home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2004-06-09 | 1.9 KB | 47 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Browser Browser11;
- Global String String12;
- Function func285();
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- Group Group13;
- Group13 = System.getScriptGroup();
- Browser11 = Group13.findObject(( "browser\.cdcover"));
- String12 = System.getPath(Browser11.getXmlParam(( "url")));
- if(( System.getPlayItemString() != ( ""))) {
- func285();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- System.onTitleChange(String newtitle)
- {
- func285();
- return Null;
- }
- func285()
- {
- String String19;
- String String17;
- String String21;
- String17 = ( "");
- String19 = System.getPlayItemMetaDataString(( "artist"));
- String21 = System.getPlayItemMetaDataString(( "album"));
- if(( String19 != ( ""))) {
- String17 = ( String17 + ( String19 + ( "\ ")));
- }
- if(( String21 != ( ""))) {
- String17 = ( String17 + String21);
- }
- Browser11.navigateUrl(( ( String12 + ( "\\cdcover\.html\?")) + System.urlEncode(String17)));
- return Null;
- }