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Bochs keymap  |  2004-02-08  |  13.4 KB  |  219 lines

  1. # Bochs Keymap file
  2. # $Id: x11-pc-fr.map,v 1.5 2002/09/25 08:00:24 bdenney Exp $
  3. # Target: PC(x86) keyboard, FR keymap
  4. # Author: Christophe Bothamy, Bryce Denney
  5. #
  6. # The keymap file describes the layout of a keyboard, and how it translates
  7. # into Bochs key codes.
  8. #
  9. # Format:
  10. #  BX_Keysym                ASCII_equivalent      Xwin_Keysym
  11. #
  12. # Or, for keys that require modifiers:
  13. #  BX_Keysym+BX_Modifier    ASCII_equivalent    Xwin_Keysym
  14. #
  15. # BX_Keysym and BX_Modifier must be present in the bx_key_symbol[] list in
  16. # gui/keymap.cc.  The BX_Modifier is usually a shift key press, but it
  17. # could be any key.  Presently a maximum of one modifier is supported, but this
  18. # could be changed in keymap.h (structure def has only one slot for modifier),
  19. # keymap.cc (parsing code), and iodev/keyboard.cc (simulate keypresses for >1
  20. # modifier).
  21. #
  22. # The ASCII_equivalent must be either apostrophe + one character + apostrophe,
  23. # or one of these keywords: space, return, tab, backslash, apostrophe, none.
  24. # This format is designed to look like a char constant in C, but it's a very
  25. # simple parser.  There's no concept of backslash being an escape char.  The
  26. # backslash and apostrophe entries are provided for aesthetic purposes only: no
  27. # C++ programmer wants to see '\' or '''. The parser doesn't care, but they are
  28. # ugly.
  29. #
  30. # Xwin_Keysym is the X windows equivalent of the key combination.  These
  31. # codes should match whatever you find in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h.
  32. # If you're running X windows, Bochs will take each of these Xwin_Keysyms,
  33. # pull off the XK_ in front, and use XStringToKeysym() to change them into
  34. # numerical codes.  If this lookup fails, you will get a panic and you need
  35. # to edit the keymap file.
  37. BX_KEY_0+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '0'        XK_0
  38. BX_KEY_0                                      'α'        XK_agrave
  39. BX_KEY_0+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '@'        XK_at
  40. BX_KEY_1+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '1'        XK_1
  41. BX_KEY_1                                      '&'        XK_ampersand
  42. BX_KEY_2+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '2'        XK_2
  43. BX_KEY_2+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '~'        XK_asciitilde
  44. BX_KEY_2                                      'Θ'        XK_eacute
  45. BX_KEY_3+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '3'        XK_3
  46. BX_KEY_3+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '#'        XK_numbersign
  47. BX_KEY_3                                      '"'        XK_quotedbl
  48. BX_KEY_4+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '4'        XK_4
  49. BX_KEY_4                                      apostrophe XK_apostrophe
  50. BX_KEY_4+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '{'        XK_braceleft
  51. BX_KEY_5+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '5'        XK_5
  52. BX_KEY_5+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '['        XK_bracketleft
  53. BX_KEY_5                                      '('        XK_parenleft
  54. BX_KEY_6+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '6'        XK_6
  55. BX_KEY_6+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '|'        XK_bar
  56. BX_KEY_6                                      '-'        XK_minus
  57. BX_KEY_7+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '7'        XK_7
  58. BX_KEY_7                                      'Φ'        XK_egrave
  59. BX_KEY_7+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '`'        XK_grave
  60. BX_KEY_8+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '8'        XK_8
  61. BX_KEY_8+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         backslash  XK_backslash
  62. BX_KEY_8                                      '_'        XK_underscore
  63. BX_KEY_9+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '9'        XK_9
  64. BX_KEY_9+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         '^'        XK_asciicircum
  65. BX_KEY_9                                      'τ'       XK_ccedilla
  66. BX_KEY_A+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'Q'        XK_Q
  67. BX_KEY_A                                      'q'        XK_q
  68. BX_KEY_B+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'B'        XK_B
  69. BX_KEY_B                                      'b'        XK_b
  70. BX_KEY_C+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'C'        XK_C
  71. BX_KEY_C                                      'c'        XK_c
  72. BX_KEY_D+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'D'        XK_D
  73. BX_KEY_D                                      'd'        XK_d
  74. BX_KEY_E+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'E'        XK_E
  75. BX_KEY_E                                      'e'        XK_e
  76. BX_KEY_E+BX_KEY_ALT_R                         none       XK_EuroSign
  77. BX_KEY_F+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'F'        XK_F
  78. BX_KEY_F                                      'f'        XK_f
  79. BX_KEY_G+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'G'        XK_G
