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- <TD vAlign=bottom align=right width=600 colSpan=3>free audio
- plugins<IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=5><IMG height=54
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/bubbles.gif" width=47
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- <TD vAlign=top align=middle width=600 colSpan=3><IMG height=8
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- width=10></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=580 bgColor=#aec8cf><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif" width=580>
- <B>the fish fillets<BR>channel insert package</B><BR><BR>
- <TABLE width=550 align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=370><IMG height=240
- alt="BLOCKFISH screenshot"
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/blockfish.jpg"
- width=351><IMG height=10
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=370></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left><B>BLOCKFISH</B> is a versatile
- compressor with countless ways to shape the incoming
- audio.<BR>Unlike many other digital compressors, BLOCKFISH has
- 'soul'. It likes to bite, but it can be tamed easily once
- you've learned how to use its potential.</TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=370><IMG height=240
- alt="BLOCKFISH circuit board screenshot"
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/blockfish_pcb.jpg"
- width=351></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left>You can remove the front plate and
- make further adjustments on the circuit board.<BR>Everything
- is possible: clean, transparent, loud, punchy, silky, subtle,
- fat. But still with a unique sonic character.</TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD width=550 colSpan=2>
- <HR noShade>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=370><IMG height=240
- alt="SPITFISH screenshot"
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/spitfish.jpg"
- width=351><BR><IMG height=10
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=370></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left><B>SPITFISH</B> is a dead-easy to
- use de-esser, aimed mainly at mono or stereo vocal tracks.
- Just like classic analog de-essers, this unit dynamically
- filters out harsh, annoying s-like sounds that would otherwise
- 'spit' in your face.</TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD width=550 colSpan=2>
- <HR noShade>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=370><IMG height=240
- alt="FLOORFISH screenshot"
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/screenshots/floorfish.jpg"
- width=351><BR><IMG height=10
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=370></TD>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left><B>FLOORFISH</B> is a simple
- expander / gate device, easy to set up and offers a broad
- variety of processing, ranging from slight expansion,
- backgound noise attenuation to extreme gating
- effects.<BR>What's different from similar units is the ability
- to scan the source and adjust the transistion curve
- accordingly.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
- <TABLE width=580 align=center border=0>
- <TR>
- <TD colSpan=3><B>Available for PC/Win & Mac OS hosts.</B>
- PDF manual included.
- <HR noShade>
- </TD></TR>
- <TR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=right width=240>the fish fillets PC (Win)
- version 1.1<BR>(size 811kB):<BR><BR><A
- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/binaries/the_fish_fillets_v1_1.zip"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0></TD>
- <TD width=60><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=60 border=0></TD><BR>
- <TD vAlign=top align=left width=240>the fish fillets Mac OS 9
- version 1.0<BR>(size 876kB): <A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/fishfilletsmacos9.sit"><IMG
- height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0><BR><BR>the fish fillets Mac OS X version
- 1.0 for <B>VST</B><BR>(size 930kB): <A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/FishFilletsOSX.tgz"><IMG height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0><BR><BR>the fish fillets Mac OS X version
- 1.1 as <B>AudioUnits</B><BR>(size 729kB): <A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/fishfilletsAU.sit"><IMG height=18
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/btn_download.gif"
- width=85 border=0></A><BR><IMG height=1
- src="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/images/spacer.gif"
- width=240 border=0></TD></TR><BR>
- <TR>
- <TD colSpan=3><BR>Latest changes:<BR><BR><B>April
- 04:</B><BR>version 1.1 available as AudioUnits (AU) for MacOS
- X)<BR><BR><B>Feb 19, (taken from the 'news'
- section):</B><BR>"I've updated the v1.1 zip file of the 'fish
- fillets' (PC/Win): the 'blockfish' compressor tended to
- produce some low-frequency rumble noise at high saturation
- settings and the 'complex' mode switched in. This has been
- fixed as well as some minor changes within the compressor
- path.<BR>However, the version number is still stuck at 1.1.
- It's too much of work to change this in all of the three
- plugins, their interface and the manuals just because of 10
- lines of code that had changed.<BR>If you're unsure that
- you've got the latest version: the new file 'blockfish.dll' is
- date of Feb 16."<BR><BR><B>version 1.1:</B><BR>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>Fixed a bug that led to a memory leak (causing crashes),
- especially with Win XP and Cubase SX. This has been most
- prominent with blockfish, but is fixed with the other two
- plugins as well.<BR>
- <LI>Replaced the saturation stage (between the circuits and
- at the output) inside of blockfish. Should sound much nicer
- now.<BR>
- <LI>Fixed a bug in floorfish. The 'expansion' knob showed an
- incorrect position when a preset was loaded back from the
- hard disk.</LI></UL><BR><BR><BR><B>Installation:</B><BR>Unzip
- the archive, copy the plugin file into your '\vstplugins'
- folder and (re)start the host program. It should find dominion
- as a new insert plugin.<BR>Mac OS X users: place the files in
- the directory
- '~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/'<BR><BR>Requirements for the
- AudioUnits:<BR>- MacOS 10.2+<BR>- AudioUnits compatible host
- software<BR><BR><BR><B>Known issues:</B>
- <UL type=square>
- <LI>some VST host programs won't display the preset names
- correctly. You'll sometimes see names like 'default' or
- 'init 1, init 2, ...' instead of the 'real' names, although
- the parameters are loaded correctly. This is due to
- different methods that can be used to implement preset
- support. I will fix this as soon as I get back to the code
- (when ever that is...)</LI></UL><BR><BR><I>If the download
- link does not work properly, you should try using 'save as...'
- in you browser context menu.<BR>In case of problems, please
- send an email to <A
- href="mailto:sascha@digitalfishphones.com"><U>sascha@digitalfishphones.com</U></A></I><BR><BR>The
- Mac OS versions have been compiled by Urs Heckmann (<A
- href="http://www.u-he.com/"
- target=_new><U>www.u-he.com</U></A>). In case of mac-specific
- problems (e.g. installation), please contact him
- directly.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR></TD>
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- href="http://www.digitalfishphones.com/">w w w . d i g i t a l f i s
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- style="FONT-SIZE: 8px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; TEXT-DECORATION: none">VST
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