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- // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- function HTMLHelpPopup_Object(ParamThisPopupRef,
- ParamWindowRef,
- ParamNotifyClickedFunction,
- ParamDivID,
- ParamTextID,
- ParamTimeout,
- ParamOffsetX,
- ParamOffsetY,
- ParamWidth)
- {
- this.mThisPopupRef = ParamThisPopupRef;
- this.mWindowRef = ParamWindowRef;
- this.mDivID = ParamDivID;
- this.mTextID = ParamTextID;
- this.mTimeout = (ParamTimeout > 0) ? ParamTimeout : 0;
- this.mOffsetX = ParamOffsetX;
- this.mOffsetY = ParamOffsetY;
- this.mWidth = ParamWidth;
- // Updated when popup triggered
- //
- this.mbVisible = false;
- this.mPositionX = 0;
- this.mPositionY = 0;
- this.mText = "";
- this.mSetTimeoutID = null;
- this.fNotifyClicked = ParamNotifyClickedFunction;
- this.fFormat = HTMLHelpPopup_Format;
- this.fDivTagText = HTMLHelpPopup_DivTagText;
- this.fShow = HTMLHelpPopup_Show;
- this.fPositionPopup = HTMLHelpPopup_PositionPopup;
- this.fPopup = HTMLHelpPopup_Popup;
- this.fHide = HTMLHelpPopup_Hide;
- // Preload graphics
- //
- HTMLHelpPopupUtility_PreloadImages();
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopupUtility_PreloadImages()
- {
- var VarImage;
- VarImage = new Image();
- VarImage.src = "images/spc1w2h.gif";
- VarImage.src = "images/spc2w1h.gif";
- VarImage.src = "images/spc1w7h.gif";
- VarImage.src = "images/spc5w1h.gif";
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_Format(ParamWidth,
- ParamTextID,
- ParamText)
- {
- var VarHTML = "";
- var BackgroundColor = "#FFFFCC";
- var BorderColor = "#999999";
- var ReqSpacer1w2h = "<img src=\"images/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2>";
- var ReqSpacer2w1h = "<img src=\"images/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1>";
- var ReqSpacer1w7h = "<img src=\"images/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7>";
- var ReqSpacer5w1h = "<img src=\"images/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1>";
- var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h;
- var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h;
- var Spacer1w7h = ReqSpacer1w7h;
- var Spacer5w1h = ReqSpacer5w1h;
- VarHTML += "<table width=\"" + ParamWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"" + BackgroundColor + "\">";
- VarHTML += " <tr>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " </tr>";
- VarHTML += " <tr>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " </tr>";
- VarHTML += " <tr>";
- VarHTML += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td width=\"100%\" id=\"" + ParamTextID + "\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td>" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " </tr>";
- VarHTML += " <tr>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 colspan=3>" + Spacer1w7h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=7 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer2w1h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " </tr>";
- VarHTML += " <tr>";
- VarHTML += " <td height=2 colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\">" + Spacer1w2h + "</td>";
- VarHTML += " </tr>";
- VarHTML += "</table>";
- return VarHTML;
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_DivTagText()
- {
- var VarDivTagText = "";
- // Emit DIV tag
- //
- VarDivTagText += "<div id=\"" + this.mDivID + "\" style=\"position: absolute ; z-index: 1 ; visibility: hidden ; display: none ; top: 0px ; left: 0px\" onClick=\"javascript:" + this.mThisPopupRef + ".fNotifyClicked();\">\n";
- VarDivTagText += this.fFormat(this.mWidth, this.mTextID, "Popup");
- VarDivTagText += "</div>\n";
- return VarDivTagText;
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_Show(ParamText,
- ParamEvent)
- {
- var VarDocument = eval(this.mWindowRef + ".document");
- // Reset the timeout operation to display the popup
- //
- if (this.mSetTimeoutID != null)
- {
- clearTimeout(this.mSetTimeoutID);
- this.mSetTimeoutID = null;
- }
- // Check to see if there is anything to display
- //
- if ((ParamText != null) &&
- (ParamEvent != null))
- {
- if ((typeof VarDocument.documentElement != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientWidth != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientHeight != "undefined") &&
- ((VarDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft != 0) ||
- (VarDocument.documentElement.scrollTop != 0)))
- {
- this.mPositionX = VarDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft + ParamEvent.x;
