8 The selected port, %s, is not available at this time.\nHotSync Manager will open the port when it becomes available.
9 Port speed is %u bps
10 Establishing Connection with the Handheld
11 Direct Serial Connection: Baud rate = %u \n
12 Modem Connection: Baud rate = %u\n
13 Error sending the wakeup message to the handheld via Modem. Error Code = %d \n
14 Disconnecting from the handheld. Port is invalid \n
15 Disconnecting from the handheld. A blocking operation is in action \n
16 PNRP Initialization error %ld \n
17 Establishing a TCP Connection to the handheld \n
18 Verifying host %s %s %s \n
19 Contacting host %s %s %s \n
20 Connected to Host, initiating handshake \n
21 Your network connection is not properly configured (socket error: %d )
22 Socket error: %d
23 Sending wakeup message \n
24 Received abort message \n
25 Exchanging handshake preferences \n
26 Handshake complete \n
27 Waiting for wakeup message \n
28 Wakeup received: version %lX \n
29 The HotSync Manager was unable to initialize the TCP/IP connection socket.\nPlease check your Network Configuration from the Windows\nControl Panel. Make sure you have a TCP/IP network component\ninstalled and configured correctly.
30 Device PAD version is %i.%0i
31 Error accessing the IR port. See the //Helpnotes//IR_Readme.txt for more information.
32 Transport protocol version mismatch: Streaming is not supported on the Secondary Desktop PC.