Quick Mode Source File||-||The source .wav file that you wish to convert into an .mp3 file. You can browse for a file on your hard drive by clicking the [...] button.||-||1
Quick Mode Destination File||-||The name of the new .mp3 file. You can browse for a file to replace by clicking the [...] button. You can also click the [...] buton to find the directory you wish to put the new file in.||-||2
Batch Mode Destination File||-||The directory where you want to store the new .mp3 files. Click the [...] buton to find the directory you wish to put the new files in.||-||2
Quick Mode Artist||-||The name of the artist that performed this song.||-||3
Quick Mode Title||-||The song title.||-||3
Quick Mode Album||-||The name of the album that this song is from. You can leave this blank.||-||3
Quick Mode Track||-||The track number of this song as it appeared on the album. You can leave this blank.||-||3
Quick Mode Copyright||-||The copyright message you wish to display for this song.||-||3
Quick Mode Genre||-||The Genre of the new mp3.||-||3
Quick Mode Mode||-||The mode, or number of channels, of the new mp3.<br>Can be -Stereo- OR -Mono-||-||3
Quick Mode SampleRate||-||The Sample Rate of the new mp3. You cannot change this value. WaveNET simply uses the sample rate of the original .wav file.||-||3
Quick Mode BitRate||-||The Bitrate of the new mp3. The higher bitrate you use, the better the .mp3 will sound, however higher settings create a larger file.<br><br>Recommended: 128||-||3
Quick Mode Quality||-||The Quality of the new mp3s.<br>1=Lowest Quality<br>10=Highest<br><br>Recommended: 7||-||3
Batch Mode Artist||-||The name of the artist that performed these songs. You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.||-||3
Batch Mode Title||-||The song title.||-||3
Batch Mode Album||-||The name of the album that these songs came from. You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.||-||3
Batch Mode Copyright||-||The copyright message you wish to display for these songs. You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.||-||3
Batch Mode Genre||-||The Genre of the new mp3.||-||3
Batch Mode Mode||-||The mode, or number of channels, of the new mp3's. You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.<br>Can be -Stereo- OR -Mono-||-||3
Batch Mode SampleRate||-||The Sample Rate of the new mp3's. You cannot change this value. WaveNET simply uses the sample rate of the original .wav file.||-||3
Batch Mode BitRate||-||The Bitrate of the new mp3's. The higher bitrate you use, the better the .mp3 will sound. You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.<br><br>Recommended: 128||-||3
Batch Mode Quality||-||The Quality of the new mp3.<br>1=Lowest Quality<br>10=Highest<br>You will get a chance to edit indiviadual songs later.<br><br>Recommended: 7||-||3