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- ___________________________________________________________
- ( ReadMe.txt 4.5.04 )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- Weather Watcher v5.4b
- Your desktop weather station
- Copyright ⌐ 2004 Mike Singer
- All Rights Reserved
- E-Mail: Mike@SingersCreations.com
- Web Site: www.SingersCreations.com
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Table of Contents: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- A. How to donate to Singer's Creations
- B. What's new in this version
- C. Program description
- D. Interface description
- E. How to set up the Weather Watcher Options
- F. How to view severe weather alerts
- G. Source of the weather data
- H. Permission to distribute Weather Watcher
- I. Other comments/questions/suggestions
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( How to donate to Singer's Creations: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- Please feel free to make a voluntary donation to Singer's
- Creations to help cover web site and development time
- costs.
- There is not a recommended donation. Feel free to donate
- however much you consider Weather Watcher to be worth to
- you.
- (1). Donate via PayPal.com at:
- https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=itzhitman%40aol.com
- (2). Donate via Amazon.com at:
- http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/pay/TUDPMA7X5N5DD
- (3). To send a donation by check/MO, please contact me at
- Mike@SingersCreations.com -or- itzhitman@aol.com to
- obtain my current mailing address.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( What's new in this version: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- v5.4b
- - Severe alert was always showing as "N/A" -- Fixed.
- - Added "Maps" Options area.
- - Wallpaper feature can only be activated from "Wallpaper"
- Options area.
- - Changed some of the text in the Options and popup menu
- to make things easier to understand.
- - Other miscellaneous fixes.
- v5.4a
- - Added a fix that was causing the Maps.ww not to install
- correctly for first time users.
- v5.4
- - Options are not being saved in the registry again. This
- will allow for faster weather updates, as well as less
- IO and CPU usage.
- - Detailed Forecast was displaying days incorrectly
- sometimes -- Fixed!
- - City code wasn't always loading in "City Code" section
- of Weather Watcher Options -- Fixed!
- - "Hide first digit when reaching 100░" option was
- removing the negative symbol from tray icon -- Fixed!
- - Full install now prompts you before overwriting your
- maps file (maps.ww).
- For a complete list of prior changes, visit:
- http://www.SingersCreations.com/WWChanges.asp
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Program Description: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- Weather Watcher is your personal Windows desktop weather
- station. Automatically retrieve your local weather from
- the Internet and store it in your Windows system tray.
- With one click of your mouse button, the most current
- weather information is in your view.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Interface Description: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- The following appears on the main Weather Watcher program
- interface:
- Retrieve weather -- Right-click this icon to download the
- (Computers icon) selected weather forecasts. You can
- select the forecasts to download in
- the "On Download" area of the Options
- window.
- Note: You must be connected to the
- Internet in order for a
- successful update.
- View current conditions -- Right-click this icon to
- (Sun icon) display the current weather
- conditions.
- View hourly forecast -- Right-click this icon to display
- (Clock icon) the forecast for the next 36 hours.
- View daily forecast -- Right-click this icon to display
- (Calendar icon) the night/day forecast for the next
- 10 days.
- View detailed forecast -- Right-click this icon to
- (Paper icon) display the text forecast for
- the next 10 days.
- View weather maps -- Right-click this icon to display
- (Globe icon) the list of world-wide weather maps.
- You can edit them maps by choosing
- "Map Manager" from the top of the
- map list.
- Display options window -- Right-click this icon to
- (Toolbox icon) display the Options window.
- Minimize To Tray - Right-click the small, white 'x' in
- the top, right corner to minimize
- Weather Watcher to the system tray.
- To open the main window again, simply
- left-click the Weather Watcher icon in
- the system tray (beside the clock).
- Most of the above features can also be accessed from the
- Weather Watcher system tray menu. The Weather Watcher
- system tray menu can be accessed by right-clicking the
- Weather Watcher system tray icon (beside the clock).
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( How to set up the Weather Watcher Options: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- Start Weather Watcher and right-click the "Display Options
- window" icon (Toolbox) on the main program interface. The
- "Weather watcher options" window will now be in your view.
- Note: You can also access the Options window from the
- Weather Watcher system tray menu.
- (1). "General" Options area:
- A. Check the "Start minimized" checkbox to
- minimize Weather Watcher to the system tray
- upon start-up.
- B. Check the "Set icon to Italic until weather
- update" to set the tray icon font to Italic
- until the first time the weather has been
- updated.
- C. Check the "Retrieve forecasts" checkbox to
- retrieve the selected forecasts on start-up.
- You can select the forecasts in the
- "On Download" area of the Options.
- D. Check the "Update wallpaper" checkbox to update
- the wallpaper image when Weather Watcher starts
- up.
- E. Check the "Check for new version" checkbox to
- check for new version of Weather Watcher on
- start-up. This will be done in the background
- -- if a new version is available, then you
- will be prompted to download it.
- F. Check the "Pause 10 seconds before retrieving
- forecasts, updating wallpaper, or checking for
- new version" checkbox to pause 10 seconds before
- checking for updates on start up.
