1024 '%s' is read-only. Tap OK to open the document read-only.
1025 Cannot access '%s' because it is being modified by another application. Open as read-only?
1026 An error occurred while opening '%s'.
1028 Could not find '%s'. Verify that the folder path and file name are correct.
1029 Unable to open. The file format is invalid.
1030 An error occurred reading '%s' because the file is in an invalid format.
1031 '%s' is a system file and cannot be opened or edited.
1032 No program memory available. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory, stop programs that did not automatically stop, and try again.
1033 Cannot access %s because it is being used by another application.
1034 '%s' is read-only. It may be in use by another application or it may be marked as read-only.
1035 An error occurred saving '%s.
1036 Your file was successfully saved but could not be reopened. The file may be saved as '%s' or '%s'. To continue working, close this file and then reopen the saved file.
1037 An error occurred reading '%s'.
1038 Set or change password for '%s':
1039 You must verify your new password by retyping it in the Verify Password box.
1040 The passwords you typed don't match. Please retype the password in the Verify Password box.
1041 Specify the password for '%s':
1042 The password you typed is incorrect.
1043 You cannot save a document with the same name as another open document. Try saving with a different file name.
1044 All Files (*.*)
1045 \My Documents
1046 '%s' is already open.
1047 Could not find '%s'. Would you like to create it?
1048 '%s' is read-only. It may be in use by another application or it may be marked read-only.
1049 File name is too long.
1050 Cannot save. No storage memory available. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory to view your memory usage and free space. Or, delete some items from your device.
1051 Some unsupported data or formatting has been removed. If you want to save the file, give it a new name to avoid overwriting the original file.
1052 Cannot open password protected Microsoft Excel workbooks.
1053 Pocket Word
1155 Black
1156 Dark Red
1157 Green
1158 Dark Yellow
1159 Dark Blue
1160 Violet
1161 Teal
1162 Gray-25%
1163 Gray-50%
1164 Red
1165 Bright Green
1166 Yellow
1167 Blue
1168 Pink
1169 Turquoise
1170 White
1171 Automatic
1172 Other...
1216 Font size must be between 1 and %s points.
1217 The current font is \n%s. \n\nDo you want to change the default font for all new documents to %s?