home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2004-04-20 | 20.5 KB | 931 lines |
- ## documentation
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # "origin" is an enumeration that specifies what the coordinates are relative to. the following values
- # are specified
- # 0 = Upper Left origin. Assume 3rd quadrant.
- # 1 = Upper Right origin. Assume 4th quadrant.
- # 2 = Lower Left origin. Assume 2nd quadrant.
- # 3 = Lower Right origin. Assume 1st quadrant.
- #
- # New Bitmaps:
- # The two bitmaps that are currently ans SCR for the recorder are
- # named as follows: "Rec_help.bmp" and "Rec_options.bmp"
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Note: There was a big dispute on the format of a rectangle. The notation looks something like this
- # Dimension=x1,y1,x2,y2 (note, that it's two coordinates, not one coordinate and a width/height
- # pair.) So, for example a slider button may look like this: Dimension=0,0,7,7. Now according
- # to graphic artists, that's a count of "pixels" and a rectangle that is 7 pixels wide and 7
- # pixels high. However, if you think about it, if the numbers represent pixels, then the height
- # and width are 8 pixels. Consider: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ==> 8 pixels. The way that graphic artists
- # really think is in terms of "lines" - as in the lines between the pixels. Consider the following
- # grid (at the end).
- #
- # If you think in terms of pixels, then the left most pixel is 0,0 and the bottom right most pixel
- # is 6,6, so dimensions of 0,0,6,6 mean a 7x7 pixel area. If you think in terms of lines, where
- # the indices are at each horizontal and vertical line, then the upper left-most + sign is at 0,0
- # and the lower right-most + sign is at 7,7, so dimensions of 0,0,7,7 mean a 7x7 pixel area. Note
- # the difference: If we're counting pixels, 0,0,6,6 means a 7x7 pixel area. If we're counting
- # lines, then 0,0,7,7 means a 7x7 pixel area.
- #
- # It was decided for Aladdin and later skins, that we would use "lines". So that a rectangle of
- # 0,0,7,7 would mean a 7x7 pixel area. Even though graphic artists refer to it as counting
- # pixels. This is mentioned only to clear up confusion.
- #
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+<---- line
- # |XXXX| | | | | | |
- # |XXXX| | | | | | <---- pixel
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | |XXXX| | | | | |
- # | |XXXX| | | | | |
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | | |XXXX| | | | |
- # | | |XXXX| | | | |
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | | | |XXXX| | | |
- # | | | |XXXX| | | |
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | | | | |XXXX| | |
- # | | | | |XXXX| | |
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | | | | | |XXXX| |
- # | | | | | |XXXX| |
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- # | | | | | | |XXXX|
- # | | | | | | |XXXX|
- # +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pegasus_ENU (8.1)
- [MMJB_Theme_Version]
- ThemeVersion=2.4
- [MMJB_WideDefaults]
- Font=Arial,9,FW_BOLD
- TextColor=43,52,91
- TextBackColor=207,217,224
- BackColor=232,232,232
- ForeColor=61,67,93
- ResizeStyle=
- HighLightTextColor=43,52,91
- HighLightTextBackColor=174,192,212
- SelTextColor=255,255,255
- SelTextBackColor=61,67,93
- CloseX=7
- LeftTopCornerRegion=4,0,5,1,3,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,28,0,30,1,31,2,32,4,33,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,33,52,32,53,31,55,30,56,28,57,27,58
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=5,6,58,5,57,3,56,1,54,0,52
- PLOverlap="ploverlap.bmp"
- PLOverlapClosed="ploverlapcl.bmp"
- ## -- PHASE OUT
- BackgroundTile=bgmid.bmp
- LeftBorderTile=bgle.bmp
- RightBorderTile=bgre.bmp
- TopBorderTile=bete.bmp
- BottomBorderTile=bgbe.bmp
- LeftTopCornerTile=bgul.bmp
- RightTopCornerTile=bgur.bmp
- LeftBottomCornerTile=bgll.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTile=bglr.bmp
- PlaylistBackgroundTile=pl_bgmid.bmp
- PlaylistLeftBorderTile=pl_bgle.bmp
- PlaylistRightBorderTile=pl_bgre.bmp
- PlaylistTopBorderTile=pl_bgte.bmp
- PlaylistBottomBorderTile=pl_bgbe.bmp
- PlaylistLeftTopCornerTile=pl_bgul.bmp
- PlaylistRightTopCornerTile=pl_bgur.bmp
- PlaylistLeftBottomCornerTile=pl_bgll.bmp
- PlaylistRightBottomCornerTile=pl_bglr.bmp
- ArtBitmap=mmart.bmp
- ArtBitmapPlus=mmartplus.bmp
- ArtBitmapHiRes=mmwallpaper.bmp
- ### Localization ##############################################################
- [Language]
- ###############################################################################
- [MMJBWelcome]
- MinX=326
- MinY=99
- Width=730
- Height=563
- MarginLeft=18
- MarginTop=24
- MarginRight=18
- MarginBottom=18
- [GL_Close2Button]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,1,24,18
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_GenericButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,23,9
- LocInBitmap=0
- **PLAYER**
- [MMJBPlayer]
- ArtDim=16,17,144,145
- MarginLeft=12 ## This setting specifies where to draw the playlist grid when the playlist is docked.