- G. Check the "Keep all windows on top" checkbox if you
- would like Weather Watcher windows to
- "stay on top" of any other running programs.
- H. Check the "Load when Windows starts" checkbox to
- automatically load Weather Watcher when Windows
- starts.
- I. Check the "Exit Weather Watcher when 'x' is clicked
- on main window" checkbox to shut down Weather
- Watcher, instead of minimize, when the 'x' is
- clicked in the top, right corner of the main
- interface.
- (3). "Active City" Options area:
- A. Select the Active City to retrieve the weather for
- by selecting the desired city code from the
- "Active City" drop-down box.
- B. Use the "Remove Selected" button to delete the
- current city from the "Active City" drop-down box.
- C. Use the "Remove All" button to delete all cities
- from the "Active City" drop-down box.
- D. Use the "Add New Zip Code" button to add a new US
- 5-digit Zip Code to the "Active City Code"
- drop-down box.
- E. Use the "Add New City" button to add a new city
- (world-wide) to the "Active City" drop-down box.
- When searching, only enter the name of your city
- (i.e. "rome" NOT "rome, italy").
- (4). "Auto Update" Options area:
- A. Select the desired update rate from the
- "Forecast Auto Update Rate" drop-down box. This
- rate is the amount of time Weather Watcher will
- wait between automatic forecast updates.
- B. Check the "Enable Auto Update" checkbox to
- enable the Auto Update feature.
- C. Check the "Only download updates when connected
- to the Internet" checkbox to stop your computer
- from dialing to your ISP when you are not online.
- D. Check the "When update attempt fails, auto retry
- every minute" checkbox to automatically attempt
- to retrieve any forecasts that failed during an
- auto update.
- (5). "Tray Icon" Options area:
- A. Check the "Display feels like temperature" checkbox
- to display the Feels Like temperature in the system
- tray icon. If this checkbox is not checked, the
- actual temperature will be displayed in the system
- tray icon.
- B. Check the "Display degree symbol" checkbox to
- display the degree symbol (░) in the system tray
- icon.
- C. Check the "Do not display first digit when
- temperature reaches 100░" checkbox to drop the
- first number in the tray icon when the temperature
- is at least 100░.
- D. Check the "Flash icon/show popup when new weather
- alert is retrieved" checkbox to cause the system
- tray icon to flash (Windows 98) or a display popup
- (Windows 2K/XP) when a new weather alert is has
- been retrieved.
- Note: If checked, the icon will flash (Windows 98)
- until Weather Weather is maximized.
- E. Check the "Go to weather.com on double-click"
- checkbox to open www.weather.com in your web
- browser when left double-clicking the Weather
- Watcher system tray icon.
- F. Check the "Never display tenths place" checkbox if
- you do not want the tray icon to shows the tenths
- place.
- Note: The tenths place will only show if the "Use
- tenths place value when measuring temperature"
- checkbox is also checked in the "Conversion"
- area of the Options.
- E. Set the system tray font, font size, font color,
- and background color in the "Tray Icon Look & Feel"
- area.
- Note: The tray icon has a maximum width, which is
- determined by windows. If the tray icon does not
- fit, you will either have to use a smaller font
- face/size, or disable the display degree symbol
- and/or display tenths place options.
- (6). "Tray Menu" Options area:
- A. Choose the "Tray Menu Order" option to select
- between displaying the most used system tray menu
- items at the top of the menu, or displaying the
- most use system tray menu items at the bottom of
- the system tray menu.
- B. Press the "Clear History Maps" button to delete all
- maps from the "Map History" menu area in the system
- tray icon menu and the map menu.
- (7). "Tray Tooltip" Options area:
- A. In the "Values to Show in Tray Tooltip" area, select
- the items to display in the system tray icon tooltip.
- B. Check the "Do not show measurement units" checkbox
- to remove all of the weather value units from the
- system tray tooltip.
- C. Check the "Abbreviate value descriptions" checkbox
- to abbreviate the descriptions that are displayed
- before the weather values in the system tray
- tooltip.
- D. Check the "Do not show value descriptions" checkbox
- to remove all descriptions from the system tray
- tooltip.
- Note: Due to a limitation in Microsoft Windows, the
- system tray tooltip has a maximum size of 64
- characters. Use the "Tray Tooltip Options" area
- as needed to fit as much information as possible
- in the system tray tooltip.
- (8). "On Download" Options area:
- A. Check the "Retrieve current conditions" checkbox
- to download the current weather conditions when
- the weather is retrieved.
- B. Check the "Retrieve hourly forecast" checkbox to
- download the next 36-hour forecast when the weather
- is retrieved.
- C. Check the "Retrieve daily forecast" checkbox to
- download the 10-day night/day forecast when the
- weather is retrieved.
- D. Check the "Retrieve detailed forecast" checkbox
- to download the 10-day text forecast when the
- weather is retrieved.
- E. Check the "Display time downloaded" checkbox to
- display the local time the forecasts were
- downloaded at the bottom of each forecast.
