2 The Palm Desktop cannot be run with the current system time.\nPlease change the system time and restart the Palm Desktop.
3 The system time is no longer valid, and the Palm Desktop \ncannot run. Please check your system time.
7 The %1 application received an error and cannot be started. (%2)
20004 User:
20005 Change the current user.\nCurrent User
20065 Error: Attempted initialization of an unnamed module.
20066 Error: %1 module failed to load.
20067 Error: %1 module failed initialization.
20068 Error: %1 module cannot be found.
20069 Options
20070 Preferences
20080 Open %1 &Archive...
20081 Archive
20082 &Revert to Last Saved %1
20083 &New %1 Record... Ctrl+N
20084 Open &Current
20085 %1 - %2 (Archive)
20086 You cannot switch between applications while editing an archive.\n\nSelect 'Save && Close' to close the currently open archive and switch applications. Or select 'Cancel' to go back to the currently open archive file.
20087 You cannot switch between users while\nediting an archive.\n\nSelect 'Save && Close' to close the currently\nopen archive and switch users. Or select\n'Cancel' to go back to the currently open\narchive file.
20096 Could not find the HotSync« log. The log is created after your first HotSync operation.
20117 Error: Invalid configuration. Terminating the Palm Desktop.
20118 Error: Failed to open %1 database.
20119 Error: Failed to save %1 database.
20120 Performing a HotSync« operation on %1's files. Please wait...
20121 All records marked private will be hidden from view. If a password has been set\non your handheld, you will be required to enter it to show these records again.
20122 You cannot close the Palm Desktop while a HotSync« operation is in progress.
20123 You cannot switch to %1's account because %2's files are in the HotSync« process.
20124 You cannot perform a HotSync« operation while editing\ndata. Please close the dialog and try again.
20125 You cannot start the Palm Desktop while a HotSync« operation is in progress.
20126 You cannot set custom HotSync« preferences during a HotSync operation. Please\nwait for HotSync« operation to complete and then set your preferences.
20127 You cannot edit the users database during a HotSync« operation.\nPlease wait for the HotSync operation to complete.
20128 You cannot perform this HotSync« operation while editing\nan archive. Please close the archive and try again.
20129 Palm Desktop
20130 Palm Desktop (Editing Archive)
20131 One User\nCurrent User
20132 Auto-save interval must be between %d and %d.
20135 Could not open port %1. Please verify that %1 is\navailable and make any changes in the HotSync« Manager Setup.
20137 The Quick Tour is not installed.
20138 The Palm Desktop was unable to save all of your data. Exit?
20139 Edit Users...
20140 '%1' cannot be used to store your data because the directory does not exist.
20141 The Palm Desktop could not move your data to '%1'.
20144 Please specify the directory where you would like your data stored.
20145 '%1' cannot be used to store your data because it is being used by another user.
20146 '%1' cannot be used to store your data because it is a read-only directory.
20148 Please specify the alarm file.
20149 '%1' is an invalid file.
20156 Find the specified text in all applications\nFind
20157 DIR
20158 VOL
20159 NAME
20160 (profile)
20161 %1 Item(s) found
20164 Selects %1
20165 You cannot perform a HotSync« operation while transferring data to other\napplications. Please wait for the transfer to complete and try again.
20171 PalmScheme.ini
20172 Themes\
20200 (not available)
20201 \StringFileInfo\%4.4X%4.4X\
20202 \VarFileInfo\Translation
20203 (not found)
20205 Palm Desktop Version Information
20206 General
20207 Components
20208 Other
20209 System
20300 Comcat.dll
20301 Comctl32.dll
20302 Mfc42.dll
20303 Mscomct2.ocx
20304 Msvcirt.dll
20305 Msvcp60.dll
20306 Msvcrt.dll
20307 Oleaut32.dll
20308 Olepro32.dll
20320 File
20321 Description
20322 Version
20514 Version
20515 100
20517 <Random Theme>
20518 The application could not be launched or could not be found.
32811 Set up a link to an external file for automatic updates during HotSync« operations
32834 Mask records that are marked private\nMask Private Records
32843 Show, Mask or Hide Private Records\nShow, Mask or Hide Private Records
32900 Configure users
32901 Select all items
32902 Revert to last saved data
32903 Configure categories
32904 Delete the selection
32905 View the HotSync« log
32906 Configure HotSync« synchronization
32910 Show records that are marked private\nShow Private Records
32911 Hide records that are marked private\nHide Private Records
32912 Save data to disk\nSave All
32913 Specify the Palm Desktop options
32914 Specify the preferences for the current application
32917 Configure HotSync« synchronization
32919 Run the Quick Tour
32921 Open an archive file
32922 Open current file and close archive
32923 New Item\nNew Item
32927 of
57344 Pilot Desktop
57345 Ready
57603 Save all data.\nSave
57606 Configure the page layout
57607 Print data\nPrint
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text in this application\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application\nExit
57667 Display the help documentation
57669 Context sensitive help\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61206 If a password has been entered on your handheld, you will be\nrequired to enter it in order to view your data in the Palm Desktop.
61207 You do not have access rights to the '%s's data.\nDo you want to select another user?\n\nClick 'No' to exit the application.
61208 Loading:
61209 Saving:
61211 &Addins
61212 Addin &Bar
61213 Palm Desktop is the default handler
61214 Palm Desktop is not the default handler
61215 An error occurred in an Addin function. If this problem\npersists, contact the author of the Addin software.
61216 Default
61218 No corrupted records were found.
61219 An invalid argument (NULL) was passed to the method or property.
61220 An unexpected error occurred.
61221 This method/property is currently not implemented.
61222 An invalid Status Pane Index was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
61223 An invalid Element Color was specified. Valid values are represented by EnumElementColor enumerated type.
61224 An invalid Element Text Color was specified. Valid values are represented by EnumElementTextColor enumerated type.
61225 The specified index is out of range. Note that collection indices are 0 based.
61226 An invalid command id was specified. The Command Id is returned by a call to AddAddinCommand, and should be used in subsequent calls to manipulate the command information.
61227 An invalid Cookie was specified. You should store the cookie passed in as the second parameter to IDesktopAddin::OnInitialize.
61228 This Extension does not support an Object Model. Note that an Extension has to be loaded before its Object Model can be retrieved.
61229 An invalid Enable Flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
61230 The Progress Bar steps should be an integer value between 1 and 10 (both inclusive).
61300 You cannot perform a HotSync« operation while executing an Addin Command.\nPlease try again after the Addin command has completed executing.
61301 Please complete any edits before adding new records.