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- <title>M3Gate Help</title>
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- <!-- PegHelp --><!-- M A I N C O N T E N T S -->
- <p><a name="Main_Contents"></a><b>M3Gate Help</b>
- <ul></ul>
- <p><b>Getting Started</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#basics_m3gate">Using M3Gate</A><br>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#basics_browsing">Browsing</A><br>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#basics_bookmarks">Using bookmarks</A><br>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#howto_enter_address">Enter address</A><br>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#basics_copyright">Copyright</A><br>
- <p> <!-- PegHelp --><hr>
- <!-- *****Topic Break**** --><!-- :: U S I N G M 3 G A T E -->
- <p><a name="basics_m3gate"></a><b>Using M3Gate</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <p>Thank you for choosing M3Gate, the leading WAP browser!
- M3Gate allows viewing WAP sites. It does not use any of those slow WAP
- gateways, so you will access resources quickly.
- <p>Using M3Gate is very similar to using a usual Web browser.
- Just enter address of WAP resource, and tap <b>Go</b>. After deck loading you
- can use links and buttons to navigate through the site.
- <ul></ul>
- <p><B>See Also</B><BR>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#basics_browsing">Browsing</A><br>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#howto_enter_address">Entering address</A><br>
- <p> <!-- PegHelp --><hr>
- <!-- *****Topic Break**** --><!-- :: B R O W S I N G -->
- <p><a name="basics_browsing"></a><b>Browsing</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <p>You browse sites tapping hyperlinks and buttons. When you tap
- a link or a button, M3Gate goes to a linked card. You also can
- enter address you want to go to directly in address bar.
- <ul></ul>
- <p><B>See Also</B><BR>
- <A href="m3gate.htm#howto_enter_address">Entering address</A><br>
- <p> <!-- PegHelp --><hr>
- <!-- *****Topic Break**** --><!-- :: B O O K M A R K S -->
- <p><a name="basics_bookmarks"></a><b>Using bookmarks</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <p>You can save address of site to quick access it later. Choose
- <b>Tools | Add Bookmark</b> to do that. M3Gate
- offers wide set of features for organizing your bookmarks. To view, go or
- organize bookmarks choose <b>Tools | Bookmarks</b> from menu, or tap
- <b>Bookmarks</b> on toolbar.
- <p> <!-- PegHelp --><hr>
- <!-- *****Topic Break**** --><!-- :: E N T E R A D D R E S S -->
- <p><a name="howto_enter_address"></a><b>Entering address</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <p>M3Gate simplifies entering of address. You need not to
- write 'http://' before address. M3Gate also has auto-completion
- option.
- <P>One quicker way to enter address is to use Smart Complete. Enter site
- keyword, then tap and hold <b>Go</b> button. <b>Smart Complete</b>
- menu will appear. Click on it and keyword will be completed to full address of
- WAP site. Suppose you enter `money`, after using Smart Complete you will go to `http://wap.money.com`.
- <p> <!-- PegHelp --><hr>
- <!-- *****Topic Break**** --><!-- :: E N T E R I N F O R M A T I O N -->
- <p><a name="basics_copyright"></a><b>Copyright</b><br>
- <ul></ul>
- <P>Pocket M3Gate was developed by Numeric Algorithm Laboratories <A
- href="http://www.numeric.ru/">http://www.numeric.ru/</A>.</P>
- <P>© 1999-2001
- Numeric Algorithm Laboratories. All rights reserved.
- <P>Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of
- their respective owners.</P>
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