- F. Check the "Display both time downloaded -and- time
- observed at weather.com" to display both the local
- time the weather retrieved and the time (at the
- selected city) the weather was observed/forecasted.
- G. Check the "Use 24-hour time system" checkbox to
- display the downloaded/observed times using the
- 24-hour time system.
- H. Check the "Disable IE clicking sound" to disable
- the sound (that IE makes when opening a new web
- page) when switching between the different
- forecasts.
- (9). "Conversion" Options area:
- A. Choose your Temperature, Wind, Visibility,
- Barometer, and Precipitation conversion preferences.
- B. Check the "Use tenths place value when measuring
- temperature" checkbox to convert Celsius
- temperatures to the tenths place (i.e. 21.2░C
- instead of 22░C).
- Note: If you would like the tenths place to be
- displayed in the system tray icon, then you
- must also uncheck the "Never display tenths
- place" checkbox in the "Tray Icon" area of
- the Options.
- (10). "Sounds" Options area:
- A. Use the "Browse..." buttons to select the .WAV that
- is associated with each sound alert.
- B. Use the "Test" buttons to listen to the sound that
- is associated with each sound alert.
- C. Use the "Remove" buttons to remove the sound that is
- associated with each sound alert.
- D. Check the "Sound until acknowledged" checkbox to
- cause the Severe Weather Alert sound to loop until
- acknowledged when there is a new severe weather
- alert.
- (11). "Skins Options area:
- Select the forecast skin from the "Forecast Skins"
- drop-down box. Weather Watcher only comes with the
- "Default" skin. Visit SingersCreations.com for more
- information about creating/downloading news forecast
- skins.
- (13). "Wallpaper" Options area:
- A. Select the auto update interval from the "Wallpaper
- Auto Update Rate" drop-down box. This rate is the
- amount of time Weather Watcher will wait before
- downloading and refreshing the Windows wallpaper.
- B. Check the "Enable wallpaper auto update" checkbox
- to enable the wallpaper auto update feature.
- C. Check the "Only update wallpaper when connected to
- the Internet" checkbox to stop your computer from
- dialing to your ISP when you are not online.
- D. Check the "On starting Weather Watcher, update the
- wallpaper" checkbox if you would like your
- wallpaper to automatically refresh on your desktop
- when Weather Watcher is started.
- E. Check the "On exiting Weather Watcher, set
- wallpaper to blank image" to set your desktop
- background to a transparent image when exiting
- Weather Watcher. This essentially removes the
- map from your wallpaper.
- F. Select "Center" or "Stretch" in the "Wallpaper
- Position" area to choose between
- centering/stretching the Windows wallpaper.
- (14). "Maps" Options area"
- A. Check the "View maps in default browser" if you
- would like the maps to load into the web browser
- that is specified as your default web browser.
- B. Check the "Remember size of each map window"
- if you would like the Map Manager to remember
- the size of each map window that is opened.
- C. Check the "Stretch maps to fit map window" if
- you would like the maps images to stretch to fit
- the entire map window.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( How to view severe weather alerts: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- If there is a Severe Weather Alert for your selected
- city, the Weather Watcher icon will flash/display a popup
- in the system tray (if Weather Watcher is minimized).
- When the tray icon is clicked, the system tray icon will
- return to its normal state, or the popup will disappear.
- Note: You must check the "Flash icon/show popup when new
- weather alert is retrieved" checkbox in the "Tray
- Icon" area of the Options in order to enable this
- feature.
- When a severe weather alert has been issued, it will be
- displayed on the right side of the Current Conditions
- window (if using "Classic" forecast skin). Click the
- Severe Alert link to view the full severe alert.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Source of the weather data: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- The weather data used by Weather Watcher comes from
- different sources on the Internet. The major source of
- the data is retrieved from www.weather.com. The weather
- data is not generated or owned by Singer's Creations.
- Note: I do not recommend that you do anything other than
- view the weather information on your computer.
- Please view The Weather Channel's "Terms of Use"
- at www.weather.com if you have any questions about
- what you can or cannot do with the weather
- information.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Permission to distribute Weather Watcher: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- You may use/distribute Weather Watcher under the following
- conditions:
- A. If distributing Weather Watcher, you must provide it
- as is at www.SingersCreations.com.
- B. You may only distribute Weather Watcher for free.
- C. You may use any screenshots from Weather Watcher in
- web site posts, magazine articles, newspaper articles,
- etc.
- Note: Please contact me if you have any other questions
- about the above conditions.
- ___________________________________________________________
- ( Other comments/questions/suggestions: )
- )_________________________________________________________(
- Do you have a question that was not covered in this help
- file? Do you have a suggestion for a new feature or a
- new program idea?
- E-Mail Mike@SingersCreations.com -OR- itzhitman@aol.com
- with a detailed description of your problem. Please be
- sure to provide me with as much information as possible so
- I can provide you with a quick, accurate response. If you
- are receiving some sort of error message, then please
- attach a screenshot with your e-mail.