20 COMPELSON Setup Wizard v2.6 - MOBILedit!\nModule number %1!lu!, line number %2!lu!.
21 COMPELSON Setup Wizard v2.6 - MOBILedit!\nModule number %1!lu!, line number %2!lu!., status 0x%3!08lx!.
22 The System cannot be restarted immediately, please restart it manually.
23 Requires operating system Windows 98/ME or Windows 2000/XP.
24 The path of the installation address is an illegal syntax!
25 The file must be the last component in the path!
26 The system must be restarted for changes to take place!
30 Scanning files to be copied
31 Creating the installation directory
32 Creating shortcut on desktop
33 Creating shortcuts in Start Menu
34 Copying file %1
35 Creating a temporary directory
36 Registering file associations
40 Cleanup registry settings\n
41 Destination directory\n %1\n\n
42 Create shortcut on the Desktop\n
43 Start Menu folder:\n %1\n\n
44 Additional tasks:\n
47 Operation %1!lu!
48 MOBILedit!
50 Creating shourtcut in Quick Launch
51 Registering uninstallation information
54 version
55 Setup cannot start because of system error.
56 -close
57 The installation information is corrupted.\nDo you want to unregister the uninstallation information?
58 Scanning files to be removed
59 Terminating active %1
60 Deleting file %1
61 Deleting Start Menu folder
62 Deleting installation directory
63 Cleaning up registry settings
64 Unregistering uninstallation information
65 The version information is corrupted.
66 User Guide.lnk
67 Password Officer User Guide document.
69 The program is now running and cannot be stopped automatically.\nYou can terminate it manually and then click OK or cancel the setup.
70 Password Officer 2000
71 Removing Installation Files
72 Setup is now removing the installation files from your computer.
73 Updating Installation Files
74 Setup is now updating the installation files on your computer.
75 The file cannot be deleted because it's in use.\nYou can try to delete it one more time by pressing OK.
76 The file cannot be copied because the target can be in use.\nYou can leave the original version and continue by pressing OK.\nOtherwise the setup will be cancelled.
77 The file cannot be immediately deleted, because it is in use.\nYou should close all running programs and press OK to try again\nor restart the setup (or computer) if the problem persists.\nCancel will terminate the setup.
78 Checking file %1
79 Software\Compelson\MOBILedit!
80 http://www.mobiledit.com/support
81 http://www.mobiledit.com/update
82 http://www.compelson.com
84 mobiledit.cab
85 COMPELSON Uninstall
86 Are you sure you want to completely remove MOBILedit! and all of its components?