- MarginTop=36
- MarginRight=21
- MarginBottom=40
- LeftTopCornerRegion=4,0,5,1,3,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,28,0,30,1,31,2,32,4,33,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,33,52,32,53,31,55,30,56,28,57,27,58
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=5,6,58,5,57,3,56,1,54,0,52
- ## -- UNUSED
- ResizeMode=Stretch
- ## -- PHASE OUT
- BkgBmpFile="mmplbk.bmp"
- Dimension=0,0,722,147
- [MMJBPlayerDocked]
- BkgBmpFile="mmplbkd.bmp"
- [PL_MMLogoButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PL_InfoButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_IconizeButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=379,2,396,18
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_MinButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=396,2,410,18
- LocInBitmap=17
- [GL_CloseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=410,2,424,18
- LocInBitmap=30
- [MMJBArt]
- MarginLeft=16
- MarginTop=18
- MarginRight=16
- MarginBottom=18
- LabelXY=29,0
- [PL_ExpWndShowButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PL_ExpWndHideButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=21
- [PL_PrevButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=193,85,236,145
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PL_PlayButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=236,85,288,145
- LocInBitmap=43
- [PL_NextButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=288,85,327,145
- LocInBitmap=95
- [PL_PauseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=327,85,366,145
- LocInBitmap=134
- ## - PHASE OUT
- State=0
- [PL_StopButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=366,85,410,145
- LocInBitmap=173
- ## -- UNUSED
- ResetAll=1
- [PL_RecordButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- ## - PHASE OUT
- State=0
- #####################################################
- [PL_FileButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=161,5,185,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=255,255,255
- [PL_EditButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=186,5,211,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=206,206,206
- [PL_ViewButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=212,5,240,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=206,206,206
- [PL_OptionsButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=241,5,282,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=206,206,206
- [PL_HelpButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=283,5,311,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=206,206,206
- [PL_UpgradeButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=312,5,356,18
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=61,67,93
- TextBackColor=233,233,233
- HighLightTextColor=59,102,123
- SelTextColor=206,206,206
- #####################################################
- [PL_Volume]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=156,23,180,145
- DimensionKnob=0,0,24,11
- MinPosition=100
- MaxPosition=30
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=5
- [PL_Progress]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=192,59,411,70
- DimensionKnob=0,0,9,11
- MinPosition=9
- MaxPosition=209
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- [PL_TrackName]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=194,27,410,41
- Font=Arial,10,FW_BOLD
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=225,230,235
- Align=0
- ScrollText=yes
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [PL_Artist]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=194,42,410,56
- Font=Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=207,215,224
- Align=0
- ScrollText=yes
- ## - UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [PL_TrackTime]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=346,72,407,80
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=71,79,113
- TextBackColor=214,221,228
- Align=2
- ScrollText=NO
- ## - UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [PL_EncodeRate]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=191,70,218,81
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=71,79,113
- TextBackColor=214,221,228
- Align=2
- ScrollText=NO
- ## - UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [MMJBPlaylist]
- # LabelOrigin - origin of the graphics label that says playlist vertically and sits
- # on the rightmost edge of the playlist window. (see origin documentation at top)
- # LabelXY - location of "playlist vertical" label relative to origin.
- #
- # SystemBtnsOrigin - origin location of the buttons (see origin documentation at top)
- # SystemBtnsXY - origin of the graphics button where the iconize, tiny mode and close buttons are.
- #
- ButtonGap=0
- PlayerOverlap=12 ## How much the Playlist should overlap the Main Player.
- MarginLeft=21
- MarginTop=36
- MarginRight=21
- MarginBottom=41
- MinX=20
- LabelXY=-10,-10
- LabelOrigin=3
- SystemBtnsXY=9,2 # This sets the position of the Minize, Mini, Maximize and Close buttons as a set
- SystemBtnsOrigin=1 # Sets origin of the above
- PLWidth=570 # This now dictates the overall width of the Jukebox. This number should be the overall JB width minus mmplbk.
