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- =================================================
- KRISTAL Audio Engine
- Version History
- =================================================
- 06/01/04: 1.0.1
- ---------------------------
- - Commercial licensing options available
- ASIO Engine:
- - added support for some more bit depths
- - 32 Bit now recorded as floating point (was integer before)
- - changed channel naming (channel number first)
- - samplerate problem with some cards fixed
- Waver:
- - fixed Crossfade bug
- - audio files are now imported at cursor position
- =================================================
- 01/31/04: 1.0 Final
- ---------------------------
- - added Demo Song (by tracery)
- - added User Manual (by Paul Sellars)
- - Added multidelay presets (by tracery)
- - Added Kristalizer presets (by tracery)
- - Save to new folder: added option "Expand to WAV"
- - changed some minor GUI details
- - updated KristalChorus
- - updated OGG File Handler
- - VST editor size bug with some plugins fixed
- - fixed: master slot 3 not reset for new project
- - fixed: tempo/signature not reset
- 01/26/04: 1.0 RC1
- ---------------------------
- - fixed: knobs where not correctly centered
- - fixed some more small bugs
- - updated Ogg File Handler
- - Added Reverb & Chorus PlugIn (by derschrank)!!
- - Added Kristalizer PlugIn
- - Crashes should produce LOG files now
- - fixed: mixer settings not reset for new project
- Waver:
- - Added "Edit in External Editor" to context menu
- (select editor in preferences)
- - Added "Show In Pool" to context menu
- LiveIN:
- - changed from "guitar" to rack
- - input name is now displayed in mixer channel
- 12/17/03: 1.0 Beta 16
- ---------------------------
- - Added Ogg Vorbis Codec (by DerSchrank)
- - Record Folder changed to "(Project-Root)\Media"
- - Default folder for unsaved projects is
- "My Document\KRISTAL Media Files"
- - Added Menu: File -> Revert
- - Added "Save to New Folder" Feature!!
- - Added Menu: "Recent Projects"
- - Added Preference: "Open Last Project on Startup"
- - fixed: Mixer window disappeared when exit
- was canceled (non-MDI)
- - sliders do not 'jump away' anymore
- Waver:
- - Added "Bounce Selection" to context menu
- 12/09/03: 1.0 Beta 15
- ---------------------------
- - Some visual style changes ;)
- Waver:
- - fixed: timecode wrong in AES31 Export
- - fixed bug: Bar+Beat ruler started at zero
- - audio files should be found automatically
- if project moved to another folder
- - fixed "locate missing" feature
- Engine:
- - added preference: vst editor always on top
- - added preference: knob behavior
- - fixed redraw bug in project notes
- - some audio engine tweaking,
- inserts are processed if channel is disconnected
- 12/03/03: 1.0 Beta 14
- ---------------------------
- Waver:
- - Fixed [Ctrl] selection bug
- - folder parts can be resized & cut now!
- - fixed fade out bug when cutting parts
- - glue now works for multiple selection
- - fixed: standard window close button did not work
- - fixed: silence when connecting tracks
- - Added Timebase button (Linear/Musical)
- - Snap is now saved with project
- - fixed bug: tracks not processed until right
- locator in mixdown, thus reverbs lost
- - Added AES31 Export - to be tested!!!
- Engine:
- - fixed VST PlugIns tempo sync bug
- - new generic VST editor!!
- - added project information dialog
- PlugIns:
- - Added MultiDelay by arne@knup.de!!
- 11/18/03: 1.0 Beta 12
- ---------------------
- Waver:
- - Higher waveform resolution + fixed rounding errors
- - Waveform is now calculated in background
- - Added Glue Tool!!
- - Added Multiselection!!
- 11/06/03: 1.0 Beta 11
- ---------------------
- - Fixed mouse cursor problem from last version
- - Fixed ASIO bug I just brought in with Beta 10 ;)
- Waver:
- - Added audio clip attributes: Muted, Locked, Transparent
- - New move modifier:
- [Shift]: constrain horizontal, [Ctrl]: constrain vertical
- - Added snap presets
- - Improved select and cut tool
- Added Key Command:
- - [P] : Set Cycle to Selection
- - NumPad 1: Jump to Left Locator
- - NumPad 2: Jump to Right Locator
- - NumPad 3: Jump to Selection
- (Waver window must have the keyboard focus for P and #3 to work!)
