ZThe database user '%s' does not exist for the database '%s' on the database server at '%s'ZThe database user '%s' already exists for the database '%s' on the database server at '%s'-The procedure name is either invalid or blank@The procedure '%s' does not exist on the database server at '%s'@The procedure '%s' already exists on the database server at '%s'2The procedure user name is either invalid or blank[The procedure user '%s' does not exist for the database '%s' on the database server at '%s'[The procedure user '%s' already exists for the database '%s' on the database server at '%s')The event name is either invalid or blank<The event '%s' does not exist on the database server at '%s'<The event '%s' already exists on the database server at '%s'EAn invalid or unknown request was made to the database server at '%s'>An error occurred during the import into the table '%s' - '%s'>An error occurred during the export from the table '%s' - '%s'KAn error occurred during the loading of a stream into the table '%s' - '%s'HAn error occurred during the saving of the table '%s' to a stream - '%s'