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- Multi-User licenses are an economical way to license
- ClipMate for all of your users. To make the multi-user
- license more affordable, we don't provide CDs for every
- user because most people find that the comprehensive
- on-line help is all they need.
- ClipMate may be downloaded from our web site, and site
- license keys are sent via email. If desired, CDs
- are available for $5 each, plus shipping. CDs are
- offered as a convenience to customers who prefer
- not to download. The CD contains ClipMate software,
- setup files, a printable PDF manual, and dictionary/help
- files. All items on the CD can also be downloaded from
- our web page.
- If you are upgrading an existing site license, please
- contact us for pricing, or visit our web page at
- http://www.thornsoft.com
- Price Structure for Multi-User Licenses:
- (All prices US Dollars)
- # of Users Price Per User
- ---------- --------------
- 2-4 $ 22.95
- 5-9 $ 19.95
- 10-19 $ 17.95
- 20-49 $ 15.95
- 50-99 $ 13.95
- 100-199 $ 11.95
- 200-499 $ 9.95
- 500-999 $ 8.95
- 1000+ $ 7.25
- Note that you can tailor the license to your needs, by
- multiplying the desired number of users by the price per user.
- ex: the price for 60 users would be 60 * 13.95 = $ 837.
- ------------------- PRODUCT INFORMATION -----------------------
- Check Desired Item(s) Quantity Unit Price Total Price
- --------------------- -------- ---------- -----------
- ( ) ClipMate 6 ________ See Chart ________
- ( ) CD shipped to you ________ $5.00 each ________
- ( ) USA - First Class Mail $3.00 US
- ( ) USA - Priority Mail $5.00 US
- ( ) Canada - Air Mail $3.00 US
- ( ) Overseas Shipping (outside of North America) $6.00 US
- ( ) FedEx (USA only - Ships Next Business Day) $18.00 US
- SUBTOTAL ________
- New York State Residents add appropriate Sales Tax ________
- Please specify NY State County: _____________
- GRAND TOTAL $________
- ------------------ PAYMENT INFORMATION ------------------------
- Payment Method: ( ) Check {MUST be drawn on a US bank}
- ( ) Cash
- ( ) Money Order
- ( ) Purchase Order {minimum $100 order}
- ( ) Credit Card: ( ) Mastercard ( ) VISA
- ( ) Discover ( ) AMEX
- If Paying By Credit Card, Please Complete The Following:
- Cardholder Name ________________________________________
- Credit Card # _______________________ Exp. Date __/__
- Cardholder Signature:_____________________________________
- -------------------------- SHIP TO ---------------------------
- Name:
- Company:
- Address:
- :
- :
- Country:
- Phone:
- Email Address:
- If you are upgrading from a previous version of Clipmate, please
- provide the registered name and key here from your earlier version:
- Do you wish to subscribe to our email list for product update notices?
- (We have a strict privacy policy and do not sell or share our list)
- ( ) Yes
- ( ) No
- Source Of Evaluation Copy:
- -------------------- HOW TO REACH US --------------------------
- VISA/Mastercard/American Express/Discover orders may be:
- PHONED to us at (585) 352-4223
- PHONED to us TOLL-FREE in the US only at 877-254-7628
- FAXED to us at (585) 352-7847
- EMAILED to: sales@thornsoft.com
- Otherwise, include Check, Money Order, Credit Card Information,
- Cash, or valid Purchase Order, and mail to:
- THORNSOFT Development, Inc.
- P.O. Box 164
- Spencerport, NY 14559
- Please make checks/money orders payable to THORNSOFT Development, Inc.