CheckInternetforUpdate1=Check Internet for Updates && Announcements
ProcessQueue1=&Process Queue
TransferType1=Transfer Type
ClientActivity=Client Activity
SiteManager=Site Manager
OperationalSettings=Operational Settings
VisualSettings=Visual Settings
SecuritySettings=Security Settings
LogFileSettings=Log File Settings
FileTypeSettings=File Type Settings
ConnectionSettings=Connection Settings
PopupMessages=Popup Messages
ClearCompleted=Clear Completed
StopOnError=Stop On Error
CheckForUpdate=Check For Update
AutoSaveQueue=Auto Save Queue
NeverWarn=Never Warn
ShowHints=Show Hints
UseSkin=Use Skin
MaskPasswords=Mask Passwords
RegenNewOnStartup=New Keypair on Startup
SaveLogs=Save Logs
SaveAsTXT=Save as TXT
SaveAsRTF=Save as RTF
TimeStampLogFiles=Timestamp Log Files
TransferMode1=Automatic (with confirmation)
TransferMode2=Automatic (without confirmation)
TransferMode3=Always Overwrite
TransferMode4=Always Skip
AlwaysPassive=Always Passive
DisplayBytes=Display Bytes
RememberWindowState=Remember Window State
ShowColours=Show Colours
MinimizeToTray=Miminize To Tray
DontUseEncryption=Don't Use Encryption
DontUseProxy=Don't Use Proxy/Socks
RegenNewKeyOnStartup=Regen New Keypair on Startup
ViewLocalTree=Display the Local Tree
ViewRemoteTree=Display the Remote Tree
XCloses=X Closes
AddToTop=Add To Top
SuperSafeMode=Super Safe Mode
DeleteLogFiles=Delete Log Files
IdleTimeout=Idle Timeout && Reconnect
SkinFile=Locate a skin to use with EFTP
LanguageFile=Locate a language file to use with EFTP
LogFile=Locate a log file name to use with EFTP
ImportSites=Locate a site file to import into your site manager
AddNewBranchTxt=Add a New Branch
BranchNameTxt=Branch Name
AddNewSiteTxt=Add a New Site
SiteNameTxt=Site Name
DuplicateSiteTxt=Duplicate Site %s
RenameSiteTxt=Rename Site %s
UseUNC=Use UNC instead of drive letters for network drives
PopupMessages=Enable/Disable messages from the server from popping up on the screen
ClearCompleted=Clear items from the queue that been completed
CheckForUpdate=Check to see if there is a new build of EFTP to download
AutoSaveQueue=Automatically save or load the queue when disconnecting or connecting to a site
NeverWarn=Never Warn that you are connected when attempting to exit the application
LanguageFile=Double click to locate a new Language File to use with EFTP
ShowHints=Show or hide hints in the application
CurrentStatus=Shows your current status of the client. For more information, check the verbose log
UseSkin=Load and use the skin shown below. Uncheck to use no skin
SkinFile=Double click to locate a new Skin to use with EFTP
DisplayBytes=Display Local View in bytes instead of Explorer size
RememberWindowState=Remember the size and state of the application when starting and shutting down
ShowColours=Show Remote view as RED when unencrypted, and GREEN when encrypted
MinimizeToTray=Minimize to system tray when minimizing application
AlphablendMenus=Alphablend Menus (make them opaque)
KeyBits=Defines the number of bits to be used in the RSA calculation
KeyLength=Defines the length of the encryption of the Symmetric Key
GenerateNewKeypair=Generate a new keypair based on the settings above
ClearKeypair=Clear the keypair
MaskPasswords=Replace password characters with a * so that it is hidden
RegenNewOnStartup=Generate a new keypair on startup
SaveLogs=Check this to save logs every ten minutes.
