ocr: ClipMate Classic [InBox] - I - File Edit Config View Help - - LARok (2) All matches on Visa Number .Cc.V" are retrieved cc.v.date- and displayed. Cc.v.name - Jonr bC cc.v.nbr - visa Number Downtime was under five minutes. htp_/www.pali.com/pal/suppot/nouc. AX 2lexpect it's over 99%Infact,.. AM Try - ClipMate free for 30 days! ht... dB> Thanks Chris. dB> - dB2 Dave Boy... 4A4 X 121 (1) Key in .CC.V" to pull up all "visa" credit card details - from ANY collection, The target ANY database. application isi identified Par here. 3.CC.V NetCaptor