- TopOffset=0
- BottomOffset=0
- LeftTopCornerRegion=4,0,5,1,3,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,28,0,30,1,31,2,32,4,33,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,33,59,32,60,31,62,30,63,28,64,27,65
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=4,6,65,3,63,1,61,0,59
- StationDisplayFont=Arial,8,FW_BOLD
- StationDisplayTextColor=92,99,129
- StationDisplayXY=12,22
- StationDisplayOrigin=0
- InsertionPointColor=30,50,60
- InsertionPointHeight=3
- ## -- PHASE OUT
- MarginWidth=12
- TitleBarHeight=0http://wwwp.musicmatch.com/
- UsePlaylistBmpBtns=1 ## 0 means use text, 1 means use graphics
- ## "dock" here is a misnomer. the actual word should
- ## be "integrate" and "dis-integrate" using the same naming
- ## convention as the code variables.
- [PLS_DockButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=16,7,40,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=3
- [PLS_UndockButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=16,7,40,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=3
- [PLS_ExpandButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=1
- [PLS_CollapseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=1
- ## these buttons appear at the bottom of the playlist
- [PLS_OpenButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=11,7,58,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_SaveButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=58,7,105,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_ClearButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=105,7,152,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_CDRButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=152,7,199,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_ShuffleButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=199,7,256,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_RepeatButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=256,7,314,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- ##[PLS_SendToDeviceButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=269,11,309,25
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_UpgradeMXButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.TextBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=38,11,350,25
- TextButtonTextColor=61,67,93
- TextButtonBackInColor=232,232,232
- TextButtonBackOutColor=232,232,232
- TextButtonBackFocusColor=232,232,232
- TextButtonDisplayFont=Arial,8
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=3
- Style=1
- [PLS_RecordButtonCD]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=11,7,68,33
- Origin=2
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLS_CDDriveButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=68,7,115,33
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=2
- [PLS_ShuffleButtonCD]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=115,7,172,33
- Origin=2
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLS_RepeatButtonCD]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=172,7,230,33
- Origin=2
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLS_EjectButtonCD]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=230,7,277,33
- Origin=2
- LocInBitmap=0
- [MusicCenter]
- BackgroundColor=235,234,235
- TransparentColor=255,0,255
- BlockSeparation=10 # pixels that blocks are vertically separated from each other
- BlockHeaderTextOffsetXY=0,0 # where to draw header for block (from upper-left corner of block)
- BlockHeaderTextBottomSep=0 # how much space below text in block header
- BlockTextOffsetXY=0,2 # where to start text buttons within block (from bottom of block header)
- BlockTextMiddleSep=0 # how much space between text buttons
- BlockTextBottomSep=3 # how much space below last text button in block
- DialogHeaderBackgroundColor=235,234,235
- [Expansion]
- MarginLeft=137
- MarginLeftMCClosed=22
- MarginTop=10
- MarginRight=17
- MarginBottom=21
- MarginBottomClosed=10
- MarginBottomLowerOffset=7
- MinHeight=110 # minimum height
- ExpHeight=375 # expansion height
- MinX=380
- LeftTopCornerRegion=4,0,5,1,4,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,18,0,20,1,21,2,22,4,23,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,23,31,22,32,21,34,20,35,18,36,17,37
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=5,6,37,5,36,3,35,1,33,0,31
- Swap=0
- MusicCenterXY=10,40
- MusicCenterWidth=119
- AllowUndock=0
- [EXP_MusicCenterShowButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=4,16,20,32
- LocInBitmap=0
- [EXP_MusicCenterHideButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=15,16,32,32
- LocInBitmap=0
- ################################################################################
- [MMJBDatabase]
- MarginLeft=120
- MarginTop=12
- MarginRight=17
- MarginBottom=21
- LabelXY=0,0
- MinX=416
- ## - UNUSED
- Dimension=0,0,721,171
- [DB_AddButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0
- Origin=3
- [DB_DeleteButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=53
- Origin=3
- [DB_TagButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=131
- Origin=3
- [MMJBRecorder]
- RecProgressColor=147,166,186
- RecWarningColor=213,196,77
- RecSuccessColor=147,166,186
- RecFailureColor=155,114,129
- MarginLeft=0
- MarginTop=33
- MarginRight=21
- MarginBottom=45
- MinX=100
- LeftTopCornerRegion=4,0,5,1,3,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,28,0,30,1,31,2,32,4,33,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,33,52,32,53,31,55,30,56,28,57,27,58
