: repeat function didn't work in preview mode.
- * Fixed bug with pressing <Space> key in Startup window
- (in produced presentation).
- + Added showing hints for menu items
- (you can turn it on/off in Main Menu/Options/Show hints).
- + Added startup screen (can be disabled).
- + Added FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about PicturesToExe.
- + Added hotkey Ctrl+F9: Create and run generated presentation.
- + Updated help system (F1).
- + Added help screen to produced presentation (F1).
- + Information about path of generated EXE file now saves in project file.
- + Automatic loading last used project (can be disabled).
- + Added <BkSpace> hotkey.
- + In produced presentation: added possibility to return to the previous slide
- (Hotkeys: <Left>, <Up>, <PageUp> or <BkSpace>).
- + Added Control panel to produced presentation (see <Options> window)
- + Several other changes.
- PicturesToExe v1.40 (December 3rd, 1999)
- ----------------------------------------
- * Fixed several small bugs
- + Can add startup screen with author's information
- + Added support for background music
- + Can change color of the background
- + Can put image to the background
- + Possibility to change drive by pressing key on keyboard (a,b,c etc)
- + Several changes in the <Options> window
- + Updated documentation
- + Some other changes
- PicturesToExe v1.30 (October 3rd, 1999)
- ---------------------------------------
- * Fixed several small bugs
- + Dialog windows can be resized (only for Windows 98 and Windows 2000)
- + Added support for sounds
- + Now you can save/open your projects
- + Added the help system
- + Added item: main menu, <Edit>,
- item <Make all comments as selected>, hotkey - Ctrl+C
- + Several changes at main menu
- + Several other changes
- PicturesToExe v1.20 (August 25th, 1999)
- ---------------------------------------
- * Fixed several bugs
- + Updated description of program in Readme.txt
- + Added new option <Autosave filename and path> to Main menu
- (if it is checked - Filename and Pathname will be saved in SaveAs dialog)
- + Supports descriptions for pictures
- + Added <Preview> button
- + Use right mouse button for the next picture
- + Several other changes
- PicturesToExe v1.10 (July 28th, 1999)
- -------------------------------------
- * Fixed several bugs
- + Added zooming picture (+/- keys)
- + Show supposed size of EXE file on status bar
- + Added action 'Restore default window size' (in main menu)
- + Added option 'Show wallpaper on window' (in main menu)
- + Can resize window
- + Changed icon of program
- + Changes address of our web site - www.wnsoft.com
- PicturesToExe's page is www.wnsoft.com/apr
- PicturesToExe v1.00 (July 2nd, 1999)
- ------------------------------------
- * Released PicturesToExe v1.00