  80. BX_KEY_G                                      'g'        XK_g
  81. BX_KEY_H+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'H'        XK_H
  82. BX_KEY_H                                      'h'        XK_h
  83. BX_KEY_I+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'I'        XK_I
  84. BX_KEY_I                                      'i'        XK_i
  85. BX_KEY_J+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'J'        XK_J
  86. BX_KEY_J                                      'j'        XK_j
  87. BX_KEY_K+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'K'        XK_K
  88. BX_KEY_K                                      'k'        XK_k
  89. BX_KEY_L+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'L'        XK_L
  90. BX_KEY_L                                      'l'        XK_l
  91. BX_KEY_M+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       '?'        XK_question
  92. BX_KEY_M                                      ','        XK_comma
  93. BX_KEY_N+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'N'        XK_N
  94. BX_KEY_N                                      'n'        XK_n
  95. BX_KEY_O+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'O'        XK_O
  96. BX_KEY_O                                      'o'        XK_o
  97. BX_KEY_P+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'P'        XK_P
  98. BX_KEY_P                                      'p'        XK_p
  99. BX_KEY_Q+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'A'        XK_A
  100. BX_KEY_Q                                      'a'        XK_a
  101. BX_KEY_R+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'R'        XK_R
  102. BX_KEY_R                                      'r'        XK_r
  103. BX_KEY_S+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'S'        XK_S
  104. BX_KEY_S                                      's'        XK_s
  105. BX_KEY_T+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'T'        XK_T
  106. BX_KEY_T                                      't'        XK_t
  107. BX_KEY_U+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'U'        XK_U
  108. BX_KEY_U                                      'u'        XK_u
  109. BX_KEY_V+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'V'        XK_V
  110. BX_KEY_V                                      'v'        XK_v
  111. BX_KEY_W+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'Z'        XK_Z
  112. BX_KEY_W                                      'z'        XK_z
  113. BX_KEY_X+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'X'        XK_X
  114. BX_KEY_X                                      'x'        XK_x
  115. BX_KEY_Y+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'Y'        XK_Y
  116. BX_KEY_Y                                      'y'        XK_y
  117. BX_KEY_Z+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                       'W'        XK_W
  118. BX_KEY_Z                                      'w'        XK_w
  119. BX_KEY_F1                                     none       XK_F1
  120. BX_KEY_F2                                     none       XK_F2
  121. BX_KEY_F3                                     none       XK_F3
  122. BX_KEY_F4                                     none       XK_F4
  123. BX_KEY_F5                                     none       XK_F5
  124. BX_KEY_F6                                     none       XK_F6
  125. BX_KEY_F7                                     none       XK_F7
  126. BX_KEY_F8                                     none       XK_F8
  127. BX_KEY_F9                                     none       XK_F9
  128. BX_KEY_F10                                    none       XK_F10
  129. BX_KEY_F11                                    none       XK_F11
  130. BX_KEY_F12                                    none       XK_F12
  131. BX_KEY_ALT_L                                  none       XK_Alt_L
  132. BX_KEY_ALT_L                                  none       XK_Meta_L
  133. BX_KEY_ALT_R                                  none       XK_Alt_R
  134. BX_KEY_ALT_R                                  none       XK_Mode_switch
  135. BX_KEY_ALT_R                                  none       XK_Multi_key
  136. BX_KEY_BACKSLASH                              '*'        XK_asterisk
  137. BX_KEY_BACKSLASH+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L               '╡'        XK_mu
  138. BX_KEY_BACKSPACE                              none       XK_BackSpace
  139. BX_KEY_CAPS_LOCK                              none       XK_Caps_Lock
  140. BX_KEY_COMMA+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                   '.'        XK_period
  141. BX_KEY_COMMA                                  ';'        XK_semicolon
  142. BX_KEY_CTRL_L                                 none       XK_Control_L
  143. BX_KEY_CTRL_R                                 none       XK_Control_R
  144. BX_KEY_DELETE                                 none       XK_Delete
  145. BX_KEY_DOWN                                   none       XK_Down
  146. BX_KEY_END                                    none       XK_End
  147. BX_KEY_ENTER                                  return     XK_Return
  148. BX_KEY_EQUALS+BX_KEY_ALT_R                    '}'        XK_braceright
  149. BX_KEY_EQUALS                                 '='        XK_equal
  150. BX_KEY_EQUALS+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                  '+'        XK_plus
  151. BX_KEY_ESC                                    none       XK_Escape
  152. BX_KEY_GRAVE                                  '▓'        XK_twosuperior
