Labels:crt screen | monitor | window OCR: Bochs for Windows Display snapshotResetpower Calibrating delay 1oop [de hef count 1024] delay count 294 CPU speed Jsed memory 32768Kb Screen debugg ing enabled Bochs debugging enabled Serial debugg but enab led COM1 19200 Baud Kernel Debugger COM1 (Port 03f8 BaudRate 19200 Start ing Reactos 1i (Build 23 Copyr ight 1998 -2001 Reactos Team Reactos is free sof tware covered by the GNU General Public License and moh are we Icome to change and /or distr ibute cop ies under certain cond ions There abso lutelu no warranty for ReactoS puno, system processor [32 MB Memory] CM regf 129 Cm iCrea tekeg istry(. ilename <NULL> loop coumi Used Kerne listribute copi 1050 Found Filename