- 10/28/03: 1.0 Beta 10
- ---------------------
- Waver:
- - fixed part resizing (left handle)
- - changed minimum part length from 1 sec to 1000 samples
- - added Cut Tool!!
- Engine:
- - fixed some more ASIO problems (e.g. emagic emi 6|2 works now)
- - EQs are now OFF by default
- 10/23/03: 1.0 Beta 9
- --------------------
- Waver:
- - record offset problem (ASIO) really fixed ;))
- - Fixed rounding errors in time ruler
- - Changed zoom step from 50% to 20%
- - time scrollbar is now zoom-dependent
- - Alt + Move duplicates audio clip!!
- - key commands now react much faster
- 10/19/03: 1.0 Beta 8
- --------------------
- Waver:
- - recording offset should be fixed or at least better ;)
- - default project length is 5 minutes (was 10 before)
- - added "Bars+Beats" to time ruler
- - first audio block was lost if preload enabled - fixed.
- - Added key commands for zoom
- (Zoom In: H or Ctrl+, Zoom Out: G or Ctrl-)
- Transport:
- - metronome should be in sync with transport time now
- - metronome was always at 44.1kHz - fixed.
- - changed precount setting from seconds to beats
- - new display types ("Samples", "Bars+Beats")
- - added edit box for signature
- - cylce mode should be better (but still not sample-accurate!)
- Global:
- - Startup screen does not disapper to early ;)
- - Added save prompt when closing KRISTAL
- 10/14/03: 1.0 Beta 7
- --------------------
- - Fixed bug with some 24 Bit ASIO cards producing silence
- 10/12/03: 1.0 Beta 6
- --------------------
- - Fixed startup problem on Win98 ;)
- 10/12/03: 1.0 Beta 5
- --------------------
- - Project file format changed
- old projects *can not* be loaded anymore!!!
- - New Metronome click ;)
- - Fixed ASIO stereo recording bug
- - Added Channel EQs
- - Added 32 Bit Integer ASIO Driver Support
- - Finished ASIO Multichannel Support
- (was previously limited to 2)
- - Added Devices Preference
- - Improved ASIO Preference,
- KRISTAL now reacts on Reset Requests from Driver
- - Fixed Freeze with some audio drivers
- when recording via MME
- - Windows now keep their size and visibility state
- - Window state is saved in project
- - Added option "Load Sequencer on Startup"
- - Hierarchical menus for VST PlugIns
- - 16 Channel Mixer + Waver
- - 3 Master Effects
- - Added Performance Display
- - New SampleRates: 48, 88.2, 96 & 192 kHz
- - Added ASIO Input/Output Preference
- - Added ASIO Monitoring Support
- - Added LiveIN Plug-In
- - KRISTAL now starts with its own
- "desktop" by default
- - New supported File Formats: AIFF, FLAC
- 09/01/03: 1.0 Beta 4
- --------------------
- - Minimum width for VST editor
- - added VST PlugIns Exception handling
- - implemented tempo information for PlugIns
- - 3 user-definable VST folders to scan at startup
- - (Waver PlugIn remains unchanged!!)
- 08/24/03: 1.0 Beta 3
- --------------------
- - Installer: Fixed File Association
- - Fixed crash when opening Project from Explorer
- - VST Plug-In Editor Improvements
- - Waver: 8 Tracks, Resizable Editor,
- Arrangement Redraw Fixes
- - Waver: Audio Image Draw Optimization
- - Final Splash Screen & Program Icon ;)
- 07/11/03: 1.0 Beta 2
- --------------------
- - Added ASIO 24 Bit Support
- - Waver: Added 24 Bit Wave File Support
- - Added 24 Bit Mixdown Support
- - Removed "Sorry, Plug-In unusable..." message
- - Redesigned Splash Screen
- - Changed Program Icon back to "old" Crystal Icon
- 07/08/03: 1.0 Beta 1
- --------------------
- - first (inofficial) Beta Version ;)