- Fixed the 'other...' option for custom sound alerts
- Fixed message view scrollbar positioning
- Fixed an issue with toolbar menu items not dimming
- Fixed an issue with the contact list selecting the first contact when opened
- Fixed an issue with the version checker falsely reporting new releases
- Fixed several memory leaks
Version 0.56 (5/14/2004)
- Added 'Insert Emoticon' to the Edit menu, contextual menus
- Added support for viewing the correct status of yahoo contacts
- Improved Event Notifications (Formerly Event Bezel), available globally or as a contact alert.
- Improved Message View preferences
- Restored the 'New Message' toolbar item
- Fixed a crash when selecting a custom message color
- Fixed a crash when deleting contacts
- Fixed a crash on launch under 10.2
- Fixed an issue with offline contacts not appearing after a disconnect
- Fixed an issue causing profile formatting to reset
- Fixed an issue with LaTeX operations containing \;
- Fixed an issue with pasting text into the link editor
- Fixed an issue with contact name format displaying incorrectly on launch
- Fixed a beach-balling issue
- Fixed several memory leaks
Version 0.55 (5/8/2004)
- Fixed a crash when connecting to a Yahoo account with privacy settings enabled
- Fixed formatting when sending messages to oneself via MSN
- Fixed a crash when editing links that are in the view at load time
- Fixed emoticon pack loading to ignore empty packs
- Fixed a bug preventing Jabber names with "-" in them from connecting
- Fixed a crash when quitting while a tooltip is visible
- Fixed a bug causing passwords to be cleared unnecessarily, particularly when network errors occurred while connecting
- Disabled dragging web links into the message view
- Added advanced Webkit Message View preferences, which currently allow the customization of the contact name display in the message view.
- Improved menu performance
Version 0.54 (5/7/2004)
- Added support for displaying strikethrough, subscript, and superscript text
- Added support for basic formatting in MSN messages
- Added an option when sorting by status to sort within the status groups alphabetically by last name
- Consecutive messages are no longer combined after a 5 minutes of inactivity in the chat
- Enabled user-sent colors in the Message View
- Drastically reworked the web viewer for the SQL Logger.
- Adding new message styles no longer requires restarting Adium
- Fixed group dragging
- Fixed the remaining problems with tooltips appearing unnecessarily
- Fixed Webkit Message View for Japanese and Chinese users (the fix in 0.53 was incomplete)
- Fixed Retro message style and added bubbleless variants, completing the classic Adium message view kit
- Fixed issues related to custom links
- Fixed a cosmetic issue as the contact list loaded
- Fixed a bug which caused colors in messages to be sent improperly (broken in 0.53)
- Fixed AIM file sending (broken in 0.53)
- Fixed Gadu-Gadu, Jabber, and Trepia account preferences to include password, server, and proxy fields (addition in 0.53 was incomplete)
- Fixed the "Other..." option when creating a custom sound alert for a contact
- Fixed a freeze when sending MSN messages containing certain characters including ampersand (&)
- Fixed AIM .Mac support to allow email address screennames with underscores
- Improved the add contact window
- Improved the password prompt window
- Improved Novell GroupWise protocol support
- Significant performance improvements, particularly during sign on
Version 0.53 (4/30/2004)
- Added Webkit Message View (6 distinct styles, or create your own! Customizable fonts and backgrounds!) [10.3 only]
- Added "Novell GroupWise" protocol support
- Added "Yahoo! Japan" protocol support
- Added support for custom link titles (Edit->Add Link)
- Added support for message sending via aim:goim URLs
- Added support for placing contact list below all other windows
- Added support for deleting emoticon packs
- Added an 'add contact' menu item for message tabs
- Added the ability to cancel connecting accounts
- Added support for deleting multiple contacts simultaneously
- Added hourly level preferences for message history
- Added custom hyperlink insertion and editing
- Added the ability to add messages sent to offline contacts as alerts
- Added proxy and server connection preferences for "GroupWise," "Trepia," "Gadu-Gadu," and "Napster" protocols
- Updated /music script to work with Internet streams
- Improved the 'Add Contact' window
- Improved appearance of source list gradients
- Improved error handling for all services
- Improved detection of URLs for autolinking
- Improved behavior when reconnecting accounts
- Improved appearance of Password Prompt window
- Cleaned up alert interface in preparation for upcoming changes to 'Get Info' window.
- Cleaned up address book integration advanced preferences
- Cleaned up sound preferences
- Cleaned up contact list name display format preferences (moved to the View menu)
- Fixed several MSN crashes [libgaim]
- Fixed several issues related to tooltips appearing at improper times
- Fixed a crash when arranging away messages
- Fixed odd behavior and crashes in Alert window
- Fixed an issue with dropping text on message tabs
- Fixed an issue with apostrophes on Jabber
- Fixed an issue with 'first message received' sounds not playing
- Fixed an issue with the version checker falsely reporting new releases
- Fixed an issue preventing the version checker from saying how old the current version is
- Fixed cosmetic issue with away message menu
- Fixed an issue with the contact list position when a multiscreen configuration changed
- Fixed an issue causing Away autoresponses to be sent in response to other users' autoresponses
- Fixed several memory leaks
- Fixed an SQL Logger crash when opening the preferences
- Fixed an SQL Logger issue with the same screenname on multiple services.
- Fixed a bug with Japanese and Chinese text in the webkit message view
- Scripts, themes, and sounds can be put in all three Library/Application Support folders (Home/L/AS/Adium 2.0, /L/AS/Adium 2.0, and /Network/L/AS/Adium 2.0).
- Scripts, themes, sounds in the Adium application bundle no longer override those in the Application Support folders
- Performance and launch time improvements
- Decreased binary size
Version 0.52 (4/16/2004)
- Message windows now display a customizable number of lines from the previous conversation when opened
- Added proxy connect options to Yahoo! accounts
- Added proxy connect, host, port, connect via, resource, and encryption options to Jabber accounts
- Added the option to play sounds using the system specified Output Device for System Alerts
- Fixed Jabber message sending and receiving (formatting is not yet supported)
- Fixed MSN and Yahoo reconnect behavior to not attempt a reconnect if you sign on from another location
- An attempt to connect with an invalid password now reprompts for a correct password
- ICQ contacts and accounts are now differentiated from AIM contacts in tooltips and the account lists, respectively
- Fixed address book integration for contacts with spaces in their screennames
- Fixed retrieval of AIM away messages and profiles which contain non-Roman characters
- Fixed autocompletion in the New Message window
- Fixed issues related to the applescript-based substitutions
- Fixed problems related to idle messages
- Fixed problems related to status-based tab coloration
- Fixed vertical resize behavior when deleting groups or when groupless contacts sign on or off
- Fixed a crash when editing saved away messages
- Fixed a crash when deleting a new account
- Fixed a crash when dragging text across the message window tabs
- Fixed a crash if an improperly formed emoticon pack was installed
- Fixed a crash when going away automatically after a certain amount of time idle.
- Fixed a crash if an invalid move was attempted in games
- Fixed several crashes specific to running in OS X 10.2
- Version checker now informs the user if the attempt to check for the latest version failed
- No longer show a blank profile when an AIM account attempts to get the profile of an AOL account (which can not be done)
- Speed improvements: launch time, creation of new accounts
- Cosmetic improvements to the account preferences
Version 0.51 (4/08/2004)
- Adium now works in 10.2 (Fixed crash on launch in 10.2)
- Fixed a crash when opening preference window
- Fixed a crash in the theme preferences
- Fixed resizing issues with the advanced preferences