3006 '%1' is not a valid file type for %2. \nEither change the external file or the destination application.
3007 On the next HotSync operation.
3008 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
3009 When the external file is modified.
3010 Link disabled
3011 The next time you perform a HotSync operation, the data\n in ' %1 ' will be updated with the external data.
3012 No more than 15 categories are allowed. Please delete an existing category before adding a new one.
3013 DateBook
3014 The following procedure will permanently remove the link to the category named ' %1 '. This will stop any future updates to the records in the assigned category.
3015 New Link
3016 Modify Link
3017 File or path not found
3018 The File Link tool is not supported by any of the currently installed Applications.
3019 No users found. You can create a user account either on the Palm Desktop or by performing by a HotSync operation.
3020 Error accessing conduit information.
3021 Daily
3022 Weekly
3023 Monthly
3024 Disabled
3025 Automatically
3026 &Done
3027 File Link Wizard
3028 &Help
3029 < &Back
3030 &Next >
3031 There is no desktop data available for this user. \nPlease initialize user data by launching the desktop application first.