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- <TD vAlign=bottom align=right width=600 colSpan=3>free audio
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- <B>THD</B><BR><B>analog-style saturator</B><BR><BR><I>This was my
- first attempt in writing a plugin. It has become quite known on the
- net and with many thousands of copies around, the time should be
- right for v1.0.<BR>However, I will <B>no longer continue</B> the
- development of this plugin.<BR><BR>But as THD has gained a lot of
- popularity, I will keep it available here in its current
- state.</I><BR><BR>This is no typical high-gain distortion device,
- nor a 'decimator' or bit crusher.<BR>I was searching for something
- that sounded a bit like my old tube bass preamp that I like using
- for fattening up vocals or drum tracks.<BR>Because good outboard
- gear is expensive and sonically equivalent software simulators are
- rare (and expensive as well), I started to lurk behind the curtain,
- thinking of creating something to fit my personal needs.<BR>I simply
- could not find suitable simulators out there.<BR><BR>Well, what is
- going on inside analog gear, especially when it comes to the fact,
- that tube equipment always sounds different as solid-state
- devices?<BR>Many people say 'oh, it's soft saturation that leads to
- more harmonics'. It took me quite a long time to realize that this
- is just some part of the story.<BR>Apart from generating the 'right'
- kind and amount of harmonics, analog circuits are actually doing a
- lot of dynamic action. Considering a vacuum tube, this behaviour
- partly depends on the tube itself and also on the electrical parts
- surrounding it.<BR><BR>Now, THD is an approach to a very few of such
- aspects. The plugin is intended for a mixer's insert path to act as
- a preamp stage. It smoothes out the transients, gives more overall
- gain and warms a bit.<BR><BR>You might also want it to simulate a
- tape machine driven to the limit to achieve that typical warmth
- & fatness associated with analog recordings. THD uses similar
- methods to alter the frequency response of 'hot' tapes as analog
- recorders do.<BR><BR>As always, trust your ears. It may sound good
- for some applications, but unsuitable for others.<BR><BR>
- <TABLE align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle><IMG height=247
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/thd.gif"
- width=246></TD><BR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=20></TD><BR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left>Feel free to download this plugin.
- The zipped file (size: 97kB) includes the manual (as TXT
- file).<BR><BR>Latest version: v0.92<BR><BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/THD.zip"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0 valign="bottom"></A><BR><BR>Known bugs:<BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>plugin may refuse to work at multiple instances<BR>
- <LI>proper operation only with 44k sampling rate<BR>
- <LI>does not work with Cakewalk Sonar & DirectiXer<BR>
- <LI>on some systems the 'punch' section might introduce
- slight high-frequency
- noise</LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR><B>Installation:</B>
- Unzip the archive, copy the .dll file into your '\vstplugins' folder
- and (re)start the host program. It should find THD as a new insert
- plugin.<BR><BR><I>If the download link does not work properly, you
- should try using 'save as...' in you browser context menu.<BR>In
- case of problems, please send an email to <A
- href="mailto:sascha@digitalfishphones.com"><U>sascha@digitalfishphones.com</U></A></I><BR></TD>
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