home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object JobPreviewForm: TJobPreviewForm
- Left = 480
- Top = 115
- HelpContext = 4
- BorderStyle = bsDialog
- Caption = 'Preview'
- ClientHeight = 430
- ClientWidth = 556
- Color = clBtnFace
- Constraints.MinHeight = 377
- Constraints.MinWidth = 389
- Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -12
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- KeyPreview = True
- OldCreateOrder = False
- PopupMenu = PopupMenu1
- Position = poScreenCenter
- Scaled = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- OnDestroy = FormDestroy
- OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
- OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
- OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
- OnMouseWheel = FormMouseWheel
- OnMouseWheelDown = FormMouseWheelDown
- OnMouseWheelUp = FormMouseWheelUp
- OnShow = FormShow
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 12
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 392
- Width = 556
- Height = 38
- Anchors = [akBottom]
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 2
- object PauseButton: TSpeedButton
- Left = 173
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Pause'
- AllowAllUp = True
- GroupIndex = 1
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
- 010000000000300000000000000000000000020000000200000000000000FFFF
- FF00FFF00000C6300000C6300000C6300000C6300000C6300000C6300000C630
- 0000C6300000C6300000C6300000FFF00000}
- OnClick = PauseButtonClick
- end
- object StopButton: TSpeedButton
- Left = 197
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Stop'
- AllowAllUp = True
- GroupIndex = 1
- Down = True
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
- 010000000000300000000000000000000000020000000200000000000000FFFF
- FF00FFF000008010000080100000801000008010000080100000801000008010
- 0000801000008010000080100000FFF00000}
- OnClick = StopButtonClick
- end
- object Bevel4: TBevel
- Left = 227
- Top = 7
- Width = 2
- Height = 26
- end
- object DisableFilterButton: TSpeedButton
- Tag = -1
- Left = 344
- Top = 8
- Width = 71
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Disable Filter'
- AllowAllUp = True
- GroupIndex = 10
- Caption = 'Disable filter'
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- OnClick = DisableFilterButtonClick
- end
- object Bevel2: TBevel
- Left = 336
- Top = 6
- Width = 2
- Height = 26
- end
- object PrevFrameButton: TSpeedButton
- Tag = -1
- Left = 235
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Previous frame'
- AllowAllUp = True
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- GroupIndex = 2
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
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- FF00FFF00000FFF00000BDD00000B9900000B1100000A0100000A0100000B110
- 0000B9900000BDD00000FFF00000FFF00000}
- OnClick = FrameSeekButtonClick
- OnMouseDown = FrameSeekButtonMouseDown
- OnMouseUp = FrameSeekButtonMouseUp
- end
- object BackwardButton: TSpeedButton
- Tag = -5
- Left = 259
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Backward'
- AllowAllUp = True
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- GroupIndex = 2
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
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- FF00FFF00000FFF00000FBB00000F3300000E2300000C0300000C0300000E230
- 0000F3300000FBB00000FFF00000FFF00000}
- OnClick = BackwardButtonClick
- OnMouseDown = BackwardButtonMouseDown
- OnMouseUp = BackwardButtonMouseUp
- end
- object ForwardButton: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 5
- Left = 283
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Forward'
- AllowAllUp = True
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- GroupIndex = 2
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
- 010000000000300000000000000000000000020000000200000000000000FFFF
- FF00FFF00000FFF00000DDF00000CCF00000C4700000C0300000C0300000C470
- 0000CCF00000DDF00000FFF00000FFF00000}
- OnClick = BackwardButtonClick
- OnMouseDown = BackwardButtonMouseDown
- OnMouseUp = BackwardButtonMouseUp
- end
- object NextFrameButton: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 1
- Left = 307
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Next frame'
- AllowAllUp = True
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- GroupIndex = 2
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
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- FF00FFF00000FFF00000BBD0000099D0000088D00000805000008050000088D0
- 000099D00000BBD00000FFF00000FFF00000}
- OnClick = FrameSeekButtonClick
- OnMouseDown = FrameSeekButtonMouseDown
- OnMouseUp = FrameSeekButtonMouseUp
- end
- object PlayButton: TSpeedButton
- Left = 149
- Top = 8
- Width = 24
- Height = 23
- Hint = 'Play'
- AllowAllUp = True
- GroupIndex = 1
- Enabled = False
- Flat = True
- Glyph.Data = {
- 6E000000424D6E000000000000003E000000280000000C0000000C0000000100
- 010000000000300000000000000000000000020000000200000000000000FFFF
- FF00FFF000009FF0000087F0000081F000008070000080100000801000008070
- 000081F0000087F000009FF00000FFF00000}
- OnClick = PlayButtonClick
- end
- end
- object PreviewPanel: TPanel
- Left = 5
- Top = 5
- Width = 547
- Height = 387
- Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- TabOrder = 0
- OnDblClick = N8Click
- object ResultVideoBox: TDXPaintBox
- Left = 0
- Top = 18
- Width = 543
- Height = 345
- AutoStretch = True
- Center = True
- KeepAspect = True
- Stretch = True
- ViewWidth = 0
- ViewHeight = 0
- Align = alClient
- OnClick = ResultVideoBoxClick
- OnDblClick = N8Click
- end
- object FrameInfoLabel: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 543
- Height = 16
- Align = alTop
- AutoSize = False
- Color = clBtnFace
- ParentColor = False
- end
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 16
- Width = 543
- Height = 2
- Align = alTop
- AutoSize = False
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 363
- Width = 543
- Height = 4
- Align = alBottom
- AutoSize = False
- end
- object VideoScrollBar: TScrollBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 367
- Width = 543
- Height = 16
- Align = alBottom
- Enabled = False
- PageSize = 1
- TabOrder = 0
- OnChange = VideoScrollBarChange
- OnKeyDown = VideoScrollBarKeyDown
- end
- end
- object CloseButton: TButton
- Left = 489
- Top = 399
- Width = 62
- Height = 25
- Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
- Cancel = True
- Caption = 'Close'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = CloseButtonClick
- end
- object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
- Left = 128
- Top = 72
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = 'Original size'
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = 'Zoom 2x'
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N3: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = 'Zoom 3x'
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N4: TMenuItem
- Tag = 4
- Caption = 'Zoom 4x'
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N6: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Display magnification automatically'
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N7: TMenuItem
- Tag = -100
- Caption = 'Displays with Maximized window'
- Visible = False
- OnClick = N1Click
- end
- object N8: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Displays with full screen'
- Visible = False
- OnClick = N8Click
- end
- object N5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object CopyClipboardMenuItem: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy to clipboard'
- ShortCut = 16451
- OnClick = CopyClipboardMenuItemClick
- end
- end
- object JogCommandProcessor: TJogCommandProcessor
- OnDisplayFrame = JogCommandProcessorDisplayFrame
- OnPlayStates = JogCommandProcessorPlayStates
- OnPlayStart = JogCommandProcessorPlayStart
- OnPlayStop = JogCommandProcessorPlayStop
- OnGetReferenceTime = JogCommandProcessorGetReferenceTime
- Left = 128
- Top = 128
- end
- end