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- style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; COLOR: #202020; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; TEXT-DECORATION: none">endorphin</SPAN></A> </TD>
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- <TD vAlign=bottom align=right width=600 colSpan=3>free audio
- plugins<IMG height=1
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- width=5><IMG height=54
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- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=580 bgColor=#aec8cf><IMG height=1
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- <B>dominion<BR>signal modelling device</B><BR><BR>What is
- dominion?<BR>If you were searching for a tool to shape the envelope
- of a signal, giving you total control of the signal's attack &
- sustain phase, dominion is certainly something for you!<BR>But it's
- got more to offer...<BR><BR>A short overview of the
- features:<BR><BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>Envelope section. Adjust attack & sustain independently,
- regardless of input level. Plus, you have control over the
- envelopes' time constants. Imagine pulling a drummer up front or
- pushing him to the background by dragging just a single slider!
- Feel like moving the walls around him? Again, a single push
- enhances the room information or can make the sound really
- dry.<BR>Imagine doing things like this with other instruments as
- well... :)<BR>
- <LI>Saturation stage. Following digitalfishphones tradition, the
- plugin can help to reduce harshness often associated with digital
- recordings, giving back some warmth and life to your source by
- modelling classic analog equipment. The tonal character stays
- adjustable within a broad range.<BR>
- <LI>High frequency details section. Similar to classic exciter
- circuits, this section allows you to brighten up a signal, giving
- transparency and depth by generating additional harmonics.<BR>
- <LI>Non-clipping output stage. Like the endorphin compressor, a
- brickwall waveshaper circuit ensures that the output won't exceed
- -0.1dBFS, while remaining sonically clean.</LI></UL><BR>The full
- working principle can be read in the user's manual that is included
- in the download file.<BR>I would definitely recommend that you read
- through the sections in order to fully understand the concepts and
- their potentials.<BR><BR>Prepare for another versatile freeware tool
- to be added to your collection :)<BR><BR><B>Available for PC/Win
- & MacOS hosts.</B><BR><BR>
- <TABLE width=580 align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=middle colSpan=3><IMG height=371
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/dominion.gif"
- width=457></TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=right width=240>dominion v1.2 PC (Win)
- version<BR>(size 349kB):<BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/dominion_v1.2_PC.zip"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0></TD>
- <TD width=60><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=60 border=0></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=240>dominion v1.2 MacOS9
- version<BR>(size 438kB):<BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/dominion_v1.2_MacOS9.sit"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0></TD></TR><BR>
- <TR>
- <TD colSpan=3><BR>Latest changes:<BR><BR>version 1.2:<BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>Changed the whole saturation circuit, altered the
- 'dynamic' section<BR>
- <LI>Replaced the DC-couple filter stage at the output. v1.1
- was still spitting out some DC, even with no signal.<BR>The
- new saturation circuit & filter section only allows for
- a little DC during fast transients (which is normal with
- this design).<BR>
- <LI>Changed the 'hf details' circuit. The new version
- consumes less CPU time and is bypassed with the level knob
- set to 0.<BR>
- <LI>general code speedup and cleanup (thanks to Urs
- :))</LI></UL><BR><BR>version 1.1:<BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>v1.0 did not work with Cakewalk Sonar & DirectiXer.
- Now works with v1.1<BR>
- <LI>new with v1.1: 10 presets slots (instead of 4 with
- v1.0)<BR>
- <LI>fixed a bug with the interface: when you saved a preset
- with having pressed either 'x2' button, the display would
- have shown the wrong value each time the preset was loaded
- back.<BR>
- <LI>fixed a bug in the audio process that led to severe
- distortion under very rare circumstances<BR>
- <LI>updated the manual file (including corrections and
- better screen view)</LI></UL><BR><BR><B>Installation:</B>
- Unzip the archive, copy the plugin file into your
- '\vstplugins' folder and (re)start the host program. It should
- find dominion as a new insert plugin.<BR><BR><I>If the
- download link does not work properly, you should try using
- 'save as...' in you browser context menu.<BR>In case of
- problems, please send an email to <A
- href="mailto:sascha@digitalfishphones.com"><U>sascha@digitalfishphones.com</U></A></I><BR><BR>The
- MacOS version has been compiled by Urs Heckmann (<A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/"
- target=_new><U>www.u-he.com</U></A>).</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></TD>
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- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/">w w w . d i g i t a l f i s
- h p h o n e s . c o m</A><BR>copyright ⌐ 2004 Sascha
- Eversmeier<BR><SPAN
- style="FONT-SIZE: 8px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; TEXT-DECORATION: none">VST
- is a registered trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies AG.<BR>All
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