2003 The address record for %1 could not be added because the maximum number of records has been reached. In order to add new records, you must first delete or archive some records and perform a HotSync« operation.
2004 The address record for %1 could not be modified.
2005 An Address Book entry must contain data in at least one field.
2044 The selection is too large to copy to the clipboard.
2045 The selection is too large to copy to the clipboard.\nCut selection?
2046 &Category:
2047 General
2048 Address
2049 Note
2050 TAPI could not be initialized. Please verify that TAPI is properly installed on your system.
2051 A device suitable for voice calls could not be found. Use the Control Panel to configure a modem or voice call device.
2052 Business
2053 Personal
2054 QuickList
2170 Sh&ow Details
2172 Change Category
2174 Hide Det&ails
2200 Edit the selected address
2201 Edit the selected address
2202 Send e-mail to selected contacts
2204 Add a new address
2205 Import items into the address book
2206 Export items from the address book
2207 Export selected addresses in vCard format
2212 Configure List By settings
2213 Select which column headings are visible
2214 Sort by last name, first name
2215 Sort by company, last name
2216 Create a mail message with the selected contact as an attachment
2999 -Unnamed-
3000 &Business Card
32728 Dial the selected address item
32729 &New
32730 &Private
32731 Edit Address
32732 %ld of %ld
32733 %s is the primary contact.
32734 Note: \n
32735 &List
32736 Look up:
32737 Sort By:
32738 La&rge Icons
32739 Small I&cons
32806 There is not enough memory to add a new address record.
32807 &Send To
32810 vCard File (*.vcf)|*.vcf||
32811 vcf
32813 An error occurred while importing the vCard file. The file may\nnot be a valid vCard file or it may contain too many entries.
32814 The vCard file was not created because all records selected are private.
32815 An error occurred while exporting the vCard file.
32816 An error occurred while creating the vCard attachment for the e-mail message.
32818 An error occurred while sending the e-mail message. Make sure your e-mail client software is set up correctly.
32820 and others.
32821 Category:
32822 New Address
32840 Contacts.vcf
32841 The maximum limit for Address records was reached. Some of\nthe records in the vCard file may not have been imported.
33000 Edit
33100 An invalid argument (NULL) was passed to the method or property.
33101 An unexpected error occurred.
33102 The system limit of 16 categories has already been reached. You cannot create more categories
33103 The specified category already exists.
33104 An invalid Category name was specified
33105 An invalid Record ID was specified. Note that 0 is not a valid record id.
33106 This record has already been deleted. You cannot get and set properties on deleted records
33107 The specified index is out of range. Note that collection indices are 0 based.
33108 The Category name is invalid. Category names should be non-empty, 15 characters maximum, without leading and trailing blanks.
33109 This method/property is currently not implemented.
33110 An invalid Custom Text index was specified. Valid Custom Text indices are in the range 0 to 3 (both inclusive).
33111 An invalid Phone Index was specified. Valid Phone Indices are in the range 0 to 4 (both inclusive).
33112 An invalid Phone Label type was specified. Valid phone label types are in the range 0 to 7 (both inclusive). See EnumPhoneLabelType for more info.
33113 An invalid Private Flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
33114 Atleast one of the fields of the Contact should be non-empty.
33115 An invalid Archive flag was specified. Valid values are 0 and 1.
33116 Name
33117 Contact Info
33118 Invalid Address Book .dat file detected. %d corrupt records were detected and fixed.