- this.mPositionY = VarDocument.documentElement.scrollTop + ParamEvent.y;
- }
- else
- {
- this.mPositionX = VarDocument.body.scrollLeft + ParamEvent.x;
- this.mPositionY = VarDocument.body.scrollTop + ParamEvent.y;
- }
- this.mText = ParamText;
- this.mSetTimeoutID = setTimeout(this.mThisPopupRef + ".fPopup()", this.mTimeout);
- }
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_PositionPopup()
- {
- var VarDocument = eval(this.mWindowRef + ".document");
- var NewPositionX;
- var NewPositionY;
- var VisibleOffsetX;
- var VisibleOffsetY;
- var PopupWidth;
- var PopupHeight;
- // Calculate new position for popup
- //
- NewPositionX = this.mPositionX + this.mOffsetX;
- NewPositionY = this.mPositionY + this.mOffsetY;
- // Attempt to determine DIV tag dimensions
- //
- PopupWidth = this.mWidth;
- if (VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].offsetWidth > PopupWidth)
- {
- PopupWidth = VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].offsetWidth;
- }
- PopupHeight = 60; // Guess a value
- if (VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].offsetHeight > PopupHeight)
- {
- PopupHeight = VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].offsetHeight;
- }
- // Calculate maximum values for X and Y such that the
- // popup will remain visible
- //
- if ((typeof VarDocument.documentElement != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientWidth != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientHeight != "undefined") &&
- ((VarDocument.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) ||
- (VarDocument.documentElement.clientHeight != 0)))
- {
- VisibleOffsetX = VarDocument.documentElement.clientWidth - this.mOffsetX - PopupWidth;
- VisibleOffsetY = VarDocument.documentElement.clientHeight - this.mOffsetY - PopupHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- VisibleOffsetX = VarDocument.body.clientWidth - this.mOffsetX - PopupWidth;
- VisibleOffsetY = VarDocument.body.clientHeight - this.mOffsetY - PopupHeight;
- }
- if (VisibleOffsetX < 0)
- {
- VisibleOffsetX = 0;
- }
- if (VisibleOffsetY < 0)
- {
- VisibleOffsetY = 0;
- }
- // Confirm popup will be visible and adjust if necessary
- //
- if ((typeof VarDocument.documentElement != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientWidth != "undefined") &&
- (typeof VarDocument.documentElement.clientHeight != "undefined") &&
- ((VarDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft != 0) ||
- (VarDocument.documentElement.scrollTop != 0)))
- {
- if (NewPositionX > (VarDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft + VisibleOffsetX))
- {
- NewPositionX = VarDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft + VisibleOffsetX;
- }
- if (NewPositionY > (VarDocument.documentElement.scrollTop + VisibleOffsetY))
- {
- NewPositionY = VarDocument.documentElement.scrollTop + VisibleOffsetY;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (NewPositionX > (VarDocument.body.scrollLeft + VisibleOffsetX))
- {
- NewPositionX = VarDocument.body.scrollLeft + VisibleOffsetX;
- }
- if (NewPositionY > (VarDocument.body.scrollTop + VisibleOffsetY))
- {
- NewPositionY = VarDocument.body.scrollTop + VisibleOffsetY;
- }
- }
- // Set popup position
- //
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.pixelLeft = NewPositionX;
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.pixelTop = NewPositionY;
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_Popup()
- {
- var VarDocument = eval(this.mWindowRef + ".document");
- if (this.mSetTimeoutID != null)
- {
- // Set popup contents
- //
- VarDocument.all[this.mTextID].innerHTML = this.mText;
- // Position the popup
- //
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.display = "block";
- this.fPositionPopup();
- // Show the popup
- //
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.visibility = "visible";
- this.mbVisible = true;
- }
- // Clear the setTimeout ID tracking field
- // to indicate that we're done.
- //
- this.mSetTimeoutID = null;
- }
- function HTMLHelpPopup_Hide()
- {
- var VarDocument;
- // Cancel the setTimeout value that would have
- // displayed the popup
- //
- if (this.mSetTimeoutID != null)
- {
- clearTimeout(this.mSetTimeoutID);
- this.mSetTimeoutID = null;
- }
- // Shutdown the popup
- //
- if (this.mbVisible == true)
- {
- VarDocument = eval(this.mWindowRef + ".document");
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.visibility = "hidden";
- VarDocument.all[this.mDivID].style.display = "none";
- }
- this.mbVisible = false;
- }