home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 101 &About FolderPicker Test
- 102 ╬─╝■`A
- 103 ╬╥╡─╬─╝■
- 104 ╬╥╡─╫εÉ█
- 105 ╧╡╜y┬╖Å╜
- 106 ╫└├µ
- 108 ╫╓╨═
- 110 ╬╥╡─δ`─X
- 112 System Folders
- 113 Local Hard Drives
- 114 File not found
- 115 Please verify if the correct file name was given
- 116 File does not exist\nDo you want to create file
- 119 File does already exist.\nDo you want to replace it?
- 120 Invalid character(s) in path
- 121 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \n / : < > |
- 122 Path does not exist
- 123 File does not exist
- 150 ╧≥╔╧╥╗R╙
- 151 ╜¿┴ó╨┬┘Y┴╧`A
- 152 ╟σ ╬
- 153 ╘ ╝a┘Y┴╧
- 154 ∩@╩╛╫└├µ