home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
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- item
- Name = 'arrayc'
- Description = 'array declaration (const)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'array[0..|] of = ();')
- end
- item
- Name = 'arrayd'
- Description = 'array declaration (var)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'array[0..|] of ;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'casee'
- Description = 'case statement (with else)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'case | of'
- ' : ;'
- ' : ;'
- 'else ;'
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'cases'
- Description = 'case statement'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'case | of'
- ' : ;'
- ' : ;'
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'classc'
- Description = 'class declaration (with Create/Destroy overrides)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'T| = class(T)'
- 'private'
- ''
- 'protected'
- ''
- 'public'
- ' constructor Create; override;'
- ' destructor Destroy; override;'
- 'published'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'classd'
- Description = 'class declaration (no parts)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'T| = class(T)'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'classf'
- Description = 'class declaration (all parts)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'T| = class(T)'
- 'private'
- ''
- 'protected'
- ''
- 'public'
- ''
- 'published'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'forb'
- Description = 'for statement'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'for | := to do'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'fors'
- Description = 'for (no begin/end)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'for | := to do')
- end
- item
- Name = 'function'
- Description = 'function declaration'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'function |(): ;'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'ifb'
- Description = 'if statement'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'if | then'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'ife'
- Description = 'if then (no begin/end) else (no begin/end)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'if | then'
- ''
- 'else')
- end
- item
- Name = 'ifeb'
- Description = 'if then else'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'if | then'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end'
- 'else'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end')
- end
- item
- Name = 'ifs'
- Description = 'if (no begin/end)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'if | then')
- end
- item
- Name = 'procedure'
- Description = 'procedure declaration'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'procedure |();'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'trycf'
- Description = 'try finally (with Create/Free)'
- Code.Strings = (
- '|variable := typename.Create;'
- 'try'
- ''
- 'finally'
- ' variable.Free;'
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'trye'
- Description = 'try except'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'try'
- ' |'
- 'except'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'tryf'
- Description = 'try finally'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'try'
- ' |'
- 'finally'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'whileb'
- Description = 'while statement'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'while | do'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'whiles'
- Description = 'while (no begin)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'while | do')
- end
- item
- Name = 'withb'
- Description = 'with statement'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'with | do'
- 'begin'
- ''
- 'end;')
- end
- item
- Name = 'withs'
- Description = 'with (no begin)'
- Code.Strings = (
- 'with | do')
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- Caption = 'Open &File at Cursor'
- Enabled = False
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- Caption = '&New Edit Window'
- end
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- Caption = '&Browse Symbol at Cursor'
- Enabled = False
- Visible = False
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- Caption = 'Topic &Search'
- Enabled = False
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- Caption = '-'
- Visible = False
- end
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- Caption = 'Toggle Brea&kpoint'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 16503
- Visible = False
- end
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- Caption = 'R&un to Cursor'
- Enabled = False
- ShortCut = 115
- Visible = False
- end
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- Caption = '&Evaluate/Modify...'
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- Visible = False
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- Caption = '&Add Watch at Cursor...'
- Enabled = False
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- Visible = False
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- Caption = '-'
- Visible = False
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- Caption = '&View as Form'
- Enabled = False
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- Caption = 'Read &Only'
- Enabled = False
- Visible = False
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- Caption = '&Message View'
- Enabled = False
- Visible = False
- end
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- Caption = '-'
- Visible = False
- end
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- Caption = 'P&roperties'
- Enabled = False
- Visible = False
- end
- end
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- item
- VerbComp = PopupClosePage
- VerbName = 'File.Close'
- end
- item
- VerbComp = PopupNewEditWindow
- VerbName = 'View.NewEditWindow'
- end
- item
- VerbComp = PopupSave
- VerbName = 'File.Save'
- end>
- Left = 110
- Top = 176
- end
- end