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=5,6,58,5,57,3,56,1,54,0,52
- ## - UNUSED
- Dimension=0,0,0,0
- BkgBmpFile="mmrecbk.bmp"
- [REC_StartButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=40,99,97,160
- LocInBitmap=0
- [REC_StopButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=97,99,138,160
- LocInBitmap=57
- [REC_CancelButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=138,99,177,160
- LocInBitmap=98
- [REC_EjectButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=177,99,223,160
- LocInBitmap=137
- [REC_Artist]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=69,30,238,44
- Font=Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=225,230,235
- Align=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [REC_Album]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=69,46,238,60
- Font=Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=207,215,224
- Align=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [REC_RecStatus]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=69,62,238,76
- Font=Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=207,215,224
- Align=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [REC_WaveStatus]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=22,77,238,93
- Font=Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=207,215,224
- Align=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- [REC_Waveform]
- Dimension=22,77,238,93
- TopColor=147,166,186
- MidColor=183,195,209
- BotColor=147,166,186
- ProgColor=211,218,227
- [REC_AllButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=343,133,427,165
- LocInBitmap=0
- [REC_NoneButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=427,133,510,165
- LocInBitmap=84
- [REC_RefreshButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=510,133,573,165
- LocInBitmap=167
- [REC_OptionsButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=573,133,638,165
- LocInBitmap=0
- [MMJBPlayerSmall]
- Dimension=0,0,476,27
- ## - PHASE OUT
- BkgBmpFile="tinyplbk.bmp"
- PlayBtnSetXY=15,68
- LabelXY=16,36
- LabelDim=16,36,235,56
- DLen=0
- Data=
- [PLSML_PrevButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=130,0,150,27
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLSML_PlayButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=150,0,173,27
- LocInBitmap=20
- [PLSML_NextButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=173,0,191,27
- LocInBitmap=43
- [PLSML_PauseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=191,0,209,27
- LocInBitmap=61
- [PLSML_StopButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=209,0,229,27
- LocInBitmap=79
- [PLSML_Volume]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=22,2,128,24
- DimensionKnob=0,0,10,22
- MinPosition=16
- MaxPosition=77
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=2
- KnobLevel=0
- [PLSML_Progress]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=238,17,405,21
- DimensionKnob=0,0,4,4
- MinPosition=3
- MaxPosition=164
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- [PLSML_TrackName]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=238,7,405,17
- Font=Arial,7,FW_NORMAL
- TextColor=70,80,122
- TextBackColor=207,215,224
- Align=0
- ScrollText=yes
- [PLSML_IconizeButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=414,4,429,21
- LocInBitmap=0
- [PLSML_NormalModeButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCtrl.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=429,4,443,21
- LocInBitmap=15
- [PLSML_CloseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=443,4,458,21
- LocInBitmap=29
- **UNUSED**
- ## -- UNUSED
- [PLS_DeleteButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=538,18,588,28
- LocInBitmap=93
- ## -- UNUSED
- [DB_GetMusicButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=275,0,337,11
- LocInBitmap=140
- ## -- UNUSED
- [DB_VScroll]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=511,30,526,169
- DimensionKnob=0,0,8,13
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=10
- ## -- UNUSED
- [DB_HScroll]
- Dimension=14,174,510,180
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- DimensionKnob=0,0,13,8
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- [REC_PauseButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=70,21,96,49
- LocInBitmap=61
- ## -- UNUSED
- [REC_CDDBButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=122,24,156,49
- LocInBitmap=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- [REC_VScroll]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=511,30,526,169
- DimensionKnob=0,0,8,13
- NumLevels=10
- Orientation=1
- KnobLevel=10
- [MMJBCaption]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- Font=Arial,11,FW_BOLD
- TextColor=255,213,153
- TextBackColor=236,137,0
- Align=0
- ScrollText=no
- ## -- UNUSED
- BackTransparent=1
- ## -- UNUSED
- [PLSML_Progress]
- ClassName="SLIDER.MMJBSliderCtrl.1"
- Dimension=113,79,225,90
- DimensionKnob=0,0,31,11
- MinPosition=19
- MaxPosition=92
- NumLevels=20
- Orientation=0
- KnobLevel=0
- ## -- UNUSED
- ## -- UNUSED
- [PLSML_Artist]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.LabelCtrl.1"
- Dimension=117,53,225,65
- TextColor=0,231,243
- TextBackColor=1,15,60
- Font=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- Align=0
- ScrollText=yes
- [GL_MaxButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,-1,-1
- LocInBitmap=0