home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
NeXT TypedStream Data | 2004-06-15 | 5.8 KB | 119 lines |
- typedstream
- NSIBObjectData
- NSObject
- NSCustomObject)
- NSString
- +"DCMessageContextDisplayPreferences
- NSClassSwapper*
- AISmartStepper
- NSStepper
- NSControl)
- NSView)
- NSResponder
- NSCustomView)
- @@@@ffffffff
- NSMutableArray
- NSArray
- NSButton
- NSButtonCell?
- NSActionCell
- NSCellA
- Show up to
- NSFont
- [36c]
- ssii@@@@@
- NSButtonImageSource
- NSSwitch
- NSTextField
- NSTextFieldCell>
- lines of history in new windows
- NSColor
- System
- controlColor
- controlTextColor
- ~Depending on these settings and the lengths of your conversations, you may see fewer lines of history in some message windows.
- AISmartStepper
- NSStepperCell
- ddddiiiii
- textBackgroundColor
- textColor
- AISmartStepper
- NSMatrix>
- #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@
- Always
- NSMutableString
- NSRadioButton
- If we have talked in the last
- If we have not talked within
- NSImage.
- NSBitmapImageRep
- NSImageRep
- [1490c]MM
- Radio
- NSPopUpButton
- NSPopUpButtonCell
- NSMenuItemCell
- NSMenuItem
- NSMenu
- OtherViews
- i@@IIi@@@@:i@
- NSCustomResource)
- NSImage
- NSMenuCheckmark
- NSMenuMixedState
- _popUpItemAction:
- hours
- OtherViews
- hours
- NSView
- NSResponder
- NSCustomView211111111
- NSCustomView211111
- NSMenuItem
- PopUpList
- NSTextField211
- File's Owner
- NSMenuItem1
- NSMatrix1
- NSTextField1
- NSMenuItem1
- NSTextField11
- NSButton4
- NSPopUpButton1
- NSTextField
- NSMenuItem
- NSPopUpButton
- NSCustomView21111111
- NSTextField21
- PopUpList
- ContextView
- NSMutableSet
- NSSet
- NSNibOutletConnector
- NSNibConnector
- NSNibControlConnector
- changePreference:
- checkBox_showContext
- stepper_linesToDisplay
- changePreference:
- textField_linesToDisplay
- takeIntValueFrom:
- takeIntValueFrom:
- takeIntValueFrom:
- textField_haveNotTalkedDays
- radioButton_always
- radioButton_haveTalked
- radioButton_haveNotTalked
- matrix_radioButtons
- changePreference:
- changePreference:
- changePreference:
- stepper_haveTalkedDays
- stepper_haveNotTalkedDays
- textField_haveTalkedDays
- menu_haveTalkedUnits
- menu_haveNotTalkedUnits
- changePreference:
- changePreference:
- IBCocoaFramework