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- 1 Timekeeper
- 3 Timekeeper
- 83 Useful information about Timekeeper
- 104 Tools
- 301 Done
- 302 Timer Bar
- 303 Set timer alert options
- 304 Timer Alert
- 305 Timer elapsed!
- 306 Timer Alert
- 307 \windows\alarm1.wav
- 308 Two Number Popup
- 309 One Number Popup
- 310 Sixty number popup
- 311 Activities help organize Timekeeper settings. Would you like to create one now?
- 312 No Activities
- 313 There was an error creating the activity file. Please try another name.
- 314 Could not create activity
- 315 An activity already exists with the same name. Overwrite?
- 316 Existing activity found
- 317 Current settings have been saved to:%sYou may copy this file to another device.
- 318 Activity exported
- 319 Could not create activity file in My Documents directory.
- 320 Export failed
- 321 Edit Button Actions
- 322 View Laps for %s
- 323 The %s skin could not be found.
- 324 Could not load skin
- 325 Timekeeper will not wake up the device when a timer elapses due to a low battery.
- 326 Low Battery
- 327 No laps have been recorded for any timer.\n
- 328 Laps for %s
- 331 This skin file is intended for a newer version of Timekeeper. Please visit www.conduits.com to update your program.
- 332 Would you like to try to load the previous skin?
- 333 Skin Error
- 334 This activity file is intended for a newer version of Timekeeper. Please visit www.conduits.com to update your program.
- 335 Activity File Error
- 40003 Timekeeper information screen
- 40004 Set timer sound options
- 40005 Start all timers
- 40006 Start all timers
- 40008 Stop all timers
- 40009 Reset all timers
- 40013 Count up from zero
- 40015 Up
- 40018 Down-Stop
- 40019 Count down then stop
- 40020 Count down then up from zero
- 40022 Down-Up
- 40023 Count down then reset counter and count down again
- 40025 Down-Repeat
- 40028 Popup
- 40029 Please enter a time and description.
- 40030 Empty input box
- 40031 Please enter a time greater than zero.
- 40032 Zero time
- 40033 You may not add more than fifty preset times.
- 40034 Max preset times reached
- 40035 You may not delete all preset times. Cancel edits?
- 40036 No preset times set
- 40037 You may not have more than 59 minutes.
- 40038 Incorrect minutes
- 40039 You may not have more than 59 seconds.
- 40040 Incorrect seconds
- 40041 Timekeeper is initializing..
- 40042 Timekeeper is loading the new skin..
- 40043 Timekeeper is loading the last skin..
- 40044 Timekeeper is loading the default skin..
- 40045 Choose skin
- 40046 Count up from zero
- 40047 Count down, then stop
- 40050 Count down then reset counter and count down again
- 40051 Count down, then count up from zero
- 40054
- 40055 No laps have been recorded.
- 40057 Out of memory. Unable to copy text to clipboard.
- 40058 Activities
- 40059 The specified file is not a valid Timekeeper activity file.
- 40060 Error loading activity
- 40062 Save current settings to new activity file
- 40063 Delete current activity file
- 40064 Export activity file for use on another device
- 40200 All Timers
- 40202 Activities
- 40204 Customize what actions hardware buttons will perform
- 40205 Battery is Low
- 40207 Copy lap information to Excel
- 40208 Copy lap information to Word
- 40209 Edit menu of preset times
- 40210 Erase all timer labels
- 40211 Reset all timer labels
- 40213 Load a new skin