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- '=================================================================================
- 'This script is part of the appendix to the Application Compatibility Testing and
- 'Mitigation Guide for Windows XP Service Pack 2. Before using these scripts you
- 'must read the appendix and all Readme.txt files provided with the scripts. The
- 'scripts are designed as functional samples and will require extensive testing and
- 'some modification for use in a production environment.
- '
- 'For information on additional functionality to incorporate into the script, such
- 'as error checking, go to:
- '
- 'http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/default.asp?contentid=28001169
- '
- 'or
- '
- 'http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rmscpt/html/rmscpt.asp
- '
- 'As some of the scripts edit the registry it is important that their functionality and
- 'impact on the machine environment is thoroughly tested before they are used in a
- 'production environment.
- '==================================================================================
- ' AddOn.vbs
- '
- ' Author: Jim Captainino, Terry Tull (Content Master)
- ' Date: 08/20/04
- ' Revision History:
- ' Date Comment
- ' 08/20/04 Initial version started
- 'This script applies a .reg file that edits the registry to disable a specific Internet Explorer add-on.
- 'Before this script is used the .reg file must be edited to contain the CLSID of the add-on component
- 'to be disabled. The CLSID appears 3 times in the .reg file and all of these instances must be changed.
- 'Alternatively export the .reg file from a system with the add-on already disabled.
- 'To identify the CLSID of an add-on component search the regisrty for the add-on name that is located in the
- 'Manage Add-ons interface. To do this:
- ' Open Regedit, the registry editor
- ' Highlight "My Computer"
- ' On the Edit menu select Find
- ' Type the name of the add-on component as seen in the Name column of the Manage Add-ons interface
- ' Click the Find Next button
- ' Expand the found registry key
- ' Select the CLSID key to identify the CLSID of the add-on component
- 'Multiple edits can be made at the same time using a .reg file, though each entry can be edited by writing
- 'a script to change a specific value if required.
- 'The script and .reg file are assumed to be in the same directory
- '.reg files can be imported by directly executing the file if required.
- 'Create a WshShell object
- Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- 'Use the Run method to apply the .reg file. If the .reg file is in a different directory, the full path
- 'must be included: "\full_path\Addon.reg"
- WshShell.Run("Addon.reg")