LogFile=Double click to locate a new Log File name. Leave blank to use the default log file name
SaveAsTXT=Save the log file as text
SaveAsRTF=Save the log as Rich Text
TimeStampLogFiles=Add the server start date&time to the log file when saving - safest
Selection=Type in a new file extention here and click the button to the right to add it to the list below
AsciiList=List of ASCII files
Auto=Select to make the client auto-select file transfer mode when transferring files
Binary=Force the client to use Binary all the time when transferring files
ASCII=Force the client to use ASCII all the time when transferring files
TransferMode1=Automatically determine whether or not files should be resumed or skipped, but show a confirmation box
TransferMode2=Automatically determine whether or not files should be resumed or skipped, and never show a confirmation box
TransferMode3=Always overwrite files that exist, regardless of their size
TransferMode4=Always skip files that exist, regardless of their size
FTPDirect=Connect Directly from your local IP address to the server's IP address (or attempt to)
FTPProxy=Connect to the remote site via the proxy server
ProxyServer=IP address or hostname of the Proxy server
ProxyPort=Port of the proxy server's proxy service
ProxySeparator=Separator to use when communicating to the proxy server. Default is @
FTPSocks4=Connect using a Socks4 server
FTPSocks4a=Connect using a Socks4a server
FTPSocks5=Connect using a Socks5 server
SocksServer=IP address or hostname of the Socks server
SocksPort=Port of the socks server's socks service (usually 1080)
SocksUserName=Username to use when using a Socks5 server
SocksPassword=Password to use when using a Socks5 server
AlwaysPassive=Always use Passive mode when connecting
StopOnError=Stop transferring the queue the moment a failure is detected
RemotePath=Current Remote Path. Use drop down box to change
LocalPath=Your current local path
SiteName=The nickname of this site
HostName=IP Address or DNS name of the site
Port=The Port of the server (usually 21)
Passive=Transfer using Passive mode
UserName=Your username
Password=Your password
DontUseEncryption=Don't attempt encryption with this server
DontUseProxy=Attempt to connect directly instead of Proxy or Socks
LocalPathOnConnect=Local Path after connecting to site
RemotePathOnConnect=Remote Path when connecting to site
ConnectDisconnect=Connect/Disconnect from site
StartStopTransfer=Start/Stop Processing of the Queue
DefaultLocalPath=What Local Path we should change to in the local view when we connect to a site.
SavePreferences=Commit any changes you have made to the preferences to disk
CancelChanges=Load the settings as they were since the last save (or startup)
ResetToDefault=Set all the settings to the Default settings
ViewLocalTree=Allow the Local Tree to be displayed in the client activity window
ViewRemoteTree=Allow the Remote Tree to be displayed in the client activity window
XCloses=Clicking X will close (uncheck to minimize)
AddToTop=Checking this box will make the new items add to the top of the queue When recursing subdirectories.
AnonPassword=Password to use when connecting in Anonymous mode if none was specified
QuickHostName=Quick Connect Hostname
QuickPort=Quick Connect Port - leave blank for default of 21
QuickUserName=Quick Connect Username - leave blank for anonymous
QuickPassword=Quick Connect Password - leave blank for anonymous
QuickConnect=Quick Connect - Connect to the site listed to the left of this button
SuperSafeMode=Super Safe Mode - does not write the public/private keypair to .INI file, and does not display it on screen either.
NumDays=Number of Days old the log file must be to delete.
DeleteLogFiles=Delete Log Files automatically using the number of days on the left.
ReconnectFeature=Reconnect upon abnormal disconnect (including server kicks). Will only reconnect if items are/were in queue.
