61227 Unable to find path to USERS.DAT in registry.\nPlease locate the file...
61230 Put your handheld in its cradle and press the HotSync button. When the HotSync operation is complete, click OK to exit.
61231 Error: Unable to install the file for the selected user.
61232 No files have been installed. Exit anyway?
61233 You have selected to remove the following file(s). By doing so,\nthey will not be installed on %s's handheld during the next HotSync operation.\nAre you sure you want to remove the file(s)?\n%s\n
61234 You must select an installed file before you can remove it.
61235 File Name
61236 File Size
61237 There are no users specified in the USERS.DAT file.\nExiting
61238 Successfully installed following files for user:
61239 Unable to install file:
61240 Unable to install the following files for user:
61241 Install Tool
61242 Next time you perform a HotSync operation, the\nlisted file(s) will be installed on your handheld.
61249 Install was unable to install the following files for user '%s':\n%s
61250 Successfully installed the following files for user '%s':\n%s
61252 Palm Quick Install Tool 4.0
61253 Install Tool
61255 Unknown error %d!
61256 Unable to install %s. File does not exist.
61257 The file %s already exists in %s's download directory.
61258 ADD-ON
61259 All Palm File Types |%s|%s
61262 You must finish installing the previous file(s) before\n installing more.
61263 The 'Add' button looks first in the %s folder inside your %s folder. This folder is a convenient place to store downloaded handheld files.
61265 "%s" is not a supported file type.
61266 Error: Too many files selected. Please try again with less files selected.
61267 (Profile)
61268 Unable to install, no directory found for user %s.
61269 No user configuration information found.
61270 Invalid filename %s.
61271 Unable to access user configuration information.
61272 Unable to copy file %s.
61273 Invalid user name %s.
61274 Unable to access registry.
61275 Select one or more files in the list, then click 'Remove' to remove these files from the list of pending installations.
61280 Destination
61281 Handheld
61282 %3.2fMB
61283 %dKB
61284 The file %s was already selected to be installed to %s's handheld. Do you want to install this file to the %s?
61285 Ok to &All
61286 &Ok
61287 Install File To Card?
61288 Unable to change the destination for file %s
61289 \nContinue?
61290 The file %s cannot be installed to the %s.
61291 You cannot perform a HotSync operation while adding or moving install files. \n\nPlease close all dialogs that belong to the Install Tool and try again.
61292 You cannot switch to %s's account because a HotSync operation is in progress for this user. \n\nPlease try after the HotSync operation completes.
61293 You cannot start the Install Tool while a HotSync operation is in progress.