=>Bug: gray text background when white text on black page background - fixed
New in 1.365:
=>Bug: gray filling on elements - fixed
=>Bug: JavaScript in output HTML - fixed
=>Bug: Hollow shapes - now working
New in 1.364:
=>'Expired key' repair. There is no key, 'cause it's free.
=>Supports relative URLs. So, for example, you can call up another swf (such as an audio support file) just by the file name <filename.swf> if it's in the same directory as the host Flash file. This applies to web-based presentations or local disk-based presentations.
=>Projector (projectname.exe) can go fullscreen.
=>Projector can call other exe file if in the same folder.
=>Support for FS commands, so you can call JavaScript functions in the HTML page from the Flash presentation.
=>Improved and updated help.
New in 1.35:
Fixed version problem.
New in 1.343:
=>Fixed broken "Save As" file command.
=>Even more logging, targeted as a result of user feedback from previous log files sent.
New in 1.342:
=>Removed experimental generation of compressed SWF. It wasn't supposed to be released yet.
=>More logging info being generated.
New in 1.341:
=>A small adjustment to the logging function. Files are now limited to around 200K and will automatically be truncated if they grow too large.
New in 1.34:
=>Another sound fix. Mono direct record works (again).
=>Paste from clipboard. Copy a graphic from another program and past directly into Powerbullet. On Insert menu, toolbar and shortcut key combo Ctrl+Shift+P
=>Looping animations. In animation effects dialog you can now specify looped animations.
=>Logging. For detecting export errors, particularly in ME.
New in 1.331:
=>Insert page link now on the Insert menu
New in 1.33:
=>Fixed Export setting "manual" so navigation buttons disappear
=>Added "Page Link" so in auto-advance mode presentation can jump to new url (especially useful for intros)
New in version 1.32:
=>Fixed mono sound playing double-speed
=>Fixed output size 4 pixels too short
New in version 1.31:
=>Fullscreen option
This has been restored. The last version omitted to recognize this option
=>Persistent toolbars
Toolbar size, position and visibility are now remembered between sessions. So you can set up your preferred layout once and it will stay
=>User-specified project directories
You can now select where your Powerbullet projects are kept. You can specify as many locations as you like on the local disk or network
=>Non-linear navigation
You can now set a link to any page in your project
Visit the forum to keep up-to-date. http://powerbullet.com/forum or just select it from your help menu.