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- <title>Cash Reports Help</title>
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- <!-- PegHelp -->
- <p><a name="cash_reports_help"></a><b>Describing of the Programm "Cash Reports"</b></p>
- <p>(C) 1999-2000 Inesoft ( www.inesoft.com )</p>
- <p><a href="CashReports.htm#part1">Possibilities & Task</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashReports.htm#part2">Elements of programm interface</a></p>
- <p>In case of questions, please ask: e-mail: support@inesoft.com
- <dl>
- <dd align="right"><img src="ArrowR.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></dd>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part1"></a><b>Possibilities & Task</b></p>
- <p><strong>Inesoft "Cash Reports 2000"</strong> analysies datas, concentrated in
- the <strong>Inesoft "Cash Organizer 2000"</strong>.<br>
- </p>
- <p align="center"><u><b>Possibilities</b></u></p>
- <ul>
- <li>Do balance of moving of money for any period of time.</li>
- <li>Use filter on any combination of categories, projects, accounts.</li>
- <li>Use expanded filter for any text (description, note, contact, amount, mark).</li>
- <li>Sort datas by any column, in direct and undirect destinations.</li>
- <li>Inlude and Exclude some datas in calculations of resulted sums.</li>
- <li>Check datas from different points of vision; by transactions, categories, projects.</li>
- <li>Multicurrency support.</li>
- <li>Export of resulted datas to format Text, HTML, PocketExcel</li>
- <p> </p>
- </ul>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part2"></a><strong>Elements of programm interface</strong></p>
- </dl>
- <p>Window has 4 parts.</p>
- <p><img src="cr_disp.BMP"></p>
- <p><strong>Part - 1 is in the top of screen, has menu and panel of instruments.</strong></p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>Via menu "File" you can turn on to the Inesoft "Cash Organizer",
- save results of report and finish the programm.<br>
- In the panel there are 1 button and 3 laying.<ul>
- <li>Button <img src="cr_filteradvanced.bmp" alt="cr_filteradvanced.bmp (646 bytes)"
- width="26" height="22"> can you ask for expanded filter for selection enterested
- transactions by description, note, contac and amount. In case button is pressed, so datas
- are in selected condition.</li>
- <li>Laying <img src="cr_checkpage.bmp" alt="cr_checkpage.bmp (734 bytes)" width="29"
- height="22">, can you check report by transactions.</li>
- <li>Laying <img src="cr_categorypage.bmp" alt="cr_categorypage.bmp (734 bytes)" width="29"
- height="22">, can you check report by categories.</li>
- <li>Laying <img src="cr_projectpage.bmp" alt="cr_projectpage.bmp (734 bytes)" width="29"
- height="22">, can you check report by projects.</li>
- </ul>
- </blockquote>
- <p><strong>Part 2 - is tree of transactions, categories and projects.</strong></p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>Every transaction, category, project has free space <img src="cr_uncheck.bmp"
- width="17" height="16" alt="cr_uncheck.bmp (310 bytes)">. You may mark it. In this case
- this item will take part in resulted caculation. You may operate with combinations of
- marked items.</p>
- </blockquote>
- <p><strong>Part 3 - is list of results of report..</strong></p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>How many columns and its meaning is changeable according chosen laying (Transactions,
- Categories or Projects).<br>
- In case element is marked, so its amount included in resulted sum, which is indicated in
- the lower oart of screen.<br>
- Marked element will be on disk without dependence of format; Text, HTML or PocketExcel..
- To mark you should press space <img src="cr_uncheck.bmp" width="17" height="16"
- alt="cr_uncheck.bmp (310 bytes)"> or <img src="cr_check.bmp" width="17" height="16"
- alt="cr_check.bmp (310 bytes)"> or press keyboard button "Space".<br>
- For more detailed information or press Enter on this element, then you will see window of
- dialogue with full information.</p>
- <p>List has title, where is the title of every column. You may expande it, select it,
- change it, etc.<br>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- <p><strong>Part 4. Here is you put the period for result and kind of currency. Here is,
- also, resulted sum of repot.</strong></p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>Button <img src="cr_setdate.bmp" width="22" height="21"
- alt="cr_setdate.bmp (370 bytes)"> helps you to choose necessary period ot time (last year,
- current year, month, decade, etc.). You can change it.</p>
- <p>In the same right part of screen you see menu with list of currency. This is your
- choice to choose your currency and your resulted sum will be in this currency according
- current rate.</p>
- </blockquote>
- <p>Example: You have 3 Accounts: "Famaly", "Farm", "Visa"; 2
- categories "Automobile" & "Entartaiment".<br>
- To receive report, you must: mark intrested items, put period of result, receive report
- and press Button "Recalc"
- <dl>
- <dd> </dd>
- <a href="Cash%20Organizer.htm#part1">
- <dd align="right"></a><img src="ArrowL.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"> </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> </p>
- </dl>
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