  153. BX_KEY_HOME                                   none       XK_Home
  154. BX_KEY_INSERT                                 none       XK_Insert
  155. BX_KEY_KP_5                                   none       XK_KP_5
  156. BX_KEY_KP_5                                   none       XK_KP_Begin
  157. BX_KEY_KP_ADD                                 none       XK_KP_Add
  158. BX_KEY_KP_DELETE                              none       XK_KP_Decimal
  159. BX_KEY_KP_DELETE                              none       XK_KP_Delete
  160. BX_KEY_KP_DIVIDE                              none       XK_KP_Divide
  161. BX_KEY_KP_DOWN                                none       XK_KP_2
  162. BX_KEY_KP_DOWN                                none       XK_KP_Down
  163. BX_KEY_KP_END                                 none       XK_KP_1
  164. BX_KEY_KP_END                                 none       XK_KP_End
  165. BX_KEY_KP_ENTER                               none       XK_KP_Enter
  166. BX_KEY_KP_HOME                                none       XK_KP_7
  167. BX_KEY_KP_HOME                                none       XK_KP_Home
  168. BX_KEY_KP_INSERT                              none       XK_KP_0
  169. BX_KEY_KP_INSERT                              none       XK_KP_Insert
  170. BX_KEY_KP_LEFT                                none       XK_KP_4
  171. BX_KEY_KP_LEFT                                none       XK_KP_Left
  172. BX_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY                            none       XK_KP_Multiply
  173. BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_DOWN                           none       XK_KP_3
  174. BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_DOWN                           none       XK_KP_Page_Down
  175. BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_UP                             none       XK_KP_9
  176. BX_KEY_KP_PAGE_UP                             none       XK_KP_Page_Up
  177. BX_KEY_KP_RIGHT                               none       XK_KP_6
  178. BX_KEY_KP_RIGHT                               none       XK_KP_Right
  179. BX_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT                            none       XK_KP_Subtract
  180. BX_KEY_KP_UP                                  none       XK_KP_8
  181. BX_KEY_KP_UP                                  none       XK_KP_Up
  182. BX_KEY_LEFT                                   none       XK_Left
  183. BX_KEY_LEFT_BACKSLASH+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L          '>'        XK_greater
  184. BX_KEY_LEFT_BACKSLASH                         '<'        XK_less
  185. BX_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET                           '^'        XK_dead_circumflex
  186. BX_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET                           none       XK_dead_diaeresis
  187. BX_KEY_MENU                                   none       XK_Menu
  188. BX_KEY_MINUS+BX_KEY_ALT_R                     ']'        XK_bracketright
  189. BX_KEY_MINUS+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                   '░'        XK_degree
  190. BX_KEY_MINUS                                  ')'        XK_parenright
  191. BX_KEY_NUM_LOCK                               none       XK_Num_Lock
  192. BX_KEY_PAGE_DOWN                              none       XK_Page_Down
  193. BX_KEY_PAGE_UP                                none       XK_Page_Up
  194. BX_KEY_PAUSE                                  none       XK_Break
  195. BX_KEY_PAUSE                                  none       XK_Pause
  196. BX_KEY_PERIOD                                 ':'        XK_colon
  197. BX_KEY_PERIOD+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                  '/'        XK_slash
  198. BX_KEY_PRINT                                  none       XK_Print
  199. BX_KEY_PRINT                                  none       XK_Sys_Req
  200. BX_KEY_RIGHT                                  none       XK_Right
  201. BX_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET+BX_KEY_ALT_R             'ñ'        XK_currency
  202. BX_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET                          '$'        XK_dollar
  203. BX_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L           'ú'        XK_sterling
  204. BX_KEY_SCRL_LOCK                              none       XK_Scroll_Lock
  205. BX_KEY_SEMICOLON+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L               'M'        XK_M
  206. BX_KEY_SEMICOLON                              'm'        XK_m
  207. BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                                none       XK_Shift_L
  208. BX_KEY_SHIFT_R                                none       XK_Shift_R
  209. BX_KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L            '%'        XK_percent
  210. BX_KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE                           '∙'        XK_ugrave
  211. BX_KEY_SLASH                                  '!'        XK_exclam
  212. BX_KEY_SLASH+BX_KEY_SHIFT_L                   'º'        XK_section
  213. BX_KEY_SPACE                                  space      XK_space
  214. BX_KEY_TAB                                    none       XK_ISO_Left_Tab
  215. BX_KEY_TAB                                    tab        XK_Tab
  216. BX_KEY_UP                                     none       XK_Up
  217. BX_KEY_WIN_L                                  none       XK_Super_L
  218. BX_KEY_WIN_R                                  none       XK_Super_R