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- Frequently Asked Questions about PicturesToExe
- Last update: January 1, 2002
- 1.
- Question:
- How many pictures can I include to my presentation?
- Answer:
- Up to 32000 pictures (unregistered version is limited to 10 pictures).
- 2.
- Question:
- What is the largest size that the generated EXE file can be?
- Answer:
- The resulting EXE file can not be larger than 2100 Mb.
- 3.
- Question:
- What additional files are needed to run the EXE file of the
- presentation on my computer or any other computer?
- Answer:
- No other files are necessary to run the EXE file.
- 4.
- Question:
- What version of Windows is needed to run a presentation I have created with PicturesToExe?
- Answer:
- Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP
- 5.
- Question:
- What are the system requirements?
- Answer:
- Minimum Spec: Pentium-100 (or similar AMD/Cyrix), 16 Mb RAM, 1 Mb Video card
- Recommended Spec: Pentium-II 300 (or similar AMD/Cyrix), 32 Mb RAM, 2 Mb Video card, Sound card.
- 6.
- Question:
- When I create presentation with an unregistered version of PicturesToExe,
- it contains the text "Created with unregistered version of PicturesToExe -
- www.wnsoft.com". If I register the program, will this text
- be eliminated?
- Answer:
- Yes, this text will be removed after you register your copy
- of PicturesToExe.
- 7. Question:
- What screen resolution is needed to view the presentation?
- Answer:
- You can use any resolution: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 or higher.
- If some pictures are too large and don't fit the screen, they will
- shrink to fit the screen according to its current resolution.
- Note: If you add comments to slides, it is recommended that you also check
- whether these comments also look good at 640x480.
- 8.
- Question:
- I've downloaded example of the presentation (Star Wars: The Phantom menace) from
- your server (www.wnsoft.com), and it contains a startup screen with information
- about this presentation. Can I remove this screen from my presentations?
- Answer:
- Yes, you can. By default this screen is disabled.
- 9.
- Question:
- What benefits do I get if I register PicturesToExe?
- Answer:
- After registration you will:
- + have the right to use PicturesToExe after the 30-day trial period
- + be able to use features that are available only for registered users
- + be able to get all program updates of PicturesToExe for free!
- + not see the nag screen any more;
- + receive technical support;
- and many more!
- 10.
- Question:
- How can I register PicturesToExe?
- Answer:
- Please open this page: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/register.htm
- 11.
- Question:
- Will PicturesToExe create presentations that are able to be viewed on
- Macintosh (Apple) computers?
- Answer:
- Not at this time.
- 12.
- Question:
- How can I correctly upgrade PicturesToExe from any previous version to
- the new one and can I work with my projects, created with previous version
- of PicturesToExe?
- Answer:
- Download new version of PicturesToExe and install it into the folder, where
- previous version is installed.
- Notes:
- + All your settings will be saved;
- + You can work with projects created with previous versions of PicturesToExe.
- 13.
- Question:
- Can I put my own presentations (.EXE or .SCR files), created with
- PicturesToExe, to CD-ROM?
- Answer:
- Yes, of course!
- 14.
- Question:
- How can I make my presentation (.EXE file) starts just after inserting
- CD into the drive?
- Answer:
- Create new document with name "autorun.inf" using any
- text editor (e.g. Notepad) and write the following strings:
- [autorun]
- open=YourPresentation.exe
- icon=YourPresentation.exe
- (Note: instead of "icon=YourPresentation.exe" you can write "icon=YourIcon.ico")
- where "YourPresentation.exe" is the name of your presentation.
- This file ("autorun.inf") must be copied to CD disk with your presentation.
- 15.
- Question:
- How can I calculate size of produced .exe/.scr file with my presentation?
- Answer:
- Size of your .exe/.scr file = 192 KB + size of your files (pictures & sounds)
- 16.
- Question:
- Presentation I've created is too big. How can I reduce the size of .exe/.scr file?
- Answer:
- There are many ways to do so:
- + Don't use BMP files in your presentation! Convert such
- pictures into JPEG or GIF format (e.g. using Imaging from Microsoft
- Windows 98/2000/Me);
- + You can reduce the size of JPEGs by varying quality factor;
- + Also there is another easy way - use special software for automatic
- optimization of pictures (e.g. Image Optimizer - http://xat.com);
- + Instead of WAV files (for background music) use MP3;
- + You can control the size of presentation, looking on status bar
- (3rd section from the left - 'EXE file - X KB');
- 17.
- Question:
- I want to have several MP3 files playing during my presentation.
- Answer:
- No problem. Go to Project options, <Music> tab and add music files
- (mp3, wav, mid, or kar) which will playing during presentation.
- Note: After the last file's end the first file will be played again, and so on.
- 18.
- Question:
- Where can I see some examples of presentations created with PicturesToExe?
- Answer:
- You can find our test presentations at http://www.wnsoft.com/download.htm
- and presentations created by users of PicturesToExe at
- http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/pp.htm
- 19.
- Question:
- I bought PicturesToExe vX.xx. Need I pay again for the next versions?
- Answer:
- No, you need not pay for it again.
- ALL next versions of PicturesToExe will be free for you!