RetryDelay=Time in seconds between each retry attempt
RetryCount=Number of times to retry connecting before giving up
IdleCount=Time in seconds to detect idle connection
LanguageFile=Language File
KeyBits=Key Bits
KeyLength=Key Length
ProxyServer=Proxy Server
ProxyPort=Proxy Port
ProxySeparator=Proxy Separator
SocksServer=Socks Server
SocksPort=Socks Port
SiteName=Site Name
HostName=Host Name
LocalPathOnConnect=Local Path on Connect
RemotePathOnConnect=Remote Path on Connect
CurrentBranch=Current Branch
CurrentName=Current Name
DefaultLocalPath=Default Local Path
FileSize=File Size
Speed=Speed (KB/s)
Done=% Done
Remain=Time Remain
QueueItems=Queue Items
QueuePosition=Queue Pos
TotalBytes=Total Bytes
CompletedBytes=Completed Bytes
OverallProgress=Overall Progress
QuickHostName=Host Name
QuickUserName=User Name
AnonPassword=Default Anon Password
NumDays=Num Days
RetryCount=Retry Count
RetryDelay=Retry Delay (secs)
IdleCount=Idle Time (secs)
KeyPair=Public/Private Keypair
AsciiFiles=ASCII Files
TransferMode=Transfer Mode
SiteEditor=Site Editor
GenerateNewKeyPair=Generate New Keypair
ClearKeyPair=Clear Keypair
AddContainer=&Add Container
AddSite=A&dd Site
DuplicateSite=&Duplicate Site
RenameSite=&Rename Site
DeleteSite=Delete Site
DeleteEverything=Delete Everything
ImportSites=Import Sites
CancelEverything=Cancel Everything
SavePreferences=Save Preferences
CancelChanges=Cancel Changes
ResetToDefault=Reset to Default
CM1=Child Already Exists. You cannot have sites or containers in the same container with the exact same names.
CM2=Do you REALLY want to destroy the container "%s" plus all of it's children?
CM3=Do you REALLY want to delete the site "%s"?
CM4=You cannot import that file - this is the site information already.
CM5=Cancel everything you've done since you started the Client?
Init1=Application %s version %s launched from %s
Init2=Loaded valid public/private Keypair. Encryption will be attempted on connect
Init3=WARNING - You have no public/private Keypair. No encryption is possible without this keypair. To fix this, go to Preferences, and generate a new keypair
dateformat=dd/mm/yy hh:mm
ConnectedToStr=Connected To
NotConnectedStr=Not Connected
Con1=Attempting to connect to
Con2=using a Direct connection.
Con3=(This site has option "Don't Use Proxy or Socks" set)
Con4=using Proxy server
Con5=using Socks4 server
Con6=using Socks4a server
Con7=using Socks5 server
Con8=Connection attempt to
Con10=Two way RSA Control port encryption
Con12=Session established to %s
Con13=via Proxy %s
Con14=via Socks4 %s
Con15=via Socks4a %s
Con16=via Socks5 %s
Con17=Session to
Con18=Disconnected Successfully
Success1=Successfully Uploaded
Success2=Successfully Downloaded
Success3=Successfully Created Directory
Success4=Successfully Deleted File
Success5=Successfully Deleted Directory
Success6=Using Configuration Path
Success7=Verification of Blowfish encryption Keys SUCCEEDED
Speed1=at %s KB/sec
Error1=Error from server - but we'll assume it's because directory we tried to create exists
Error2=Unable to open file
Error3=For reading
Error4=For writing
Error5=Verification of Blowfish encryption Keys FAILED.
Error6=Possible problem with Connection - Try using PASV mode (or PORT mode if already on PASV mode)
Error7=File I/O Error (Disk full?)
Error8=Corrupt Encrtyption Key - This should not happen. Ensure server and client is on latest versions of this program.
Error9=Abnormal termination of socket - StatusCode =
Error10=Error Encountered -
Error11=Invalid Path Specified
Error12=Invalid parameter specified
Error13=Please check product documentation for correct parameters.
Error14=Permission denied (no dir rights)
Error15=Not allowed - a local file exists (%s) with directory name %s
Error16=Not allowed - a local directory exists (%s) with file name %s
Error17=Uh. The Queue is empty?
Error18=There are no files in the queue with status "%s". Please check the queue for status messages.
Error19=Can only rename one file/directory at at time
asecret=(It's a secret!)
MainCaption=EFTP3 Client v%s
stopOnErrorStr=Stopping transfer of queue due to error occurred