9112 Archive deleted To Do item(s) at next HotSync« operation
9113 To Do List
9114 Filename is invalid.
9115 Purge Completed To Do Items
9116 Purge completed To Do item(s)?
9117 &Archive completed To Do item(s) at next HotSync« operation
9118 '%1' was not found.
9119 To Do
9123 To Do Find
9124 Priority
9125 Due Date
9126 Category
9127 Note
9128 To Do List for
9131 Completed
9133 &Category:
9134 Items
9135 None
9136 Not Dated
9137 Past Due
9138 Due in Future
9139 Due Today
9140 Business
9141 Personal
9142 Export failed:
9152 Import items into the To Do list
9153 Export items from the To Do list
9164 Purge completed To Do items
9165 Add a new To Do item
9166 Configure Show settings
9167 %ld of %ld
9170 Today
9171 Tomorrow
9172 One week later
9173 No date
9174 Choose date...
9175 &List
9176 The To Do field cannot be blank.
9177 The To Do record could not be added because the maximum number of records has been reached. In order to add new records, you must first delete or archive some records and perform a HotSync« operation.
9178 To Do %d of %d
9179 There is not enough memory to add a new To Do record.
9180 There is not enough memory to paste another To Do record.
9184 Sort By:
9185 Change Category
9189 &New
9190 &Private
9191 Two weeks later
9193 &Send To
9200 Select which column headings are visible
9201 Sort by priority, due date
9202 Sort by due date, priority
9203 Sort by category, due date
9204 Sort by category, priority
9205 Edit the selected To Do item
32786 Sh&ow Details
32787 Hide Det&ails
32793 Year must be before 2031.
32794 Year must be after 1970.
32795 Invalid Month.
32796 Date is invalid.
32797 The due date cannot be blank.
32798 Edit To Do
32799 New To Do
33000 An invalid argument (NULL) was passed to the method or property.
33001 An unexpected error occurred.
33002 The system limit of 16 categories has already been reached. You cannot create more categories
33003 The specified category already exists.
33004 An invalid Category name was specified
33005 An invalid Record ID was specified. Note that 0 is not a valid record id.
33006 The specified VB date is out of range. Palm Desktop is limited by the date values that can be represented by the C time_t structure.
33007 This record has already been deleted. You cannot get and set properties on deleted records
33008 The specified value is not a valid date. Palm Desktop 4.1 supports dates within the range Jan 1, 1970 to Dec 31, 2031.
33009 The specified index is out of range. Note that collection indices are 0 based.
33010 The Category name is invalid. Category names should be non-empty, 15 characters maximum, without leading and trailing blanks.
33011 This method/property is currently not implemented.
33012 An invalid priority was specified. Valid Priority values are between 1 and 5 (both inclusive).
33013 An invalid Private Flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
33014 An invalid Completed Flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
33015 Atleast one of the required ToDo fields has to be non-empty.
33016 An invalid Archive Flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.