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- style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR: #202020; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; TEXT-DECORATION: none">normalizer</SPAN> </TD>
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- <B>normalizer<BR>denormals eleminator</B><BR><BR>Ever heard of the
- denormalisation problem?<BR><BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>Upgraded to a P4 processor and got problems with load spikes
- like never before?<BR>
- <LI>Does a certain plugin consume all available CPU power whenever
- there's NO signal coming in (or out)?</LI></UL><BR><I>I've
- co-written an article for the German KEYBOARDS magazine (issue
- 08/02) about 'denormal' numbers and their meaning for floating-point
- based audio processing on the PC.<BR>Additionally, I've written a
- small plugin for the mag that should cancel out those numbers and
- ensure a trouble-free sequencing of your songs.<BR>Some companies
- have already provided with updates of their plugins for the
- P4.<BR>But denormalisation still seems to be an issue with some
- plugins, that's why I've put the normalizer up here as well.<BR>Some
- people even seem to have problems on the Mac with plugins causing
- load spikes due to denormal numbers, so this is not a
- platform-specific problem.<BR>For people writing own plugins, the
- normalizer might be helpful for troubleshooting...
- ;)</I><BR><BR><B>A brief overview on the
- topic</B><BR><BR>Denormalisation is an issue with some audio hosts
- that don't switch off the plugin's audio task when the song is
- stopped or a track contains silence (or with instruments: no key is
- pressed while a sound decays).<BR><BR>The problem happens when the
- CPU (precisely: the floating point unit (FPU) inside of it) detects
- extremely small numbers and wishes to process them with the same
- precision as usual. Then it switches into 'denormal' mode which is
- another way of representing small floating point numbers with the
- available bit range.<BR>Converting between the two states takes a
- lot of time for the FPU and thus might cause heavy load
- jumps.<BR><BR>Some algorithm such as delay lines and filters are
- prone to denormalisation as they work with feedback
- structures.<BR>Here, if an impulse is followed by absolute silence,
- the resulting signal gets smaller and smaller but in theory, it can
- never reach zero.<BR>In practice, there is an internal threshold of
- the FPU that switches to denormal mode to carry on processing those
- small numbers (which might not be of any use for proper
- operation).<BR>Currently, the Pentium 4 processor seems highly
- addicted to denormalisation. It turned out that its threshold is
- actually very much higher than of former Pentium types.<BR>Plugins
- that used to work fine with older CPUs might slow down the entire
- system when used with a P4.<BR>But other FPUs might as well suffer
- from denormalisation issues.<BR><BR>Most developers are aware of
- denormalisation although the methods to avoid it are many. Some
- algorithms ask for the current FPU status from time to time,
- reacting to it by changing small values to zero.<BR>Other developers
- prefer adding an an extra signal to the audio which is carried along
- the entire process of the plugin, thereby forcing it to remain above
- the internal threshold.<BR>Should the input become silent, the
- additional noise will still keep the whole thing from
- denormalizing.<BR>All the digitalfishphones plugins actually work
- this way, and so does the normalizer.<BR><BR>
- <TABLE align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle><IMG height=225
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/normalizer.gif"
- width=285></TD><BR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=20></TD><BR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left>normalizer PC (Win) version (size
- 89kB):<BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/normalizer_PC_Win.zip"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0
- valign="bottom"></A><BR><BR><BR><BR>normalizer MacOS9 version
- (size 167kB):<BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/normalizer_MacOS9.sit"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0
- valign="bottom"></A><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR><B>Installation:</B><BR>Unzip
- the archive, copy the plugin file into your '\vstplugins' folder and
- (re)start the host program. It should find the normalizer as a new
- insert plugin.<BR><BR><B>Normalizer usage:</B><BR>Fill the first
- insert slot with this plugin. Put the plugin that's supposed to
- cause denormalisation into the second slot.<BR><BR>The normalizer
- plugin lets you choose between two methods: adding AC or DC
- signal.<BR>Here, AC is a square wave ringing at the nyquist
- frequency (half the sampling rate, e.g. 22.05kHz).<BR>Choose this
- method whenever the following plugin does not apply intensive
- low-pass filtering, thereby eleminating our injection noise.<BR>In
- that case, the DC method could be used. It just adds a static offset
- to the signal. This DC level (when set pretty low) should be no
- issue with further processing of the resulting output.<BR><BR>No
- matter which method you choose from, the noise floor should be lower
- than the lowest value that your D/A converter can handle.<BR>And in
- fact, a level of about -300 to -200dB is usually enough. Sometimes
- you can even go much lower.<BR><BR>You will have to experiment with
- the proper level because the internal working of the faulty plugin
- is most certainly unknown to us.<BR>The more stages it involves, the
- more complex the whole thing is.<BR><BR>Happy normalizing
- :)<BR><BR><I>If the download link does not work properly, you should
- try using 'save as...' in you browser context menu.<BR>In case of
- problems, please send an email to <A
- href="mailto:sascha@digitalfishphones.com"><U>sascha@digitalfishphones.com</U></A></I><BR><BR><BR>The
- MacOS version has been compiled by Urs Heckmann (<A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/"
- target=_new><U>www.u-he.com</U></A>).<BR><BR></TD>
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