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- // system menu
- SB_MSPlayer Player
- SB_MSMusicManager MusicManager
- SB_MSConfiguration Configuration
- SB_MSEncoder Encoder
- SB_MSOpenFile Open File
- SB_MSSorinara Soritong Homepage
- SB_MSHelp Help
- SB_MSClose Exit
- // sound control menu
- SB_ControlVolume Volume
- SB_ControlPan Pan
- SB_ControlSpeed Speed
- SB_ControlEqualizer Equalizer
- SB_ControlEQ Use EQ
- SB_ControlEQSetA Preset A
- SB_ControlEQSetB Preset B
- SB_ControlEQSetC Preset C
- SB_ControlEQSetD Preset D
- SB_ControlTE Techno Enhancer
- SB_ControlCR Crystalizer
- SB_ControlWS Wide Stereo
- SB_ControlVR Vocal Reducer
- SB_ControlKeepDown Keep Down
- SB_ControlResetAll Reset All
- // song control menu
- SB_SCGapNone Gap - None
- SB_SCGap1 Gap - 1 sec.
- SB_SCGap2 Gap - 2 sec.
- SB_SCGap3 Gap - 3 sec.
- SB_SCGap4 Gap - 4 sec.
- SB_SCGap5 Gap - 5 sec.
- SB_SCLimitNone Time Limit - None
- SB_SCLimit1 Time Limit - 1 min.
- SB_SCLimit2 Time Limit - 2 min.
- SB_SCLimit3 Time Limit - 3 min.
- SB_SCRepeatNone Repeat - None
- SB_SCRepeatSingle Repeat - Single
- SB_SCRepeatAll Repeat - All
- SB_SCShuffle Shuffle
- // music manager
- MM_PagePlaylist Playlist
- MM_PageExplorer Explorer
- MM_PageEditor Editor
- MM_BAdd Add
- MM_BRemove Remove
- MM_BSave Save
- MM_BToPlaylist To Playlist
- MM_BDelete Delete
- MM_BUpdate Update
- MM_BFolder Folder
- MM_BCurrentSong Current Song
- MM_BChange Change
- MM_BFont Font
- MM_CWordWrap Word Wrap
- MM_LTitle Title
- MM_LArtist Artist
- MM_LAlbum Album
- MM_LGenre Genre
- MM_LTime Time
- MM_LLyric Lyric
- MM_LFile File
- MM_PMOpenFile Open Files
- MM_PMOpenDirectory Open Directory
- MM_PMAddFile Add Files
- MM_PMAddDirectory Add Directory
- MM_PMRemoveSelected Remove Selected
- MM_PMRemoveAll Remove All
- MM_PMRemoveDeadLinks Remove Dead Links
- MM_Font MS Sans Serif
- // new
- MM_PMPlay Play
- MM_PMEdit Edit
- MM_PMSelectAll Select All
- MM_PMReset Reset
- MM_PMSet Set
- // new 2
- SB_MWAlwaysOnTop Always On Top
- SB_MWFastMove Fast Move
- SB_MWDocking Docking
- SB_MWPopup Popup
- SB_MWAutoHide AutoHide
- SB_MWSoriBar SoriBar
- SB_MWFullScreen Full Screen
- SB_MWMinimize Minimize
- SB_MWClose Close
- MM_PMSortBy Sort By
- MM_CEditMode Edit Mode
- // configuration
- CF_PageVisual Visual
- CF_PageAudio Audio
- CF_PageController Controller
- CF_PageSystem System
- CF_PageAbout About
- CF_GBSkins Skins
- CF_GBSystemFont System Font
- CF_GBColor Color
- CF_GBSpectrumAnalyzer Spectrum Analyzer
- CF_GBSoundQuality Sound Quality
- CF_GBChannel Channel
- CF_GBBufferSize Buffer Size
- CF_GBPriority Priority
- CF_GBOutput Output
- CF_GBDiskOutput Disk Output
- CF_GBHotkey Hotkey
- CF_GBJoystick Joystick
- CF_GBShortcuts Shortcuts
- CF_GBLanguage Language
- CF_GBRegistry Registry
- CF_GBFileAssociation File Association
- CF_GBOptions Options
- CF_BSaveUI Save UI.TXT
- CF_BLoadUI Load UI.TXT
- CF_BApplySkin Apply Skin
- CF_BClearFont Clear
- CF_BChooseFont Choose Font
- CF_BBrowseDirectory Browse Directory
- CF_BSoundControl Sound Control
- CF_BSongControl Song Control
- CF_BCleanRegistry Clean Registry
- CF_BChangeIcon Change Icon
- CF_BShortcutDesktop On Desktop
- CF_BShortcutStartMenu On Start Menu
- CF_RBSkin0 Main
- CF_RBSkin1 Add-on
- CF_RBSkin2 Add-on
- CF_RBSkin3 Add-on
- CF_RBHighQuality High Quality
- CF_RBMediumQuality Medium Quality
- CF_RBStereo Stereo
- CF_RBMono Mono
- CF_CHotkey Use live hotkey (left ctrl + numpad).
- CF_CJoystick Use joystick as a remote.
- CF_COptionSplash Show splash screen
- CF_COptionAutoRead Read tag info on load
- CF_COptionTaskbar Show in taskbar
- CF_LWarning * Warning : Editing functionality is provided for developers only. We recommend that average users do not modify the text below.
- CF_LSoundQuality If you want to reduce the CPU usage with a little loss in sound quality, choose Medium Quality Setting. ( Default : High Quality )
- CF_LChannel If you want to reduce the CPU usage or your sound system has only one speaker, choose Mono Setting. ( Default : Stereo )
- CF_LBufferSize If sound drops often, you can increase the buffer size to solve the problem. ( Default : 12 )
- CF_LPriority If sound drops often, you can increase the priority to solve the problem. ( Default : 1 )
- CF_LLanguage Choose your language.
- CF_LRegistry For troubleshooting and uninstallation.
- // string
- CF_StringConfirm Are you sure?
- MM_StringConfirmSave Save the changed information?
- // timer
- TM_RBPlay Play
- TM_RBStop Stop
- TM_RBShutdown Shutdown
- TM_CEnable Enable Timer
- TM_LCurrentTime Current Time
- TM_LSetTime Set Time
- TM_LHour Hour
- TM_LMinute Minute
- TM_GBAction Action
- TM_GBTime Time
- SB_MSTimer Timer